Old News - February 2022
The Massassi Temple » Old News » 2022 » February
Disclaimer: We have been posting news since 1998. Many of the sites we previously linked to have long since gone defunct. Worse, sometimes scammers buy up old domain names and replace their original content with malware or objectionable content.
Sunday, February 6, 2022
Levels Can Once Again Be Sorted -
A bunch of people noticed that the files in our Levels/Maps/Mods section could no longer be sorted. This has been fixed. Please let me know if you find any other issues on the site. Thanks!
Levels Per Page -
JKLE_Cougar reminded me on our discord that the new levels section doesn't allow changing how many levels to show per page. That has now been fixed. Check it out.
Monday, February 7, 2022
3d Preview Downtime -
I'm moving the 3d Preview to a new host. It may be down for a little while, don't panic, it will be back!
3d Preview Addition -
3d Preview is back up, on its new host. It may take a day or so for your DNS servers to be updated. When it does come back, you might notice that I enabled 3d Preview for the JK Arena levels. As always, huge thanks to Stephan Reiter for creating the 3d Preview. You can get the source here if you're interested: https://github.com/stephanreiter/jkview.
Sunday, February 13, 2022
TACC and Rbots Moved to New Server -
Both The Admiral's Command Chamber and Rbots have been moved to our new server. If you notice any new problems, please let me know.
Many of the internal links on the Rbots site were broken, those have been fixed.
Many of the downloads on the Rbots site have been broken for years, but thanks to JKDF2.NET (JKLE_Cougar) and rezer, most of them have been restored. I am still missing the following files, so if you happen to have them on a backup drive or something, please contact me!
Update: darthslaw has provided rbotstutorials.zip and rbots-mots-sdk.zip. They will be uploaded to the rbots site soon. Thanks!
Many of the internal links on the Rbots site were broken, those have been fixed.
Many of the downloads on the Rbots site have been broken for years, but thanks to JKDF2.NET (JKLE_Cougar) and rezer, most of them have been restored. I am still missing the following files, so if you happen to have them on a backup drive or something, please contact me!
rbots-jk-example1.zip rbots-jk-example2.zip rbots-mots-devel.ziprbots-mots-sdk.ziprbots-tutorials.zip
Update: darthslaw has provided rbotstutorials.zip and rbots-mots-sdk.zip. They will be uploaded to the rbots site soon. Thanks!
JK Arena Site Restored -
The JK Arena site has been restored. It is now hosted on a subdomain but all the original content is there. This is probably only useful for nostalgia or on the off chance anyone else wants to make a JK Arena level (it includes the dev kit and instructions). If you can't see it right away, don't worry, your DNS just needs time to update.
Monday, February 14, 2022
Massassi's Official First Soul Contract is Hereby Cancelled -
This post serves as public notice that after over 20 years, The Massassi Temple's very first official soul transfer, dated April 13, 2001, has been cancelled. Any other written contracts are still in place. Return of -ian souls is handled on a case-by-case basis. Please direct any questions or concerns to me directly.

Friday, February 25, 2022
New Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level: APG_Deathmatch_Castle -
File: APG_Deathmatch_Castle
Author: Alfred Potter Guitar
Description: Deathmatch map set in a castle and its surrounding grounds, featuring multiple areas of combat. Includes secrets, traps, and defensible bunkers. Best suited for 4 to 6 players. Intended as a guns map, but the center is perfect for saber battles.

Author: Alfred Potter Guitar
Description: Deathmatch map set in a castle and its surrounding grounds, featuring multiple areas of combat. Includes secrets, traps, and defensible bunkers. Best suited for 4 to 6 players. Intended as a guns map, but the center is perfect for saber battles.