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Return of the Empire V.2 (Special Preview Included)

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Return of the Empire V.2 (Special Preview Included)


Return of the Empire V.2 is the sequal to Return of the Empire TC (also on Massassi). RotE V.2 has been configured better for MP, but still offers excellent SP gameplay. In SP, you become the dreaded Dark Trooper with his jetpack and Imperial arsenal. MP offers a good balance of weapons. They are not too powerfull (so you don't get nuked as soon as you join the game), but they still pack a good punch. A beautiful skin-pack of Imperials and, an awsome MP level is included as well. The preview is a SP Kyle-Saber mod called "Darth Scorpio". It gives you an awsome skin and the ability to fly. It has great new sounds and a beautiful lightstaff.

Read the Massassi Review for this level.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
2.1 MiB
Darth Scorpio


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Posted: 2000-06-23 4:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
kool,looks pretty kool when i get home tonight ill dload it.
Posted: 2000-06-23 1:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
I think this is a cool MOD cuz I have the ROTE TC. I'll have to D-load it later though, because I'm playing on the zone.
Posted: 2000-06-25 1:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is great, except for the annoying beep you get whenever you click on something and that the lightsaber is too big. Besides that it's pretty good.
Posted: 2000-07-17 7:09 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think this MOD looks cool I'll have to download later though.......but I did try something like this before where you get to be a darktrooper and his lightsabre was pretty big......I thought it was cool, so leave the sabre in Darth Scorpio.
Darth Scorpio
Posted: 2000-07-22 10:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey people. Thank you for downloading my mod and, for the great comments you've all given me. Unfortunately, I will be unable to finish the Darth Scorpio mod. I have just bought XWA and have moved on to that. I am still free to answer questions and, recieve comments. I will be more than happy to reply. Thank you, Darth Scorpio
Posted: 2000-08-06 3:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Darth, long time no see. Clan is over, unless we can get some more members and stuff. By the way great mod.
E-mail me at when u get the chance. l8r.
Posted: 2000-08-18 11:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
MY GOD!!! This mod rules I tink everyone should d/l it Darth you need to come back to JK and keep making great mods
Darth Scorpio
Posted: 2000-08-19 5:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks Angel_Hunter, I have been thinking about finishing the Darth Scorpio Mod. We shall see...
Posted: 2000-09-01 4:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
im an big fan of your work my ratting is 100% :P i love it but for the scorpio one can you put darts in it included :) and please make the saber smaller this is a wonderful mod!!!!
Darth Scorpio
Posted: 2000-09-13 4:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks Mr_LOL, Im glad you enjoy it. Now, don't just sit there!! Go tell the world!!
Posted: 2000-09-24 2:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
This si a great mod i luv it very good job how long did it take ya i bet a lil while but not to long and whoever is reading this i recomend u dl this cuz its a very good mod anyways goooooooooood job its a good mod thats alll :)!!!
Darth Scorpio
Posted: 2000-10-11 6:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hehe, thanks KOP_Yoda. It was difficult to make, but it was worth it since Ive gotten some great feedback.
Posted: 2000-11-28 1:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
this is honestly the most enjoyable mod on massassi and it's more fun than all the top rated mods in SP and MP.if you like mods, d/l this, its the best
Posted: 2000-12-22 2:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
Im getting it again rightnow,ive gotten it b4 and its F.U.N.!!!!!! D/L THIS NOW!!!!!
Darth Scorpio
Posted: 2001-02-21 4:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey people, I just got a CDR copy of the JK disc from one of my friends. I have Elite Force, Quake3, and other fps games, but I still think JK is one of the most fun (mainly because it's the easiest to edit). I have some great ideas, lately Ive been working on some stuff. Ive learned alot about editing and I hope to put out some excellent mods soon: including a RotE v.3 with a SP campain. Anyway, I need some ideas to help make RotE v.3 (objectives and ideas for SP levels mostly) and ideas for some new mods. If you have any at all please gimme a hand and email me!
Posted: 2001-03-19 2:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
What a let down. I dont know which came first but i think it was IWP and this one just rips off most of the guns and adds a few things. correct me if i am wrong on these
Darth Scorpio
Posted: 2001-05-13 7:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
I actually did get this concept from IWP. When I saw IWP for the first time I was amazed. I loved all the guns, and the assault cannon the most. I had Dark Forces and I loved the "Dark Trooper" concept. At first I just toyed with it, adding only a skin to make it look like a Dark Trooper. However, I became more and more into making the mod like the trooper on DF. I added a jetpack and other things then released RotE TC. After that, I saw many areas that need improvement, mainly MP. I configured it better and added a couple of weapons to make the gameplay more balanced, a skinpack, and finaly a MP level. To answer your question: yes, many of the files came from IWP, but no, the insperation came from myself. I added this mod only because I enjoyed it alot, not to detract from IWP. Currently, I am working on a whole new mod with a SP mission featuring the Dark Trooper.
Exar Kun
Posted: 2001-12-16 9:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice mod . Make a sith (Darth Vader) one. I give it a 10
Posted: 2002-08-17 7:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hi,Scorpio I was wondering. Are you thinking of making a sequel soon or not or making any new mods? Cuz My bro Darth_brygo would reall like that! :p also keep up the good work! :)
Posted: 2003-08-19 7:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
I am donwloading this mod now but it looks awsome!
The Dark trooper actuallty looks like it should, but in reality they dont have jetpacks...but who cares?!

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