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Lava Wars

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Lava Wars


Lots of cameras , traps , secrets , a no guns saber and fist only saber dueling area , and more . The AI are not synched, but are still fun for SP in MP or coop with mods etc ... Have fun ..


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
318.0 KiB


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Posted: 2004-05-19 1:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
Fairly niftey, but FAR from a ng saber match. It's nearly perfect for a full fledged guns deathmatch :D
Posted: 2004-05-19 9:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
He's saying that it *has* a NG Sabers area. Not that the entire level is such. I'll download it to give it a try, but no rating yet.
Posted: 2004-05-21 2:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
I don't know why, but this level scares me. However, it's one of my favorites.

I give it a 9- wish there was more AI.
Posted: 2004-05-25 6:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a great level. no offense but uasully I'm not a big fan of Jeremiah23, but this level shows what he can do. the AI was great, it looks like U put alot of time in it....the traps and cameras are awsome....I gave the level a 9....keep making great levels and U will be one of massassi's favorites....U have outdone yourself this time keep up the great work.
Posted: 2004-05-29 4:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
Lord Varos
Posted: 2004-06-05 2:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
Two words: interesting level. I'm not saying good or bad, just interesting. An original idea, having all of these different areas flow together. I gave this level my traditional half hour of gameplay with two friends, and here's what I found.

Architecture: 5/10

At first, I wasn't sure how to rate your architecture. There didn't seem to be any. In the end, however, I decided it was average. Had the level not depended almost solely on the 3do's, I might have rated it 4, 3, or maybe even as low as 2. But nearly everything (gameplay, aesthetics, blah blah blah, etc.) was based on the placement of 3do's. Therefore, your mediocre architecture scrapes by with a "C".

Texturing: 7/10

At least it wasn't painful. While your texturing was certainly monochrome in some areas, it was artistic in others. The color and texture choice contributed to the "We're all alone" deathmatch ambience captured by levels such as Dark Tempest. I would have rated you higher, 8 or 9, even, but too many areas had endless walls of grey. Try to put feeling into your textures. Think of what the room or area is all about, and what will be happening there.

3do Usage: 9/10

Your 3do's were nearly impeccably placed in the ultimate strategic positions. Nearly. It was fairly easy to walk on the pipes in the lava room, but you still had to watch your feet during a fight. Why was the Moldy Crow there? It was out of place, and gave conc campers too much cover for their laming tactics (I'd know, my friend's brother loves his camping). my only beef besides the Crow was the ease of moving through the lava areas. In a place such as this, you should have to watch yourself very, very carefully. I was running the entire time, and only fell in during fights.

Cog Placement: 2/10

This is the section that got you. Your cogs were well chosen, but very poorly implemented. Number one, the force field is far too easy to activate. Look at the Nar Shadaa Loading Terminal force field for guidance. Keeping it on is a bad idea, because someone will turn it off and shoot you. Also, you are totally trapped, with only the conc to keep you company. Number two, the lava killed you waaaaay to slowly. If you fell in lava, how long do you think you'd last? You would measure it in 1/100's of a second. Basically, with the ease of running on circular pipes and the low lava damage, it is very difficult to die from the lava. You would have to try pretty hard. Number three, there was a huge, glaring bug in the saber arena. I fell off the side, into space. When I respawned, I was invisible and hovering about .4 JKU above the ground. Made it hard to fight me, so I had to remake the game. Last thing, the creature spawns affect framerate too much. Fighting six creatures is no challenge, but that's the most I can spawn before the lag kicks in. Altogether, you're lucky to get away with a 2/10.

Weapon/Powerup Placement: 6/10

Your placement of powerups made it seem as though I was being starved for ammo sometimes. I felt like I was pulling myself through the desert a lot. Then the sand people came and shot me with their big concs of death. While you made it a little less that appropriately difficult to get the most powerful weapons, you still performed well in that area. Force users will have a tough time, with the lack of force "ups" in the level. Ammo was placed far too sparingly for a guns level.

Gameplay: 8/10

Nice work. While it was, at times, difficult and even frustrating to find opponents, the flow of the level was smooth like butter. Or margarine. On a sesame bagel. I hate garlic and stuff like that. And salt, yeeeeuch. I just kept running, and just kept fragging. Hope you don't mind if I add RBots, for the sake of playing your level late at night, when its socially unnacceptable to call people and ask to play. Lava made jumping saber battles impossible, so it was down to pure player skill. Sniping was impossible, so campers - I hate you all - will weep after being dominated by saberists.

Overall: 6/10 - B-

Your level was good, but a few huge mistakes slashed down your rating. In the future, relate all of your areas under one theme, instead of Lava/Spaceport/Arena/whatever else you put in there. This level is small, so if you and your friends want a good level to play every once in a while, and don't have huge hard drives, get this level and play it till you puke, pass out, and drown in a puddle of your own excrement. Cheers!

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