Advanced Grapple Mod
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Advanced Grapple Mod
The Advanced Grapple Mod is, well, a grapple hook that is useable in single and multiplayer games. It has a faster travel velocity than most other grapple hooks, and works much the same as the grapple found in the excellent SPORK patch. Also included are new grapple sounds made specifically for this kind of mod, so no more boring JK sounds. Read the ReadMe.txt inside for more details.
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If I could add/change anything to this mod, I might make the gappling hook travel in an Arc(for realism's sake, and when you want to travel up a tower it would make it easier) and I'd add the ability to rappel(meaning scaling down a tower, you run backwards while holding onto the rope and descending) or you could make it so you can reduce the tension on the grappling hook and let out more rope(thus lowering yourself) this would make the mod a little more enjoyable, I think.
only thing missing is a rope... or something