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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Mod » MotS+


Note: This file was updated at 1:30 PM PST on 2024-12-22. If you downloaded it before this, please re-download. A model was updated.

Update to Mysteries of the Sith designed to be the new definitive and ultimate way to play!

1) New patched level set! --Fixes countless level bugs and hopefully all soft-locks
2) Game-engine cutscenes! --Complete with isolated voices and stereo soundtrack as well as subtitles that toggle with the in-game menu
3) More Remastered Assets than ever before! --Thanks to SHRED for a long list of new hi-res ship models added
    --Everything is compatible with the remastered assets, even the cutscenes!
    --Enabled by default, but easy to disable. Play how you want!
4) New non-remastered assets, such as correctly textured 1st person Kyle models --Thanks to KNIGHTCOP
5) Saber Color Mod --Yellow Saber for Kyle and/or Blue Saber for Mara
    --Disabled by default. Customize your experience!
6) MotS Secret Level: Both versions included--the unfinished original and the most complete Secret Level+

This could not have been possible without the contributors, of whom are among the most talented in this community. Please thank them if you enjoy this!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
374.6 MiB


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Posted: 2024-12-20 11:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
It's been roughly 15 years since I first uploaded a "FastGamerr's MotS Graphical Update" ( - combining JKE with some enhanced MotS assets that existed at the time - on JKHub, and this is more or less what I was hoping for that project to have continued at the time. Better late than never!

Not only that, but with the current version of OpenJKDF2 there finally are cutscene subtitle commands that let the lines stay on the screen longer than Print(""); would allow, making the cutscenes far nicer to watch among all the other enhancements.

And the effort taken on recreating the cutscene soundtracks from high-quality sources is something that even I wouldn't have managed to pull off back in the final TODOA editing days.

Of course, there still are a lot of models that need to be remade, but perhaps the most notable one for me is the "flying Shrike" model, because there is quite a stark difference between the original MotS one landing at Katraasi in the cutscene before the level starts, and the level starting with you looking at the remade static model. Minor gripes would include some of the AI audio enhancements messing up with the original pitch and tone of the lines, but I'm glad these issues are balanced out by the many fixes to the original levels.

Regardless, given all the circumstances and MotS' obscurity, this release is definitely a 10/10 for me.

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