Old News - August 2001
The Massassi Temple » Old News » 2001 » August
Disclaimer: We have been posting news since 1998. Many of the sites we previously linked to have long since gone defunct. Worse, sometimes scammers buy up old domain names and replace their original content with malware or objectionable content.
Thursday, August 2, 2001
Sunday, August 5, 2001
In case that's a bit confusing... basically a bunch of us chat in our chat room on a regular basis, and MassBot, our friendly neighborhood bot, records everything in logs. The statistics parser goes through the logs and pulls out random quotes, counts how many lines each person types, etc. Have a look if it sounds even remotely interesting.
Wednesday, August 8, 2001
"We're also going to have positional damage on all of the models as well," says Tosti, "this means when you shoot an enemy in the shoulder, he'll fall backwards or forwards, dependant on the location of the hit. We really can't say right now whether you'll be able to cut off limbs with your lightsaber, but it's in discussion." When he wasn't looking, the person playing the game for us proceeded to cut off a Stormtroopers arms and legs with the lightsaber. "You didn't see that," laughs Tosti. We're hoping they keep it in.
Although multiplayer Jedi Outcast was mentioned, nothing was etched in stone, unfortunately. "Since we're not shipping till early next year, we haven't really fleshed out multiplayer yet," explains Tosti, "don't worry though, we're making quite a few enhancements for multiplayer that I think you'll really like. That's all I can say right now."
Author: David Lee & Tom Smitty
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This map is based on a lake surrounded by mountains that you can go up and walk around in, and there is also a cabin.
Author: Rebel Commando
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a rather small level based inside of a giant Boeing 909 jetliner.
Author: DyN_Warrior
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This level is a fair play duel level. Nothing fancy but my BETA testers found the gameplay very good indeed. Players start in the weapon area where you pick up every weapon you need. There is a heal room which contains revives and bactas. The two teams go on each side of the valley and fight it out. There are plenty of things to hide behind! And a few secrets, too!
Author: TJ13 (aka Death_Unto_Thee)
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A little city complete with a City Hall, Sheriff's House, Boat Harbor, coke machines, and additional convience and restaraunt stores. Read the document file included with this ZIP for more about Galtha City.
Author: Jedi Red 2
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is my first level so please don't be too critical. This is a small-medium sized multi-player deathmatch level with lots of big crates, throw rocks, weapons, a waterfall, a building with a medical wing, an elevator, some caves, and some catwalks for snipering and saber dueling. It takes place on the mysterious, cold, dark, wet planet of Mithaderam, which was once a highly used planet, but has become engulfed in an epic, evil battle...
Author: Jedi Red 2
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is my second level so please don't be too critical. This is a medium-large sized multi-player deathmatch level, with lots of space to fight, a basket-ball court, weapons, a running track, and an elevator. I think it has a lot of potential for just plain fun! It is based on a real place, on this planet, that I have been to, but of course I made some modifcations. Be sure to have at least three stars on jump.
Author: MechWarrior
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Here it is one of the few patches that makes JK very very hard! Will you become the best Honor Gard in the galaxy or will you fail and die, the choice is up to you. This is a second attempt patch by MechWarrior so I expect you guys to take it hard on me like any other newbie editor.
Thursday, August 9, 2001
Friday, August 10, 2001
They also dropped in some NPC jedi into the duel and at one point had three independant duels going on. Each of the NPC's seemed very intelligent as they all used the force powers, the all blocked attacks, and took advantages of openings in their opponent. Also shown to use was part of a new level that had never been seen before. It was the Hangar on Yavin 4 complete with war room.What are you waiting for? Get reading!
LotW will be updated again on a regular basis when we get things back in working order around here. The Massassi level contest #4 (not counting CTF) will be officially announced shortly (hopefully this weekend). From the time it is announced, you will have a month and a half to complete your levels. Previous contests allowed one month, but we always extended another two weeks or so. For more information on what I'm talking about, see the original news post.
Saturday, August 11, 2001
The levels we saw running included Luke Skywalker's Jedi training Academy on Yavin 4 and Kyle's one-man assault on an Imperial base on a deserted moon. The Jedi Academy was particularly excellent, with both light and dark Jedis going saber-to-saber in a kind of giant team deathmatch - special challenges designed to exercise your Force powers - and even an arena to practice your lightsaber skills against flying drones (as Luke did on the Millennium Falcon in Episode IV).
Author: Jeremiah23
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: The castle has a few secrets and many traps. There are 9 switches controlling artificial intelligence (not synched) all over the level. It also includes some AI just running around at the start. A few switches are a little hard to get to (investigate the moat).
Author: BHG_BlackKnight, WheelChairBoy_
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: It is Battleground Jedi, Canyon Oasis and Valley of the Jedi merged into one.
Author: WarpedNewt
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This zip contains 2 version of the same level. One is a guns version and the other is an adjusted version for FF or NF and has been decreased in size. Each level could support 4-10 people. Some of the textures in these may cause seizures! Play at your own risk. After you discover the secret never-ending tunnel, don't forget to get back up before you have gone too far down.
Author: WarpedNewt
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This zip contains 2 version of the same level. One is a guns version and the other is an adjusted version for FF or NF and has been decreased in size. Each level could support 4-10 people. Some of the textures in these may cause seizures! Play at your own risk. After you discover the secret never-ending tunnel, don't forget to get back up before you have gone too far down.
Author: KotL_Xavier
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small deathmatch level, meant for 2-4 players, built around a large pit with two catwalks and many pitfalls. Includes two versions, a sabers version and a guns version to keep everyone happy.
Author: nocturne
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Instead of adding new skins or weapons, Expert Arena simply gives the players all weapons and full ammo when they respawn. In a world with no health powerups, only the strong will survive. Use your true skills to master the Arena.
Sunday, August 12, 2001
Monday, August 13, 2001
Author: AtomEntity
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a small level with three main rooms that are interconnected by hallways. The biggest room has some catwalks that you can get to using teleporters. It should provide very little lag as it is a small map. I've included both a Sabers and a Guns version.
Author: Master David
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: As Jedi Ugtarn, you must acquire the Wrench and learn the ways of the Ugnaught to become an Ugnaught Knight. Confront old foes -- Greedo, Bossk, and Kyle [yes, Kyle], and new enemies -- seven Dark Ugnaughts who plan to harness the power of the Valley of the Jedi!
[This patch is intended as a parody of "Mandalorian Wars", telling the saga of one Ugnaught's journey in the ways of the Force. It adds several new MP skins and a weapon of unspeakable power!]
Author: TheFPSMan
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a big house that has a whole lot of detail. It includes a back porch, a laundry room, a living room, 2 balconies, a kitchen, a bathroom, a lobby, a den, a bedroom, a basement, and a pool.
Author: Shinigami
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a multiplayer saber patch that will scroll the words "All your base are belong to us." I made it after my friend showed me the popular phrase "all your base are belong to us."
Author: ChRoNoS_Gohan
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This a small patch with a few sounds, 3dos, and a 16 bit skin of Ash.
Author: SyNTHeTiC & MeNiKMaTi
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a semi large DM level for JK. It was designed with catwalks, snipe points, hallways, small rooms, big rooms, everything needed for a DM level. This level is intended for those with fast processors and a 3D card.
[Note: This is not an official chat. It's simply a weekly community get-together. -Juz]
Indeed, Raven has developed and released a whopping 12 full games since the company was founded, (not counting expansion packs and collected editions of games) and is currently developing three more titles: the first person shooter sequel Soldier of Fortune II, the highly anticipated Star Wars: Jedi Knight II, and the just announced Doom 3 engine powered game Quake IV.
Tuesday, August 14, 2001
Author: Eric Bagster
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a small multiplayer level that has force fields surrounding the middle sector.So you should now watch where you shoot.This level was intended for lightsabers with 2-4 players.
Author: ANZAC_Voltus
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small multiplayer level with a saber room and a gun room to battle in.There are a few tunnels and traps to add interest.Fast paced, furious action is what you are going to get by playing this level!This level is best played with a small amount of players with a little force to spice things up.
Author: Av_VeNoM
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A Large level that is based off of a city inside a cliff valley.There is a lot of room to battle, so you don't have to worry about being cornered.If you prefer smaller spaces you can battle in one of the many buildings.
Author: Brian Brecht
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small multiplayer level designed with 'flow' in mind.Add that with this the small size of this level, and you get fast and furious gameplay redefined!Obviously the Gantry level of the MotS add-on was my inspiration for this level, so I turned it into an 'arena'.Hence the name. Although it's no where near the same level as the Gantry.The concussion rifle was strategically placed so that everyone in the game will see it from almost any point in the level It should prove a hard weapon to pick up!
Wednesday, August 15, 2001
Author: Jedi Red 2
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small level primarily for saber fighting, but gunners will find plenty of guns and ammo.This level takes place in a giant multi-level docking platform, and has a dark atmosphere.Due to some secrets, and its size this level should provide for some fast, furious, fun, action. Intended for 2-5 players.This is an ancient Sith Lord testing facility where sith apprentices would duel until death... Only a few would survive such a brutal challenge.Which will you be your fate?
Author: Anthony Piggott
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A hilarious behind the scenes cutscene on ToaM2 featuring George Lucas.
Author: Jeremiah23
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: An old abandoned farm with a large area out back for saber fighting.It has a sabers only and a gunners version in the gob.Fairly empty inside but there are few cool secrets inside and out.
Author: Andrew7782
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Using the latest version of RBots (0.30) which is included, you chase down and kill the 3 bots that are in the level. At the end of the level is a warp back to the start. Suggested players 2-8, because bots add latency to MP games. The architecture is simple to keep the framerate down and to speed up bots movement across the level. Please note this is my first release level so don't give me a hard time on it.
Author: WilliamWallace
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This mod changes you into Mara Jade from Timothy Zahn's Star Wars novel series. It includes various features, such as a new saber move and a BlasTech pistol. It was originally going to be a TC, but I lost interest and decided to leave it at this. It's my first mod, and I hope you all like it.
Thursday, August 16, 2001
JKII Multiplayer is coming along - I got Ghoul2 in there and working, so we can use all the single player assets, which is cool. Makes building an MP game a ton faster when all the assets just translate over. Going through the Quake III code again inserting my stuff makes me appreciate once again how clever and elegant the multiplayer design for that engine really is. Everytime I find what I think is a hole, I find that although the hole in question is never specifically addressed by code, that hole never crops up because of the smart design behind the system in the first place.You can read the whole thing right here.
I could write an entire article just on that in fact. SOF II and JKII single player are coming along great guns from what I have seen. There is some interesting stuff going on in those games that I've not seen done before. John Scott's terrain system in particular looks very striking. For those that saw it (and JKII) at QuakeCon I think I can speak for most here when I say a huge thank you for all the kind words that have been directed at us. This makes a difference to us here in many many ways. I think every developer gets revitalised when they know that people are looking forward to what we are building.
Friday, August 17, 2001
Author: murta
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A saber/guns symmetrical DM level, which is kind of hard to describe (check the screenshots). Based around teleporters at the edges of the level, and a main room in the centre, with thrust up to a room above. The corners of the level are blocked by time forcefields, and each corner includes at least one secret (look for strange looking textures). All weapons are in the level (if you know where to find them). The beta testers all seemed to enjoy it, however it may require a 'fast' computer, due to some framerate problems (only at the centre).
Author: ShadowX
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A Jedi's life is not easy. However, Saber Battle X will facilitate achieving your interest in defending the innocent. At last, you have the skills necessary to defend the galaxy! On the contrary, a Dark Jedi's life can be quite easy. Make your enemies suffer at your feet with triple streams of dark lightning, or easily strike them down with your lightsaber. Your grip on the galaxy will one day become supreme! Saber Battle X - JK v1.0 features many enhancements. Lightsabers feature refined Glowsaber 3 technology, speed, moves, and damage. Lasers and lightning feature similarly refined glow technology. The new Evasion/Kick key allows you to kick or evade in eight directions—perform a forward Jedi flip, back handspring, or roll in one of six directions to get yourself out of a bind. Also, there's Force Heal Other, improved Force Seeing and IR Goggles, triple Force Lightning, Force Jump featuring a flip upon rising and slow down upon falling to prevent damage, and several other improvements and bug fixes. Also, you can choose from a ton of great Jedi skins for online play. Now you can FEEL like a Jedi!
Author: Julia\Michael/Lisa
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Kyle Katarn is the new omnipotent Dark Emperor of the Galaxy and Sariss is by his side, but there remains one last problem. Former Imperial troops at an isolated outpost have rebelled against him and the entire star system is no longer visible to him in the Force. Fearing that the knowledge of how to neutralize their powers may spread beyond the system, Kyle and Sariss must move quickly to crush the uprising by more conventional means.
Author: EnigmaNoir
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: An ancient arena where a battle wages for ultimate supremacy. A level where 'Jedi Dojo' meets CTF with two teams defending each tower against the onslaught of the opposing team.
Saturday, August 18, 2001
Author: Zapsta550
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: The Imperial Cargo Checkpoint used to be a cargo checkpoint for the Imperials, until it got shutdown. The power has been shut off, so neither the conveyor belts, nor the lights are in working order. Since the lights are out, this level is great for sneaking around in the darkness, and firing a powerful concussion bullet right at someone's back. This is my first level posted on Massassi (not the first I've ever made (and I've made better). So I really just want constructive criticism. This level is small and dark so be careful!
Author: Tuck
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A skin of my fan fic character, Tuck Windroft.
Author: Bizzy D
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small multiplayer level that consists of three skywalks and up and down thrust sectors. Has a pool of water and two secret control rooms. This is my first level.
Author: HoLy HeLL
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Well, first off, this is my first level. I have always wanted to make a saber battle ground with a few obstacles. Shortly after being introduced to the Zone and Jedi Knight I decided to make one. This is kind of like Gladiator in the sense that there is one main battle ground and then a room or two that you can go in for goodies. The only exception is that my level has lava that kills on touch surrounding the battle ground and atleast four extra add on rooms around it. A few secrets for aid and yes even an area where you may find the occasional gun. I know its a saber level, but oh well. And finally there is almost a dozen death traps or whatever you want to call it. I made this level for Saberists. Its a good level for forcers too, but not for gunners. I am still learning. For now I only made this as a fun level for all to play. I am a professional or anything. I am not even close. Have fun guys. :)
Author: Phat & K-Dawg
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A basic level good for 2-4 players with 4 main rooms. Screenshot 1 is the main room. Screenshot 2 is the saber duel arena. An extremly large amount of cog as well as secrets and hiding places are there. There are a few sniper spots but you have to find them! To get to the secret room at the top of the building you must first find a spiral staircase. HINT: Snoop around the elevators..
Author: EAH_CL0wN
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Sith Sabers allows the user to master one of four new sabers. Each new Character is skilled in the use of one of these sabers. The new sabers are a light staff, twin Sabers, trident saber, or a heavy saber. In multi-player games the special saber you are able to use is determined by which character you chose. In single player you will be able to use all of the saber weapons. To activate the special sabers browse your inventory as though you were looking for a key or a wrench. You will see several icons. These icons indicate the saber specials and the other features in the mod. If you try to activate a saber that your character can not use, you will be told that you are not skilled in the use of that weapon. Also included in the mod is the ability to throw your saber. The saber will seek out a victim and follow him around the room until it strikes him or a wall. A graple ball is also included in the inventory. In single player you will be given a damage control option which will reduce damage from weapons and sabers. You will also be able to rotate characters in single player allowing you to chose from several select skins. To access the new items browse through your items inventory. Another feature of the Sith Sabers Mod is the 'death blow'. On some occasions when you kill an opponent with your saber his head and arm will be severed from his body as he will burst into a messy gout of blood. A skull and a bloody arm will be left behind. I also added a secret character into Sith Sabers. If you can discover how to unlock him you will be able to use all the saber specials in a multi player game. The secret character is also allowed to use damage control in a multi-player game.
Sunday, August 19, 2001
Author: FreeBird14
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Temple In The Sky is a multiplayer level for JK. It is made small and simple for fast-paced sabers NF dueling. There are no power-ups. There are also 5 places to duel, with hallways and other passageways connecting them. This is my first level, and more will be coming soon. Please send me an email if you detect a bug.
Author: SSJ3_Pepsi
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This level represents the last few minutes of Namek on the TV show DragonbalL Z. This is a medium-sized multiplayer level with 7 dragonballs (sequencer charges) hidden around the level. This level was intended to be used with DBZ 3.0 or DBZ 4.0/TDIR. I've included Nameky trees as well as the Hole that Frieza made. You will even be in the same purplish atmosphere. Have fun! DBZ rules!
Monday, August 20, 2001
Author: Lightside
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Small-Medium sized level. Pretty neat features. Do Not be fooled by the file size, people. Great for strategic deathmatch, or all around fun deathmatch. Be prepared...
Author: Lightside
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This, is summed up as a deathmatch level that uses my Geo-Mod concept.Small level. Have fun. :)
Author: Lightside
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: I have conjured up a concept for more creative levels. Of course, this idea was kind of "borrowed" from Red Faction. So far, the concept has proved to work nicely. I bring you a sample of what is to come in my future levels, and hopefully, what is to come from other people's levels. Please, feel free to use the 3do's and level from this .zip as a base for your creations. And please, Use This Concept. :) It'd make me the happiest editor in the world if I knew that I started an editing revolution (or at least, a small craze) for a rotting game engine.
Tuesday, August 21, 2001
Author: micoal
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a 16 bit multiplayer level that is packed full of guns. The beta testers all agreed that it is great with mods. There are several traps and secrets to gain the "upper" hand. I made this level with fast and furious game play in mind, and it worked out nicely for only my second level submission to Massassi. Download and enjoy...
Author: Jedi Red 2
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Medium to Large sized level. Good for 4-8 players. No theme, no story, no plot, no glory, get in, keep moving, and surrvive...
Author: IGF Slayer1
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This multiplayer level is medium in size and is good for up to 5 people. Force Jump Is Needed with at Least 3 Stars and plenty of mana. You need to be at least at level 4 or 5. To be safe I would use just full so you don't get stranded. This level takes place in space where you need to jump from ship to ship to get around. Theres the Millenium Falcon, A-wings, and alot more. If you have anything to say email me. I am planing to relase a version with less gravity.
Author: NHS_corey
View: Screenshot
Description: A pair of rusty metal barrels. One has a lid the other does not and has some type of sludge in it.
Wednesday, August 22, 2001
Thursday, August 23, 2001
Author: Myr992
View: Screenshot
Description: This is a couch 3do that I spent a while making. I have had some people say its good, but I'll let you be the judge of that.
Saturday, August 25, 2001
Author: Stormie
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a very small multiplayer level that consists of beams running across a pit. Good for close combat and for dangerous saber battles. There are four small areas with explosive tanks. There is a skybox outside for your pleasure, and a secret (that won't remain a secret as its so obvious) to get the concussion rifle. I hope you fall down the pit trying to get the gun. The level has been known for its slide, or when someone gets stuck at the bottom and you can laugh and pea shoot them with a bryer. This level was made for JEDI (http://clik.to/jediclan) so I could host tournaments there but I thought, oh well, lets send the thing to Massassi. It uses about 8 textures ,I was trying to make the filesize smaller, and uses no cogs. I might expand it if people like it. Oh yeah and to all the people at The Admirals Command Chamber, Hello!! (I'll never hear the end of this now...)Oh yeah and Jedi Master Episode 2 is coming out in a few months. Please feel free to comment.
Author: PhantomMaster
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small sabering level. Best used with sabering mods such as Gaurdians of the Galaxy or Spork.
Sunday, August 26, 2001
Author: Caley Carroll
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a medium sized multiplayer map set in an Imperial base. It consists of several hangers and large rooms which allow for some great lightsaber and gun battles.
Monday, August 27, 2001
Tuesday, August 28, 2001
This also concerns any emails you've sent to me personally or to the staff account. Every email I send out gets returned, so if you haven't heard back, this is why.
I realize that alot of you have sent levels to the levels account and are wondering where did Rob go? Well I'm still here and I still will be posting levels and such.
I am asking you all to be patient as I just got my life on track. Please do not send any levels you have previously sent. They are all still here. Also please follow the submission guidelines thoroughly. There are alot of levels that haven't been sent correctly, and with our server difficulties I can't reach you to tell you to resubmit. After the server difficulties are corrected I will promptly contact those who have not submited correctly.
Sorry for the delay in postings. It is a pleasure serving you. Thankyou for your patience.
Wednesday, August 29, 2001
Thursday, August 30, 2001
Friday, August 31, 2001
Damn, I knew there was something else I should have asked at QuakeCon! But there were a few times in the demo that Kyle spoke, and it sounded like the MotS Kyle, Rino Romanio. I don't know if that was new dialogue or recycled from MotS, though. I also don't know if the voice was representative of the finished product.
One thing to keep in mind: Romano also did the voicework for Alexander Munro, the male version of Elite Force's player character. Since Raven did that game as well, they might use him again.