2024-06-27 MotS Episode + Game Engine Cutsceā¦
2024-06-21 MotS Secret Level Remastered
2024-03-18 The power of Mara Jade
2024-01-01 Repeater Rifle Mod
2024-01-01 MotS Upscaled Sounds
- Death of Massassi Level Pack
- Massassi MP Packs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
- Massassi Capture The Flag Pack
- Jedi Knight Arena Level Pack
- SP Contest Winners: 1, 2
- H o l i d a y Logo Contest
JK Arena: MP Modification
Millennium: Cog Resource
Rbots: JK/Mots Bots
BTW: Massassi is the best web site in the history of the universe! - Otterbine
Thursday, May 31, 2001
Wednesday, May 30, 2001
Here's the typical story: You download a free program, try it out, and either like it and keep it or uninstall it and never think about it again. But did you know that many programs have buddies that they invite along onto your system, whether you leave the original on there or not?
This is called Spyware because it uses installations and/or registry entries into your computer to leave resident applications that send people information about you. Most commonly, it records your email addresses and when you're connected to the internet it sends this to a database where others can draw from to send bogus ads.
I know this situation sounds hopeless, but fear not good citizens! There are those that would stand up and fight against such diabolical underhandedness. One such group is LavaSoft, who makes a program called Ad Aware, which is available free for public use. I installed it on my computer, and found 7, count 'em, 7 Spyware programs in my system. Take into account that I'd only been using my current hard drive for a month, so there's no telling how many hidden utilities there are floating around on older computers.
So, without further delay, get thee to Download.com and rid yourself of this high-tech cancer.
Here's a personal example, I recently uninstalled a program, yet it still remained in my Add/Remove applet in the Control Panel. TweakUI lets you even get rid of problem programs like that. And you'd expect to pay what; $19.95 for an awesome utility such as this? But no folks, this program can be yours for the low-low price of a 110k download. So go grab it now directly from Microsoft's TweakUI Page. After you guys use it, tell Brian Lozier how much you like it, as he's still using an outdated version.
While they all contributed immensly during their active periods (and I, as well as all the readers of this site, appreciate this fact), I just felt that we needed to clean things up a bit around here.
So... That brings the number of active staff members @ Massassi to a grand total of... 3! That would be Kedri (who has been bogged down in finals and work the past couple of weeks, but has also contributed some amazing stuff for release in the near future - more on that later), Brandon, who takes care of the mats and 3dos, as well as some general news, and myself. blujay is still around, but taking a much-deserved break. No word yet on whether he'll rejoin the ranks of the active or fade into the shadows of inactivity.
So this begs the question... Will we be hiring any new staff members? That is a most certain yes, but perhaps not immediately. I have a few people in mind from the chat room that I will be approaching soon, but the fact is that we have a HUGE project going on here behind-the-scenes that should rear it's beautiful face in the near future (within a month, I'd say). At that point is when we'll most likely make final decisions on staff members and whatnot.
Note: there will be no 'open application' process for getting these new staff members - that's something that simply hasn't worked well in the past. Frankly, I can't tell whether someone would make a good staff member through a few emails. I will personally be picking the staff members from the people that have consistently contributed to the JK community over the past months and years.
Tuesday, May 29, 2001
Another force power that I got to see included the ability to throw the light saber. I was impressed with the fact that in one scene there were multiple entrances to a room. The light saber was thrown and even though it went around a corner when I ran into the next room it appeared through another entrance and returned to my hand. Very cool effect!Check it out!
Monday, May 28, 2001
[Edit: I had the incorrect e-mail posted for Raynar. If anyone used the e-mail address above to send him an e-mail, use the one currently up there. Sorry for any inconvenience.]
Sunday, May 27, 2001
Author: X_Patch_M/Shadow_Of_SN
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a total conversion of the game. It is like 'Ninja Kage' and is based upon it. I have used many of ShadowX's cogs and added my own, as well as some new skins. The Saber fighting is almost unchanged from JK's original fighting but is more powerful. There is also an added 'Stealth Camo Toggle' which is very cool.
Saturday, May 26, 2001
Friday, May 25, 2001
ZeroXcape: What's your relation with Fan sites like jediknight.net, massassi.net, and mixnmojo.com? Do you ever give them insider information?Thanks to Gelynx for the heads up.
Haden Blackman: Personally, I visit those sites every day, as do many people at LucasArts. :) As a company, we're trying to involve the fan sites more and more. At the same time, we don't want to "scoop" our official sites, like LucasArts.com or StarWarsGalaxies.com.
Author: Gsusnme
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: I originally made these skins for a Zelda TC; unfortunately it went under, so I'm just releasing them as lone skins...
Author: Tom Slater
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Transforms default Kyle model into a Saiyan warrior. Basically, Yun multiplayer model with Dark Kyle's beard pasted on and a Saiyan combat suit drawn on. Yes, this is my first skin (and yes, I know it shows...).
Author: BladeSinger
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A three-level pack of "Domination" arenas for Mysteries of the Sith. The levels are suitable for two to six players. The screenshots are from the Storage Facility and Space Arena, the other level, Dark Temple is to remain a surprise until you download it ;)