Waterslide CTF
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight CTF Level » Waterslide CTF
This level is a CTF level set in a semi-water slide park. In the level are 4 water slides as well as some other stuff you have to see for yourself. This level is an attempt to add the same strategy and fun as The Challenge at Nar Shaddaa. (nothing compares to Nar :P ) There are new 3DOs and mats in this level. Some I made and one I didnt.
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
I was the one who made this map...oh so long ago. January 1999 was its release! Can you believe it? Wow so long ago. This was the second user made CTF map (first being Razor's GenocideCTF map). Anyway, in response to your comments; although I suggested it be a waterpark, it doesnt look like a traditional waterpark. Its not suppose to look like one. Its a futuristic setting. I didnt really want to make it look like amusement park/disneyland; i wanted to give it its own flavor, something that resembled more of LEC style JK maps. I dont think I totally accomplished that with Waterslide, but I tried. There are lots of things I could have done differently, some I probably should have, but that was a long time ago and oh well. This was my last map I ever created for JK. All of my following projects got lost in a format, or were never finished. Oh well...life goes on. I havent played JK in soo long...