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Old News - January 2005

The Massassi Temple » Old News » 2005 » January

Disclaimer: We have been posting news since 1998. Many of the sites we previously linked to have long since gone defunct. Worse, sometimes scammers buy up old domain names and replace their original content with malware or objectionable content.

Wednesday, January 5, 2005

Massassi Forum Problems... Again - Cool Matty @ 8:38 AM
Yes, for those of you who are receiving an error on posting, it is not just you. The problem seems to be a storage problem (possibly we ran out of space, but I don't know for sure, that's out of my control. Brian is the only one with that sort of access.).

Rest assured that everything that can be done is being done. All topics and posts are visible at the moment, but no changes can be made, such as posting replies or new threads. So you all might want to take this time to read all of the wonderful stories in the Interactive Storyboard or something.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Jedi Knight Patch Update - DSettahr @ 9:49 AM
HellRaiser has posted an updated version of the patch for the Sith Engine (the game engine on which Jedi Knight runs). This new version removes the adjoin limit in the game. This is addition to the removal of the thing limit, a patch for which was posted several weeks ago. Also available is a patch for Mysteries of the Sith that removes the thing limit. The patches are available for download at Thanks to HellRaiser hosting the files and letting us know about them.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Level Posting... - DSettahr @ 11:15 AM
Some of you may have noticed that I havent posted any levels recently... I apologize for my tardyness in doing so. I have about 8 or 9 submissions sitting in the inbox, I will try to get them posted this evening. Thanks to everyone who submitted a file for their patience.

Thursday, January 13, 2005

New Jedi Academy Mod: Rocket FX Upgrade - DSettahr @ 6:27 PM
File: Rocket FX Upgrade
Author: Thrawn42689
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a fun little mini-mod that changes the Merr-Sonn rocket to a SMAW rocket. The smoke trail left by the rocket is much, much longer, and hangs in the air for a substantial amount of time. There is also a new explosion effect, which is larger and more splodey. Also, new sound effects are present snagged from SoFII (which okay according to Raven).
New MotS Single Player Level: Legacy of Yun Level 1 - DSettahr @ 6:35 PM
File: Legacy of Yun Level 1
Author: Chewbubba
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is the first (and only) level to the Legacy of Yun series. Originally intended to tell a story of "What if Yun wasn't killed" in JK, Level 1 was going to be the setup for the rest of the story. Although this is missing the end of the final cutscene, and there are only voices in a small part of it, this smallish level set in the local where Yun, Sariss, and Kyle fought, is very playable, complete with objectives, a few puzzles, and lots of easter eggs.
New Jedi Outcast Mod: Enhanced E-11 Beta v1.0 - DSettahr @ 6:46 PM
File: Enhanced E-11 Beta v1.0
Author: Manslayer101
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a Mod for Jedi Outcast that means it has not been tested on Jedi Academy. It Enhances the E-11, so that it sounds, and looks, like you are shooting lightning, plus there are some other surprises(look in readme to spoil the secret). I wish to have later versions of this with improvements, but in order to do that i need some people to help me develop it, if you want to help or have probs with the mod please email me.
New Jedi Academy Mod: Raptor Pack v1.0 - DSettahr @ 6:54 PM
File: Raptor Pack v1.0
Author: Thrawn42689
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This pack includes four different types of raptor dinosaur--scaled NPCs using modified skins and HP levels. It is fully animated, with all-new sounds from the film Jurassic Park (suprised?). It's very ferocious and stuff. It also includes a "Raptor Red" skin from the famous novel. It's possible we will release an updated version in the future. If you have any ideas for things to add, don't hesitate to post them in the comments section (please do not email me with them). Also, please don't complain about the size of the velociraptor. That's how big they were. For maximum enjoyment, please download a really gory blood mod for use with this one.