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Old News - May 2004

The Massassi Temple » Old News » 2004 » May

Disclaimer: We have been posting news since 1998. Many of the sites we previously linked to have long since gone defunct. Worse, sometimes scammers buy up old domain names and replace their original content with malware or objectionable content.

Sunday, May 2, 2004

Editors Corner and Image Corner reminder: - Cool Matty @ 12:29 PM
Now that the Editors Corner now is online again, I want to remind you all that used the Image Corner that the Image Corner is for NON-EDITING RELATED images only! Due to the previous problems with the Editors Corner, the admins of the IC were willing to waive this rule, but now that the EC has returned, the admins of the IC (Me, Cavey, and Pommy) wish that you would return to using the EC for your editing related images. It's faster too, so its a win/win situation.

I'll be giving everyone who currently is using editing related images a week of leeway before I will begin contacting folks breaking the rules. And also, if you have a problem with the IC, please make sure you e-mail CoolMatty and not the staff. The IC is not part of Massassi, but the EC is. So keep all IC questions for the IC admins, and all EC questions for the Massassi Staff. Thank you.

Monday, May 3, 2004

New Jedi Academy Single Player Level: Team Corellia Part 2 - A Place in the Shade - DSettahr @ 6:14 PM
File: Team Corellia Part 2 - A Place in the Shade
Author: Simon "Kengo" Williams
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This animated short is made up of scripted cutscenes created within Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy. To view them, you will need to have the full retail version of Jedi Academy. A Windows Media version is on the way.

The team's first stop off on their mission is Ord Mantell, to look for one of Ackalas' collaborators in the hope that he can provide insight into where Ackalas has disappeared to. Ord Mantell is known as a large trading port, and a dangerous home to large criminal elements. It's a good place to go if you don't want to be found, but some people who go there just disappear completely, forever. It can prove a very hazardous destination for the ignorant, foolhardy or plain idiotic. Based on those parameters, the team may well be in serious trouble as soon as they set foot on the planet...
New Jedi Academy FFA Level: BridgeStreet - Team Corellia Location - DSettahr @ 6:25 PM
File: BridgeStreet - Team Corellia Location
Author: Simon "Kengo" Williams
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Bridge Street is in a busy district of Coronet, capital of Corellia. The bridge that crosses the river here is of a fairly modern design, although some Corellian archaeologists believe it is built upon far older foundations, that a bridge has stood here for many centuries past. This was the location chosen by Agent Black to assemble the people who would form Team Corellia; The three Republic soldiers Anders, Dalta and Harris; The Jedi Car'Let; The CorSec policeman Lt. Castle; The mercenary Makso; N.R.I. agent Black himself. It was believed to be an easy location to find, sadly it wasn't quite easy enough for Cpl. Anders.

The map is for multiple gametypes. It forms a fairly large arena for Duel and Powerduel (with numerous weapons for a gun based duel), a fairly tight area for FFA or Team FFA, and also a very small CTF map which would I think prove very hectic and turn into a big brawl on the bridge!
New Jedi Academy Duel Level: The Emperor's Tower - DSettahr @ 6:44 PM
File: The Emperor's Tower
Author: Eike Legien
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is the dark tower of the emperor we've seen in Episode 6 "Return of the Jedi". I hope you will enjoy it :)
New Jedi Academy Mod: Staff Sounds - DSettahr @ 7:01 PM
File: Staff Sounds
Author: PerfectJamie (aka Kir-Ja Yoshur)
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: What this does is, it changes the swing, block, and hum sounds of the staff only. It doesnt affect the single sabers and makes duels sound like the one seen at the end of episode1!
New Jedi Outcast Skin: Phoenix Skin - DSettahr @ 9:23 PM
File: Phoenix Skin
Author: {PE}-=PhoeniX=-
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: An adaption of the Jedi to add a Phoenix Design.
New Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level: The Level of Wasted Time - DSettahr @ 9:29 PM
File: The Level of Wasted Time
Author: rrian
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a small-medium sized multiplayer saber level for 6 players. I started this level one night when I couldn't sleep, but finished it later. There's no theme, really, just sabering. This is my second level.
New Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level: ORJ Secret Temple - Preview - DSettahr @ 9:36 PM
File: ORJ Secret Temple - Preview
Author: ORJ JoS
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a small multiplayer level, a one-room-preview of the upcoming ORJ Secret Temple. The temple is located deep inside a volcano. The room features lava, bridges in various sizes, and a duelling platform. It is meant for saberduelling, and features no guns. Brightness level 2 or 3 recommended. Best played with the Saber Battle X mod. I didn't go all out on architecture and cogs, in order to keep the framerate decent. This personal training room is built in honour of ORJ Hawke , the first Master Saberist of the Order of Reborn Jedi. This my first released level.
Levels/Mod Updates - DSettahr @ 9:41 PM
There are still a few files left to post, so if your submission has not been added to the file server yet, it is probably still in the inbox. I will finish posting the files tomorrow, I just want to give these submissions a fair amount of time on the "Recent Levels" list. Thank you for your patience with the file server and the recent problems we've had with it.

Tuesday, May 4, 2004

New Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level: Sullen Malignance - DSettahr @ 6:39 PM
File: Sullen Malignance
Author: Keith Marshall
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A medium size multiplayer level with support for up to 8 people. I implemented new music and jump pads to make the level more fast paced. I also took the time to add lighting to this level as well as new textures. Enjoy...
New Jedi Academy FFA Level: Submarine Station - DSettahr @ 6:46 PM
File: Submarine Station
Author: Matthias Büttner
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: After releasing "Taris Project", I thought to build a map, which I've seen in the game "Indiana Jones and the Emperor's tomb". It is submarine-station made by the nazis in the Second-World-War. Don't expect thousand of curves or electronical switchboards, like in the most of starwars-based maps. It's a place, which has been mapped, which is over 60 years old. Have fun!
New Jedi Academy Skin: Boko Skin - DSettahr @ 6:56 PM
File: Boko Skin
Author: Boko
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: My first skin using shaders, it is a cultist reskin with a cartoony feel.
All Submissions Have Been Posted - DSettahr @ 7:16 PM
The files inbox is now empty, and all submissions have been posted. If you submitted a file, and it was not posted, then most likely you submitted it incorrectly. I emailed everyone whose submissions did not conform to the submission guidelines, but its possible that another staff member may have also deleted submissions that did not conform.

Some things to remember when submitting a level:

  • Please use a subject that clearly describes that you are making a submission, and for what game and gameplay type. For example, "JO MP Level Submission" would be good. This will help us pick out the valid submission emails from the spam.
  • Please include the type of file you are submitting, the level/mod name, the author's name, the authors prefered email address, and the file description in the body of the email, rather than the attachment. Again, this will help us differentiate the file submissions from spam, and also making adding the information to the database a lot easier for us.
  • Screenshots can be included in the zip file or attached to the same email seperately. Please remember to include your screenshots, and also we'd appreciate it if they were jpeg format, less than 100Kb each in size, and no larger that 600 pixels wide and tall. If you need a program to convert, resize, and compress your screenshots, I suggest using SlowView.
  • Remeber to include in the zip file both the project file itself (whether it be a .gob or .pk3 file) and a valid readme. An example readme for JK/MotS can be found here, and a sample readme for JO/JA can be found here.
  • When naming your zip and jpg files, please try to use as descriptive names as possible, to prevent multiple files with the same name. Also, do not use spaces in the file name, as we will have to convert them to underscores in order for the script to work correctly.

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to send an email to and we will answer them. Thanks.
New Jedi Knight CTF Level: TinyCTF - DSettahr @ 12:41 PM
File: TinyCTF
Author: Matyy
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Since one can't really find a lot of people nowadays I once made this really tiny CTF level. It's meant to be played 2on2 or 3on3 (more is possible tough). I made it some time ago, now I improved it a bit and there you go. Have fun!

UPDATE: This file has been updated to fix a bug that was discovered by the author.
New Jedi Academy Duel Level: Fearis Incident - DSettahr @ 12:50 PM
File: Fearis Incident
Author: mslaf
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Map for the second duel contest. Objects can be activated by the force powers: push or pull. For the best game play you should configure them on level 1 or 2. The game flow is linear, which means that you will start in one place and move through the whole level instead of running in the circle. You can use the environment to slow down or kill your opponents.

Wednesday, May 5, 2004

New LucasArts President - DSettahr @ 8:23 PM
LucasArts has a new president. Jim Ward, formerly of the marketing and distribution branch of LucasArts, was named president in the latest act to modernie the company. You can check out the official press release here.
AotC TC Demo News - DSettahr @ 8:26 PM
The Attack of the Clones Total Conversion Demo has suffered through a few problems since its intended release last week. The demo is now being released in 5 seperate parts to decrease the bandwidth load on the server. Parts 1 and 2 are available for download on the AotC:TC webiste, and part 3 should be posted sometime within the next day or so.

In addition, the AotC:TC team is looking for a weapon modeler, two mappers and 3 texture artisits. If you are interested, please visit their forums for information on how to apply.
KotOR 2 Official Announcement - DSettahr @ 8:29 PM
LucasArts has officially announced Knights of the Old Republic 2: Sith Lord. You can view the announcement and other information (including some interesting scans of concept artwork for the game) on the official KotOR2 website, which was launched in conjunction with the anouncement.
New Battlefront Screenshots - DSettahr @ 11:29 PM
Gamers Gallery has posted some new Star Wars: Battlefront Screenshots. Some of the screenshots of Endor do show ewoks, although there is no word as to whether or not they will be available as playable classes.
Editors Corner Reminder - DSettahr @ 11:34 PM
This is just a reminder that the Editors Corner has been fixed and is working again, for those of you that missed the original anouncement. The Editors Corner is a service provided by Massassi that hosts game editing related images for use on our forums, as well as a showcase for recent work by members of our community. So, please feel free to go ahead and start using it again.
KotOR Mac Port - DSettahr @ 3:57 AM
Mac News Network is reporting that Knights of the Old Republic will be ported to Apple's Macintosh Computers. The port is being done by Aspyr, the same company that did the Mac Port of Jedi Outcast, and is due for release in August. You can read the article on the MacNN site here.
EC Updates - Brian @ 12:54 PM
I made some changes to the Editor's Corner. Now, it displays actual thumbnails on the main page instead of HTML-resized images. It also shows thumbnails on any user's EC Home Page. The plan is to eventually do away with the date categorization of images altogether and just show a paged list of all images (per-user of course).

Thursday, May 6, 2004

Links Section Fixed - Brian @ 10:50 PM
Please feel free to start using our links section again.
Massassi Single Player Jedi Outcast/Academy Level Contest - Brian @ 12:45 AM
The Massassi Temple will soon host its first Single Player Level Contest. The rules are simple:
  1. Nothing illegal
  2. Level must be for Jedi Outcast or Jedi Academy (levels will be judged on gameplay, story, and visuals, so if there's something in JA that you really want, better make your level for JA)
  3. Level must not be released anywhere until after the winners are announced and posted here (feel free to submit to other sites after the contest is over)
  4. Deadline: Sunday, August 8th, 2004 (about 3 months)
  5. Rules subject to change - we will post the final rules and official contest announcement within 1 week.
This time, there will be prizes (to be announced soon - minimum: 1 PC game of choice for top 3, possibly a hosting package or two, and others we haven't hashed out yet).
Strategic Academy Updates - DSettahr @ 2:59 AM
Kurgan has posted quite a few updates at his Strategic Academy website. Sections updated include Force, Darkside, Lightside, Korriban Overview, Hoth Overview, the Siege Page, articles on Voice Chat and Bots used in Siege Mode. A few new config files have been posted as well, and it is now possible to view the stats on Kurgans Meatgrinder Redux Siege Server via a webpage interface.
New Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level: McKenzie Airbase - DSettahr @ 3:15 AM
File: McKenzie Airbase
Author: Tnarg
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small duel map based on the playstation hit "Syphon Filter 2" map of the same name.
New Jedi Academy FFA Level: Imperial Storage Facility - DSettahr @ 3:20 AM
File: Imperial Storage Facility
Author: lukeskywalker1 (Benjamin Shukrallah)
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a map of an Imperial Storage Facility. I got the idea from a game called Jet Force Gemini, so, its loosely based off one of the levels. Its a good gun map. Bot support included.

Saturday, May 8, 2004

Team Corellia Seeks Female Actor - DSettahr @ 12:40 AM
Kengo's Team Corellia Project is looking for a female voice actor.
Team Corellia is an animated series created within Jedi Academy. I am working on a kind of spin -off series called 'Maintenance Runner' that will run in parallel to Team Corellia, and I'm looking for a female voice actor to join the talented cast we have and play a major character in this series. The character will be New Republic Intelligence Agent Teal, who ends up getting embroiled in the story. If you're interested, please check out the Maintenance Runner site for more details.

Sunday, May 9, 2004

Kurgan's Meatgrinder JA Server - DSettahr @ 10:19 AM
Kurgan from emailed us to let everyone know about his "Meatgrinder" Dedicated Jedi Academy Server. The server is Admined by Kurgan himself, and sponsored by, so if you're looking for a great community Jedi Academy server, you should definately check it out. The server info can be found here.
New Jedi Academy Duel Level: The Deathstar: Dockingbay 3207 - DSettahr @ 10:28 AM
File: The Deathstar: Dockingbay 3207
Author: Eike Legien
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is the deathstar hangar from "A New Hope". I hope you will enjoy it.
New Jedi Knight CTF Level: Water Treatment CTF - DSettahr @ 10:33 AM
File: Water Treatment CTF
Author: NDS~PuRiTy
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Large ctf level made for 2vs2 or 3vs3. thanks to all those who gave advise and pushed me to get it done.
New Jedi Academy FFA Level: Bespin Fighting Outpost - DSettahr @ 10:39 AM
File: Bespin Fighting Outpost
Author: BabySpinach
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This map takes place on a troop training outpost on the planet Bespin. This is my first map. I thought it was fun to play, see what you think.
GameSpot KotOR 2 Features - DSettahr @ 10:55 AM
GameSpot has posted several new items featuring information about Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords. First off, they've posted an article previewing the game, as well as a couple of interviews with the games developers. Finally, GameSpot has also posted a gallery of concept art for the game.

Tuesday, May 11, 2004

New MotS Single Player Level: Dawn of a Downfall - DSettahr @ 11:40 AM
File: Dawn of a Downfall
Author: Elmo
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is only the first part of an Episode that was intended to be seperated into 2-3 Missions, unfortunately I never managed to finish more than this part. As it's only the first part there are LOTS of unanswered questions... that were supposed to be answered in the next two episodes. I hope you still enjoy that unfinished piece of my work.

(Be sure to Quicksave the game periodically. Also don't waste too much Ammo.)

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

GameBanshee KotOR II Preview - DSettahr @ 4:20 AM
Got another Knights of the Old Repulblic II preview for everyone. GameBanshee has posted an in-depth look at Sith Lords, the sequel to KotOR. You can read the article here.
Republic Commando E3 Trailer - DSettahr @ 9:54 AM
The Electronics Entertainement Expo (E3) convention is underway, and IGN has gotten its hands on a trailer for Republic Commando that was premiered at the convention. The trailer, which can be viewed here, is 2 minutes and 10 seconds long, and shows quite a bit of what the gameplay will be like. It looks like Republic Commando is shaping up to be an awesome game, and a great entry into the Star Wars FPS genre.
New Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level: Nebuchadnezzar (BETA1.0) - DSettahr @ 10:17 AM
File: Nebuchadnezzar (BETA1.0)
Author: Brad S
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: The ship, the Nebuchadnezzar, from the Matrix. BETA VERSION.
New Jedi Academy Mod: Sithworld - DSettahr @ 10:21 AM
File: Sithworld
Author: Chuck
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Sithworld is a mod that gives every badguy (execpt special ones like Snipers Rockettroopers and Hazardtroopers) lightsabers and force powers according to their usual difficulty/rank. This is for anyone who likes the Sabers aspect more than the guns in JA.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

More E3 Star Wars Gaming Updates - DSettahr @ 2:41 PM
Got quite a few articles and videos for upcoming Star Wars video game releases from E3. Here they are, in no particular order:

We'll continue to post E3 updates as we learn about them. If you have E3 news, feel free to submit it to us by sending an email to
New Jedi Academy Single Player Level: Tournament of Ieyasu - DSettahr @ 2:57 PM
File: Tournament of Ieyasu
Author: Simon "Kengo" Williams
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Long ago, in a time near forgotten, the Jedi Order numbered in the thousands. One man particularly respected and feared for his skills was a Jedi named Ieyasu. It was said none could equal him in combat with a lightsaber, and it was he who founded the tournament on Kai. Use of the force for attack is not allowed, lightsabers are set to a non lethal setting through careful manipulation of their crystals. Any man who can wield a saber, Jedi or not, can enter the tournament and try to prove their skills. This year, I have travelled to Kai to participate...

A single player campaign which I guess fits into the 'Ladder' category, however its in the format of a tournament. After the initial testing level, you will face opponenets in single combat, with no force powers; it is all about your skills with a lightsabre.
New Jedi Academy Single Player Level: Team Corellia Interview - DSettahr @ 3:02 PM
File: Team Corellia Interview
Author: Simon "Kengo" Williams
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Adam Johnson talks to Team Corellia creator and allround bighead Simon "Kengo" Williams on his show, 'Tonight with Adam Johnson'. A lively and enthusiastic debate regarding the show's storyline, aims and future direction ensues, with both men gaining a great deal of mutual respect for each other from their frank exchange of views. Simon's agent has since been fired.

I have included the map file with this release, as well as the text file for the scripting. Take a look in the Editors folder in the Zip file for these, as well as an explanatory text file.

There are also some outakes and other embarrasing things I shouldn't have put in here in the Extras folder in the Zip file.

Friday, May 14, 2004

Laboratory TC Editing Contest - DSettahr @ 7:17 PM
Spiral is holding a map editing for his Laboratory Total Conversion project for Jedi Knight.
All levels must be Multiplayer and be Laboratory themed. Original ideas are encouraged. Toward the release of Laboratory TC (no date set yet), a select group of entries will be chosen by Spiral to appear in the TC itself under the Multiplayer option. Entries may be E-mailed to Good Luck.
A zip file of textures used in the Laboratory TC has also been made available. You can download this file here. The majority of the textures contained within are copyrighted by the now defunct Graphtallica website, so be sure to credit Graphtallica if you use them. Spiral has also started a thread in our discussion forum about the contest, which can be viewed here.

Sunday, May 16, 2004 Files Returns - DSettahr @ 1:46 PM
Do to popular demand, the files section from the old website has returned, thanks to You can browse the files at the new website. While the file selection is only a fraction of the mods and level available at lucasfiles, there are quite a few Jedi Outcast files that arent available anywhere else.

Monday, May 17, 2004

Galaxies Fan Fest Deadline - DSettahr @ 8:49 PM
Just a reminder for those of you that play Galaxies: Tomorrow is the last day to register for the Galaxies Fan Fest.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

New Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level: Downtown Rooftops - DSettahr @ 8:59 AM
File: Downtown Rooftops
Author: Prophecy_64
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a straight-up deathmatch level that takes place on the city roofs. This level is designed for fast-pace DM, with jump pads that are scattered across the level. Please enjoy jumping rooftop to rooftop in this adrenaline pumping DM level. This level does NOT use 16-bit MATs.
New Jedi Academy Single Player Level: Jedi Dojo - DSettahr @ 9:03 AM
File: Jedi Dojo
Author: Kevin Ghuloomali
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a fun ladder style map.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

OJP Update - DSettahr @ 6:48 PM
The Open Jedi Project has some important updates concerning developments with JA modeling and animations:
I'd like to announce that we've gotten our hands on Raven's source files for all the JKA animations AND the source files for all the standard player models created by Raven. We're currently in the process of sorting thru all the data and getting it organized for release.

So far, we've released 3 packages, which can be found on

A big thanks to Keshire for talking Raven out of the files and then spending the time to organizing them.
Thanks to Razor Ace for letting us know about the updates.
New Jedi Academy Skin: Inviso - DSettahr @ 6:56 PM
File: Inviso
Author: Death Monkey
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is an invisable skin... not much to say about it. It has bot and team support.
New Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level: Lava Wars - DSettahr @ 10:33 AM
File: Lava Wars
Author: Jeremiah23
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Lots of cameras , traps , secrets , a no guns saber and fist only saber dueling area , and more . The AI are not synched, but are still fun for SP in MP or coop with mods etc ... Have fun ..
Vacation - DSettahr @ 11:14 AM
As of tomorrow, I am moving out from my apartment for the summer. I will be gone for the next 2 weeks while I am on vacation in London and Paris, so you will not be seeing any updates from me. Hopefully, Buck, GoY, and Ubuu will keep things up to date with the news and the file submissions. If you submit a level or mod and it is not posted within a few days, feel free to bug them.

Also, for the rest of the summer, I will be at home where I will not have internet access available 24/7. I will try to check in at least once a day to post news and put up files, but you will not be seeing me around as much.

Thursday, May 20, 2004

TMU Needs Your Help - Ubuu @ 7:28 AM
There have been many things going on with the The Matrix Unplugged TC, and Cazor sends word about some of the updates:
Recently The Matrix Unplugged(link to )had a bunch of new updates after a long period of not a whole lot at all, and we've got a large chunk of the model and map portion of the mod done. Although, nothing from the coding/animating is currently started. This is why I am asking you, the Jedi Knight community to help us either find coders/animators to help TMU, or if you are one yourself, lend us some of your time and help get the mod going in the parts we really need progress in. Parts of the mod we are going to need people to work on are:
  • New MP modes
  • Bullet-time system
  • Animations for new vehicles (need to be put ingame as well)
  • New stances for real-life weapons
  • Matrix powers (such as Smith's replication power, Neo's flying, the ghost's phasing, etc.)
If you're interested, or know someone who might be, please drop me an e-mail( Also, if any of you were not aware, there is a TMU chat room on the IRC server: in #TMU. Thanks for everyone's support so far, it's one of the only things that keep us doing what we're doing.

So if you are handy, or know of someone who is, go ahead and drop them a line!

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

My City of Heroes Review - Brian @ 12:07 PM
I have been playing City of Heroes a lot lately and figured I'd share my experience. Feel free to check out my City of Heroes review over on the discussion forum.

Saturday, May 29, 2004

New Jedi Knight Mod: Rolling Revolution - mscbuck @ 8:59 PM
File: Rolling Revolution
Author: ID_Junkguy
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Rolling Game was surprisingly successful for its simplicity. It presented a new type of gameplay to Jedi Knight - rolling in an obstacle course. With mostly just ramps and obstacles, Rolling Game provided hours of fun to those who discovered it. It was hailed as an instant classic.

Rolling Revolution is the official sequel to Rolling Game. It includes a large level pack consisting of nine levels. Six of the levels are completely new, and three of them are updated versions of previously released ones.

The mod is totally improved - physics are now compatible with high and low end systems, and unwanted "ramp deaths" have been removed. Also, many new features have been implemented, including an impressive stunt system with six different moves (use weapon #3), more music to roll along with, fun death markers to show where most deaths occur, and a revolutionary spectating mode to watch other players roll.

The level pack includes: Rolling Game SE, Roll City (new), Let's Roll SE, City Limits (new), Arctic Roll (new), Canyon Dipper SE, On A Roll (new), Island Rollpark (new), and Let's Roll: Director's Cut (new).

So what are you waiting for? Get Rolling!

Tuesday, June 1, 2004

New Jedi Academy Duel Level: The Observatory - mscbuck @ 8:58 PM
File: The Observatory
Author: Matthias Büttner
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: "The Observatory" is placed in Prague, during World War II. I added a hidden place, because many of you suggested to add secrets in my duel maps.
New Jedi Knight Mod: Fireworks - mscbuck @ 9:02 PM
File: Fireworks
Author: Edward
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Makes lovely fireworks when you have a fight with guns!
New Jedi Knight Mod: "Clone Wars" Skin Pack - mscbuck @ 9:07 PM
File: "Clone Wars" Skin Pack
Author: Diego Berlanga + Kievan Mereel
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This patch adds several MP skins (30) based on Episode II, Episode III & Expanded Universe "Clone Wars" characters (as well as a new lightsaber handle).