SavageX's CTF
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight CTF Level » SavageX's CTF
This is the first CTF level I made. Its about the size of "Arena of dark and light". Both bases are identical so navigation isn't hard. All teammates are spawned to the resupply room where all the players of that team can resupply on all the weapons, health, and shields. Also features concussion turrets for both teams.
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
I have enjoyed the gameplay which is a little different from other ctf levels I've played due to a very effective defence mechanism.
Yes, I found the defenders to have too high an advantage. Maybe it was me being a deficient attacker against my clanmates Temp, DM and Kar but I really struggled.
Once the conc defences start firing and perhaps with the extra problem of a defender concing you from above it made it hard.
In general though I enjoyed it and love having a choice of ctf levels to play.
Good job SavageX