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"Clone Wars" Skin Pack

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » "Clone Wars" Skin Pack


This patch adds several MP skins (30) based on Episode II, Episode III & Expanded Universe "Clone Wars" characters (as well as a new lightsaber handle).


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
1.2 MiB
Diego Berlanga + Kievan Mereel


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Posted by
Darth Slaw
Posted: 2004-05-31 9:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
These are very well-done skins, some of the best I've seen. Don't hesitate to d/l them.
Posted: 2004-06-01 8:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a fantastic skin pack. A lot of detail and attention went into this, which is quite marvelous considering JK's aging engine. 10 out of 10.
Posted: 2004-06-07 4:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks guys. I did the texturing and some 3dos, but thanks to Kievan Mereel's hard work with the ARC, Clone Trooper & Pilot 3dos, they look just like those from the movies and the cartoons. I'm glad to see many people find the pack as enjoyable to watch as it was for me to develop.

I know the JK engine is quite old, but skinning is very simple stuff on it. I tried to develop this pack a couple years ago (during the release of Episode II). Sadly, a very stupid gobbing error from me kept it from working (I put the mat folder out of the 3do directory). I gave it a shot a few months ago and fixed the problem. Is a shame I didn't finish it before. On the other hand, waiting this long let me include several Episode III material (as well as very kewl stuff from the "Clone Wars" Cartoons & the EU).

I guess that "everything comes to those who know when to wait", hehe...
Posted: 2004-06-28 10:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
awesome skin pack, keep up the good work

10/10 fer sure!
Posted: 2005-03-22 9:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
These are awesome skins. i just wanna know. who is the person in the second screenshot supposed to be?
Posted: 2005-04-02 5:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
That is General Grevious. Too bad you can't wield 2 or 4 lightsabers in Jedi Knight.
Posted: 2005-04-28 12:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Looking at these from the screenshots I can say for sure that they look great. Has anybody considered making EpIII levels? I know JK can't handle everything like 2+ lightsabers per person but it would be neat to play as Anakin vs the battle droids as he tries to kill the last of the separatists (why the name separatists, I still don't get that one).
Posted: 2005-05-07 8:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
They are called Separatists because they separated from the Republic. It's like how the Confederacy (which they're also called) seceded from the Union at the beginning at the Civil War of Secession Between the States.
Posted: 2005-05-10 7:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice Mats The 3dos are decent (I am realy picky about these they are my passion). You should have added the extra arms to Grevoius and merged them to the body in a cool position.

And for the record you can have more then one saber in JK. That is how the light staffs are done they are two DIFFERENT saber blades that are connected by the hanel 3do. I experemented with the consecpt of double sabers but could never get a good looking KEY fore the swings/blocks. Look at the turotial on Melinium for more info.
Posted: 2007-01-20 6:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
I downloaded, but I can't find any of the skins in the game, is there a cetain place I put the files to make them show up?


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