The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » MidEvil
This is the MidEvil Mod: it changes all guns in JK to MidEvil implements of tourture. The saber moves are all modified, flips are added, a powerful useful kick is added along with magic spells, levitation, magic wands and many other goodies. I suggest players of MidEvil go to our site and skim through the Secrets ReadMe for the mod before trying it in multi-play.
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1. It's fun to beat down AI with this mod
1. In mp, the game doesn't even flow anymore
2. It's spelled Medieval, MidEvil means semi-evil.
3. It's not medeival, its wierd magic thingies with stupid effects that ruin the game.
4. Causes huuuuuuge lag with more than 2 people.
In conclusion, 1 for effort.