The Missing Skins
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » The Missing Skins
These JK skins include Boc, Maw, Gorc, an AtSt, the KellDragon, and a Miolac. It also includes a C2P0, a force&weapon patch that makes you have a flame thrower and a hand held tes le coil and decreases the mana amount lost when the force is used, a Remote, a R2, a R5, a Gran, and a Civilian Women patch created by my sister. (Email KKrunt, Name K Wan Kenobii). The last few was said not to be there in the Readme and were coming soon. Coming Soon: a C3P0, a probot, a sentry, a drugon, a water cyc, a ugnaught, a civilian man, and Pic.
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