Old News - December 2000
The Massassi Temple » Old News » 2000 » December
Disclaimer: We have been posting news since 1998. Many of the sites we previously linked to have long since gone defunct. Worse, sometimes scammers buy up old domain names and replace their original content with malware or objectionable content.
Friday, December 1, 2000
Saturday, December 2, 2000
Author: ObiKenobi_1/Daniele Crestini
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This cool patch replaces the main Katarn skin with a much better skin of Ash from Evil Dead Trilogy. The fists have been replaced, and now there is the chainsaw on his right hand with new cool sounds. Too bad I didn't add "Hail to the king, baby!" sound...
Author: Cave_Demon
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: No, it's not a toy soldier! :) This mod includes three kinds of missiles (homing replaces weapon 5, pilotable replaces weapon 7 & normal replaces weapon 6), a revolver and a shotgun. Enjoy!
Author: amanda kissinhug
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Pretty small, fast-paced level. Made for NF small arms gunning. The level took me three months to complete. It has two large power-ups and the rest is ammo and weapons. It contains one cog, and is fun to play. Players range from 2-8. Download and have fun!
Author: CavEmaN
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Pure JK hardcore deathmatch. The twisted have escaped this place, trapping you with your friends inside. The madness from this place have made you paranoid. They are out to get you... but you can get them first ... Anything goes ... Gunz NF ... or Saberz NF ...
Author: FoGGy 2 DoPe
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This level is intended for guns only. It consists of several elevators and hallways, with every room having no less than two exits. Gameplay was the primary focus of this map, and although it lacks any open vertical movement, it still flows well and is plenty of fun for 4 - 6.
If you're one of the authors of one of last year's logos, and have changed your e-mail address or nickname, please e-mail me and let me know so I can update it.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 3, 2000
- Masq
- Lt_Greywolf
- Hebedee
- Hoard
- The_Legionaire
- Raziel
- The Nemesis
- Hawk
- Mantissa
- Duo Maxwell
- GuNb0y
- Chewbubba
- Emperor_Maniac
- Mechmark
Thanks to everyone who has sent in their logos so far! Keep them coming!
Sometimes we, at Jedi Nights, like hosting different and interesting sites. I think that best descibes out newest hosted site - The Funk Pipe. What is The Funk Pipe? I don't really know, does anyone? I dunno... just go over there and check it out for yourself (you know you want to).
Author: Chris Nance
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Small saber level for Jedi Knight: a sabering pit, sabering room, anti-grav tube, and a Force Throw training room.
Author: Master Yoda
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a Stormtrooper Mod by Master Yoda with new sounds, KEYs, 3DOs and weapon COGs.
Author: KoM_obi_wan
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Devil's Wig is filled with secrets. First off, at some points you'll find yourself jumping like Morpheus (from The Matrix), and others going really fast like a Jedi Knight (hehehe), but not in a good way. I hope you all enjoy my level.
Author: Andrew Cockerill
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a very small multiplayer level, meant for saber dueling. It's supposed to be taking place at a Jedi's home. Has a living quarters and a little dueling arena. Uses 16-bit mats, so of course you'll need a compatible 3D accelerator. Hope you like it!
Monday, December 4, 2000
The logo must be 384x154, and in JPG or GIF format. Logos must be no larger than 30KB, and preferably under 20KB. GIFs must be still, not animated. You may submit as many as you like, just make sure each one is unique.
Author: Various
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: The long awaited Massassi Level Pack 3 features the 8 best levels from our third level contest. For a complete list of levels and authors, as well as a bunch of screenshots, please click here.
Please visit the level pack page for a download link as well as a bunch of screenshots. Please don't hesitate to post comments and/or email the individual authors with your comments. They've worked hard and produced some of the best levels I've ever seen for JK. In my opinion, this is the best pack yet!
There are plenty more, but I don't have time to post them all right now. I'll have them up pretty soon. Keep them coming!
Tuesday, December 5, 2000
Well, I can't tell you much about it, but we're working internally on the engine right now. It looks great, but we also have as a goal making it scaleable enough so that it can run on a low-end machine for the time when the game releases.Thanks to VoodooExtreme via SL_Jedi_Bubba_Fatt of JediNights.... the goal is visuals that are fantastic, but the ability to scale down to run on what will be a low-end computer *at the time of release*. We're not ready to talk about specs yet, but if you have what's considered a low end computer today, well, "low end" is likely to move up before we release.
Jedi Nights is proud to welcome our newest hosted site - Star Wars Gaming. Check out their site here.The Jedi Nights logo contest entries have been narrowed down to 4 finalists. Check 'em out here, or hit our forums to vote for your favorite.
- Hoard with a second logo
- Sebulba (HOV)
- Mechmark with a second logo
And as always, there are lots more coming, so stay tuned.
- DeTRiTiC-iQ
- MBeggar
- StarSaber (the other one)
Keep 'em comin'!
Wednesday, December 6, 2000
- First, I have many logos to post, and it takes time, and I post them in the order I receive them. Do not resubmit your logo unless you get a returned mail error or I ask you to.
- Second, make sure your logo looks holiday-related and is unique from all others, especially any others you have submitted.
- Third, please be patient and do not ask me when yours will be posted.
Thank you.
- Emperor Maniac with two more
- Naythn
- Aglar
Keep 'em comin!
Thursday, December 7, 2000
Author: RPS_Laguna & B_YO
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This MOD is very cool, according to the beta testers, and I suggest using it at JHS for enhanced fun! So now you probably want to know what I did... I added 8 WWF skins that I also put in my OTHER MOD WWF MOD that you should be seeing shortly. I changed all the gun COGs except the thermal detonators. You have 1000 HP 'cause the guns are super powerful! New gun mounting WAV's and charging WAV for the Crossbow (Boom Box From Hell) kinda like the Jukebox of DOOM! I also changed some of the Force powers too so try playing MGP FF also. There's probably more but you'll have to see for yourself, AND PLEASE LEAVE COMMENTS SO MGP 2.0 WILL BE BETTER! Thank you for your time and enjoy!
Author: RPS_Laguna
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This little mod contains eight WWF skins from my MGP Mod (Murders Gun Pak). The skins also have their own WAVs. This mod changes the Bacta to a can of Stevewiser(Stone Cold's beer) and the Health Pak to Poontang Pie(don't ask). I hope you enjoy it! Leave a comment too!
Author: DSettahr
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is an extremely small mulitplayer level for two people (three max, and that's cutting it real close). Basically, it consists of a medium-sized center room, with four passages leading out to a hallway that surrounds the room. There are plenty of dark corners to hide in and get a jump on your opponent. On a minor note, deth is not spelled wrong - it's supposed to be that way.
Author: The_Chimera
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small DM level with two floors. Gameplay is meant for sabers but can be guns as well. The phrase "The Golden Key" refers to the Revive power-up which is so hard to get. Be careful: there are no other shield or health power-ups in the level, so anyone who gets this power-up after a long fight will be likely to win. There is a way to get to the rail detonator, but it hurts you. E-mail me if you can't find out how!
Author: Destrroyer20
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is the second release of this level. A small multiplayer level set in a starship, the Night Hunter. Meant for guns play, and all weapons are present. No Force items present so you're on your own if you want to use it. E-mail questions or comments to yoda3984@aol.com. Have fun!
Author: Darth Bob
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This level pack includes the Darth Bobsville and the Darth Bobsville Ruins. This is my first level, feel free to criticize about every thing but (at least try to) the architexture, texture alignment, or weapon placement 'cause they all suck (not according to the level testers).
Author: MenacE
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Dedicated in memory of our fallen brother, JG_Xicon. You will be remembered...
Author: Cguy
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: It's a medievalish/dungeonish type setting, I guess. There are several traps included to spice up the gameplay, and the only big weapon in the level is one rail detonator. It's a small/medium sized map good for about 2-3 players.
Note: I'll be releasing a 16-bit patch for this level shortly, so keep your eyes peeled.
Author: Anthony Piggott
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: The first chapter in the sequel to "Birth of a Mercenary". After crippling General Mohc's "Mechanical Rancor" project, a price has been put on Kyle Katarn's head. Kyle has to continue Mercenary life undercover for the time being if he has any hope of escaping this deadly fate.
Friday, December 8, 2000
Author: Macmatoch
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This was my first attempt to make a gun mod. It is a machine gun that replaces the stormtrooper rifle. It is an accurate gun and it shoots rapidly. Thanks to BAH_Strike, there are machine sounds included in this mod. Have fun!
Author: Master Yoda
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A Greedo-like creature with new sound keys and so on. It is not the Greedo creature from JK MP which acts like Kyle.
Author: Kharm
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: "At a remote Imperial outpost, power struggles and infighting have been brewing. Now it has finally come to a head and it's every trooper for himself..." This is my first level. It is a small JK multiplayer level (2-4 players) designed to be easy for newbies to navigate and OK for low-end machines, but with a few suprises. Gun-slinging & sabers, with or without Force powers.
Author: Jedi Master Nizar
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is my first level. It's the fourth level in my level pack, The New Hope (but this level pack is not finished yet). The story is in the time where the Millennium Falcon was captured in the Death Star, and as Ben-Kenobi you must de-activate the Tractor Beam. It's not a difficult level, but here's a tip: use the camera screens to finish your quest.
All in all, I would think that a visit to Jedi Nights would be in order; especially considering that our very own webmaster, Brian, has been interviewed. :)Jedi Nights is pleased to announce the addition of a few more hosted sites: Bespin Star - This is a good site in need of some help. Common JK community - help out with a promising web site!
Sabers Lightside - Cool JK clan.
Star Wars Gaming - These guys have some very impressive mods. Definitely worth a look.
The winner of the Jedi Nights Logo Contest has been announced. The winning logo is by SOLO and Spart. Honourable mention goes to ThreeDee whose logo (#16) basically tied the chosen logo for votes, and may still be used in rotation with the current one.
Jedi Nights has a new interview to the articles section. This one is with, prominent editor and owner of the Massassi Temple, Brian Lozier. Brian had well thought out answers to all the questions; this is definitely a must read.
Saturday, December 9, 2000
C'mon, I know you haven't run out of ideas yet! Keep them coming!
Author: Tom Smallwood/Brian Taylor
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Welcome to Swoop, the speeder racing game for Jedi Knight. This is a public beta version of the mod, released only for the purposes of gathering feedback on the gameplay, and should not be be used to build additional levels. Please read through the accompanying readme file for instructions on how to run and play the patch, as well as for Incom's disclaimer for participating in this dangerous and deadly sport...
- Veger
- KOP_StarSaber with a second one
- JMaNtK421
Keep them coming, as always.
Author: ID_Junkguy
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a weapons mod for JK which replaces the original weapons with guns based on the ones found in the N64 game Perfect Dark. The weapons include a Falcon 2 with scope, laser pointer and silencer, SuperDragon, Grenades, Shotgun, Phoenix, DY357-LX, Reaper, Golden Shotgun, and Fighting Stick (with new sounds and keys). There are new 3DOs, sounds, and projectiles for every gun. Other features include new crosshairs, hookshot, and a certain WWF DX hand maneuver to taunt other players. For more information and screenshots, please see the UWP 4 site at http://come.to/uwp4.
Author: Elyas Machera
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A DM level in the basic shape of an hourglass for some great fun.
Author: CavEmaN
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: In the time of great conquests, many people believed that this was truly one of the greatest fortresses ever conquered. Over the years came Conquest ... with conquest comes Glory ...
This is a medium-sized level based on an abandoned fort. Great for King of the Hill type play, NF gunz, saberz and FF saberz ... May you do the righteous and gain glory.
Sunday, December 10, 2000

By Silent Bob
I just posted our Latest Interview which is part of the Article Section. This interview is of Skywalker the Webmaster and project Leader of The Phantom Menace TC. This interview is a must read if you are into The Phantom Menace TC.
Monday, December 11, 2000
- Fixed the access violation error when exiting.
- Improved 3DO editing features:
- Support for hierarchy
- Retaining of texture scale when importing
- It should now be possible to create/edit full blown character 3DOs in JED.
- Support for 16 bit MATs
You read that last one right! Why are you still here? Go the Code Alliance news page right now and make with the downloading!
All these updates are definitely worth a visit to The Phatom Menace TC.The Espa Screen of the Week is where you will go to get up to date screenshots of the Mos Espa level which is being created by Darth J. Lots of interesting things will come up in this spotlgiht so keep your eye on it.
The Jedi Council Select is to get you a first look at all the Jedi Council characters that are in the movie that have been re-created for the TPMTC. The current spotlighted council member is Mace Windu; be on the look-out for updates over there as well.
The Pod Racer Spotlight is where you will find the newest pod racers as they are completed. Right now we have Anakin in the spotlight...so head over there and check it out.
Tuesday, December 12, 2000
Author: J. Zimmerman
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A mod that allows you to play as everyone's favorite killing machine. It rolls!
Author: Sathe Athear
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: At first this level was going to be small... But I kept having more ideas so it got a little bigger... This Bespin Mining Station level is localized around the areas where Luke & Vader had their battle...
Author: oSiRiS, Hoard, and ToK
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is the much-awaited level pack, default. As all JED editors know, when you begin a new level, it starts you out with the dflt.mat. This pack of incredibly fun DeathMatch style multiplayer levels have been themed with the dflt.mat. ALTHOUGH these levels may not appear very much fun at first, please TRY them WITH other people with an unbiased opinion before you judge. They are lots of fun, and although lacking in most powerups, the mode of play is aimed more at Frag-die-respawn-Frag-Frag-Die-Restart than it is aimed at Frag-get guns-get hit-get health-get sheilds-wander around-run away-frag-die. If you didnt understand that, what I meant was that you probably wont live very long in these levels ;-). ENJOY!
Author: ApoK_Flipmoejack and ApoK_DragonPhinn
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Vertical Ascent is another release from the Apocalyptic Editors Group. This futuristic battle arena contains three separate levels of high flying action. This level should cater to all your deathmatch needs, of any force incline. Large enough to keep a four player battle interesting, but small enough to allow for two players to have a one-on-one bout, with no change in gameplay.
- Lightside
- Deluxe Six
- Seige_51
- Maheda
- Grosse
- pyrot3chnic
- matt_kenobi with his second
- Jedi Master Jay
- MBeggar with his second
- Vegetto
- Hoard with his third
- Rob
- TurtleSteve
- Jermn007 with two
- NOFpuXnk
- TheKing87
Whew! That's all the ones I had waiting to be posted. Keep them coming!
Wednesday, December 13, 2000
- Radice
- TIE with two great ones
- JudgeDredd
Keep them coming!
Author: Delta_Razor_L
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Ord Trasi is fairly large, and promises exciting game play. There is a beautiful waterfall and I believe I mixed the organic and technological parts logically. Great for gunners. The best gunning areas are in the valleys and there is an lightening generator. A large tank that holds a concussion rifle.
Author: Christian Garris
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: In this sequel to Dead Reckoning, you must infiltrate the Imperial base and download the location of the Star Destroyer Avenger. Imperial forces are withdrawing from this area, but there will still be a substantial presence while you're completing your mission. You'll have to crack the vault in the Imperial Security Building, access the main computer, and escape.
Please visit the author's web site: http://www.geocities.com/quilty00/.
Thursday, December 14, 2000
Friday, December 15, 2000
Author: SM Sith Lord
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: 351 sectors of jam packed action just waiting to be let out. Once you felt the bite behind this bark, you'll never wanna leave. This psycho circus monkey will have the bearded lady doing back-flips through a burnning hoop in two shakes of a lamb's tail. If you still don't get the picture... check your resolution.
Author: HAK ExNiHilo
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: HAK Hall is the center of operations for the HAK (Hook and Kill) Clan. There is a council room, a dining hall, a chapel, an armory, and an exterior training building to build a better HAK Warrior. The training building has four floors. The first is saber practice and tournaments, and the top three floors are for combat training. The roof is for grapple practice, and accessible only with a grappling hook. HAK Hall is made for grapplers and snipers alike, and is made for both combat and practice.
Author: Darth Bob
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is just an abandoned fort left from the Clone Wars. It includes a buffer, a main building, and some other things. The fort's name comes from the color of the water there. For all those who are interested, email me if you want to help make v1.8.
Author: AT-RPG Staff
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Interest decreased in this mod and it was over. But instead of nothing, here's something. This is an unfinished version of AT-RPG. It has 3 levels, 10 skins, 4 weapons, and some new features. Not all you expected but it's something... It's the closest to a finished TC you'll get.
The Kingdom of Deriaugur has often found itself facing troubled times, but never has it seen such a terrible situation as this one. A lazy and incompetant King, King Zamiorzik, has ascended to the throne. Seeing an oppurtunity to destroy the kingdom, the thief Nox, who's grandfather was rejected as a candidate for the throne, creates a group of rebels called the Arrow Thieves. At first they are only a minor threat, but they are soon gathering support from many corners of the kingdom, and the King's incompetance allows them to take over a number of towns with no resistance except from small local militias. Prince Magroud, however, takes command of the Deriaugurian armies and leads them to battle against the Arrow Thieves. In the first major battle, most of the army is slain in a clever ambush. Undaunted, Maground rallies the rest of the army and prepares to continue the battle with the Arrow Thieves. Now, the fate of the kingdom rests in your hands...
Make sure to have Force Jump for Arrow Keep! *very important to the gameplay*
The levels are: Goblin Mines by Luftwaffe (huge), Mandria by Ztok32 (medium), Arrow Keep by Ztok32 (small).
There is a new feature by Deathbane27 that allows you to manually block with your sword instead of secondary slash. It make the sword fights a lot more realistic. Please read the installation_instructions.txt file for installation instructions and more info on the mod.
Saturday, December 16, 2000
Author: Frantic
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Welcome to Skid Row, where the food is scarce, the crime is plenty, the hearts are cold, and the barrels are hot.
This is a ghetto-urban downtown city type setting. Best played with a few players and the Guns and Such Double Berettas and Mini-Gun :)
Have fun!
Sunday, December 17, 2000
- Jermn007 with a third
- MBeggar with a third
- _xViPeRx__
- Strike
- TTF_DocMidNite
- Gelatinous_Drool with an excellent one
- PoweR_ArchJedi
- and Chewbubba with another great one
Keep them coming! Great work, everyone!
Author: TJ13x
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: The biblical site where the Jesus was born. It features the manger, the inn, and Herod's palace from the Bible story. Tried my best and hurried a bit to release before Christmas.
Author: Cave_Demon
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is my second released CTF level. I got inspiration for this level from one CTF level in Quake 3 Arena. There are some jump pads and other things... This level is best to play with Gunz No Force because there are no mana pickups and Force kills the fun in this lvl...
Author: Demon_Nightmare
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A pirate group known by the name of 'The Tirosites' became rich and well-known after their help in the battle with Warlord Zsinj to capture another Super Star Destroyer. Once getting their reward for helping in the battle, they started committing acts of terrorism and violence across many worlds, bribing individuals to incite riots or chaos, setting buildings on fire, placing explosives in highly populated areas. With their starfighters, known mainly as 'Uglies' for being a combination of other starfighters, they attacked a transport heading to the planet of Coruscant and captured Mailee Vetilly...the wife of Ferfidan Vetilly.
Ferfidan, once a pirate but having retired to a less exciting life, searched for over a month trying to locate the base where the Tirosites stayed. He got a tip from an Imperial Guard who decided to switch forces after realizing some of the Tirosites acts were just sick.
When Ferfidan met with the Guard, he learned that the pirates actually worked for the dying remains of the Empire. Part of the deal was that if the Pirates work with the Empire and complete their objectives, the Empire will help protect their base from rebel spies and any attempts to invade it. Ferfidan vows that he will get Mailee back, and so enters the base, with one chance, one life, one fate....
Monday, December 18, 2000
Author: SM_Zeddicuus
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This Skin Pack was developed by members of the Sith Mercenaries (SM) and those who wished to contribute. Contains a wide range of skins from the Fantasy realm of Dragon Lance, Video Game Characters such as the Mario Bros., Jason from Friday the 13th, to real life such as a Police Officer and a Mountie. This is designed to fit in with BFP 2.0 or 2.1 users as well as people who don't have any skins yet. Instructions for installation are included in the zip file. We all hope you enjoy using these skins.
Author: JEDMaster
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This level is entirely 16bit. As such, it will not run without a supported 3d accelerator. Set on a low gravity planet with a strange pink atmosphere, this level offers extreme connectivity and fragfests for up to 16 players. Included are three versions: Sabers, Small Guns, and Big Guns for varying play styles.
Tuesday, December 19, 2000
Wednesday, December 20, 2000
- 375x100
- GIF or JPG (no animated GIFs)
- Less than 20k file size
- Must look good on a black background
- Must have to do with the forums, Massassi, and the holiday season
- I reserve the right to reject any logos that I personally deem offensive, in bad taste, or that simply don't fit with Massassi.
All accepted logos will be rotated on the forums, this year, as well as in the future.
Thursday, December 21, 2000
I just posted a new article by Brian Lozier (Massassi) entitled Reply to "Obi-wan Dissent Letter". It's a reply to another article by ZeroXcape entitled Obi-wan Dissent Letter. All of this was originally sparked by another article we posted (by Seifer) entitled The big dissapointment. All this and more can be found in our articles section.
The forums are now back up and running due to the helpful hands over at UGO. Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience.
Friday, December 22, 2000
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This mod will let you carry your saber at your side just like a real Jedi.
Author: Willow
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This level packs theme is for two friends (or enemies) to shoot at each other with concussion rifles though an invisible barrier. Although the level pack completely wipes out any chance of using sabers it is oddly fun.
Author: TJ13
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: An activity center that features a basketball court, multi-use rooms, a pool room, and a library across the street.
Saturday, December 23, 2000
- A whole site search engine
- An archived news section with a search engine
- A new logo by The Shaft's Solo
- A great new "Merry Christmas" background
There's a whole bunch of other stuff I haven't found over there, so why don't you head on over?
Sunday, December 24, 2000
Author: T}{E_B|_()B[pk]
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a medium sized multiplayer level. There are many places that you can only get to using force jump. The ducts and passageways are the key to this level, and it is designed mostly for weapons.
Author: MaDaVentor
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A patch intended to enhance the look and feel of my level, Acid Storage Facility. It won't cause checksum errors, so even if the person you are playing with is playing 8-bit (no patch) you can still play them in 16-bit (with patch).
Please Note: This is not an entire level. In order to use this patch, you must have Acid Storage Facility. Also, your video card must support 16-bit mats.
Author: GE_Xephar
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A small, 2-4 player multiplayer gunning level with no force powerups. Gameplay is somewhat similar to Canyon Oasis, meaning there is nowhere to hide.
Author: Dark_Flexor
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A very small multiplayer level for 2 or 3 players set on a series of small floating platforms above an alien planet. It contains only small guns, since the bigger ones can be quite annoying.
Author: Jedi Master Nizar
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is the first level of my unfinished level pack: A New Hope. The story revolves around a Rebel soldier's attempted escape from the Tantive IV during its capture by a Star Destoyer.
JedReset will fix the most common problems Editors have with JED. It does this by deleting Jed's settings in the Registry.You should head on over there and download it if you are having issues with JED.
Monday, December 25, 2000
Tuesday, December 26, 2000
I am proud to annouce that Jedi Nights has yet another new hosted site. We are proud to welcome the Official Dragon BallZ Modification for Jedi Knight to our community of hosted sites. Their mod which was originaly called Real DBZ4.0 has gone through a name change and many other things. So head on over and check out our latest hosted site.Looks pretty good, so head on over to the Official Dragon BallZ Modification.
Hey, This is YoDa from that YoDa's Add-ons, and I'd like to say that I've gotten back into the community after and extended vacation. If you'd like to help us out read the following excerpt from out news, or check out the site to find more news. Probably the most important at the moment is the staff application. Thanks again and here is the excerpt:Its good to see an old Jedi Knight site back online, so go see whats going on.
We are currently in dire need of staff members. If you think you qualify, meaning that you are an expert in some field of web design or with the gaming community, please apply now. Give me a few days to process the application, and give it a look over. Oh, and I'd like to make a correction to my previous posts. We're all human so mistakes are expected. I'm sorry the name of DSF should be LSF. So now thats over, I'd like to say, apply soon!
Wednesday, December 27, 2000
Author: Macmatoch
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a death star trench simulator, you can go in the cockpit of the X-wing. Turrets are also in the middle of the trench to stop you from reaching the end.
Author: SiMoN
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a simple level meant for the fun setting, nf fists. Used in the MotS 2000 NF Fists event, it can hold 2-12 players, with a spectator area for people to watch from. Can also be used for Sabers.
Author: Rhettman
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Almost 2 years in the making, The Continuing Adventures of Mara Jade consists of 3 full-length levels: Swamp Base, Race to the Temple, and Sith Ruins. Packed with features, this episode includes: BM's, over 50 new 3dos, inventory items, and new enemies. Fully 16-bit enhanced, but still playable in software mode. Make sure to read the readme if you don't have a 3d card. Have fun!
Author: GuNbOy
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A mid-sized castle setting level for 2-4 players. Classic DM, kill or be killed!
Author: bwingpilot
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a 16-bit skin of Jango Fett from the new Star Wars Episode II movie.
Author: Frantic
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a level pack containing 3 levels, set in the downtown slums, and the city.
Eastside: A streets level with a subway, sewer, apartment, and other places.
Gang Land: A huge rundown building for the Scorp gang.
Skid Row: A touched-up, de-bugged version of the already released level.
Note: This level pack requires a 3d card 16-bit textures in JK.
Author: FR_Gemini AKA GeminiDragon
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: You approach the remains of a temple honoring your kin, the Jedi. You enter to find the few mechanical entities in the temple are still active. Suddenly you have the impression you are not alone. Jedi senses have you turn around to face a fellow Jedi, his intentions do not look peaceful...
Author: JW
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This is a multiplayer skin of Natalie Portman (or a character with her likeness). There are three different skins of her: civilian, stormtrooper, and Jedi.
Thursday, December 28, 2000
Friday, December 29, 2000
Saturday, December 30, 2000
Until we can figure out a solution to this problem, I strongly suggest everyone move their forum activities over to Jedi Nights' Jedi Forums or Jedi Legacy's JL forums.
For the convenience of those people that are absolutely sick and tired of registering for forums, Z@nardi has turned anonymous posting on so you won't have to register. Thanks for your patience, as always.