Revan's Castle
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Academy Single Player Level » Revan's Castle
My first map for the community. It has a dark atmosphere. I hope you all like it.
Level Info:
File Size:
3.7 MiB
Misanthropic Revan
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I think it's important to rate each level you play and comment on why you thought that. Because ratings are just a number. Commenting should explain your reasoning. That's why I always post my thoughts. Good reviews should encourage the author to continue his/her work. And bad ratings should give out constructive critisms. Bad reviews should be learning for what to improve on so both are important.
Sadly, I couldn't give this level any higher than a 2 and a few decimals. So at most my rating would round up to a 3. You all are entitled to your own opinions so feel free to disagree but IMO, the author could have much better. But this shouldn't be something to ignore. Work hard for next time and perhaps my score will bump up. It's not awful but I think you have a lot of work to do if you want to do better.
So, I'm not saying you should quit. You're not that bad of a creator. I just think you need to revise and edit your next work longer. There's no rush in releasing it. Take your time and fix things next time. You have potential...
Now I apologize if it seems like I'm spamming the comments but that's not my intention. I just am trying to make a Halloween Playlist since it's already October 2023. And obviously your level fits that theme. Therefore my 5th recommendation for a Halloween Experience would be this level: Revan's Castle.
It's common knowledge that old spooky castles are Halloween Themed. It's kinda like Haunted Mansions or Haunted Houses. Big dark buildings are perfect for horror. Even if that wasn't your intent. So, I think the castle of Revan would be a good playthrough for Halloween. Now would be a good time for others to download this level and try it out for themselves. So, have fun with this level, readers.