PacMan Arena
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Academy FFA Level » PacMan Arena
This is a deathmatch level based on one of the levels in the original Pac Man arcade game.
Level Info:
File Size:
4.9 MiB
Tony "Cazor" Stockert
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"error []: missiong 20480 bytes in Zip file (attempting to process anyway)."
*click Ok*
"Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive."
Any help? =/
Jin, I just downloaded it from here, and yeah, it doesn't work for me either, but the pcgamemods one works for me. maybe something went wrong with the upload or my email, because i sent both websites the same file :\ Ill have to see.
[edit]heh, and i see someone rated it a 5... even though they couldn't have played it. gotta love that.[/edit]
This is a great level...pacman with a twist...
Lets see here...
Architexture : Boxy, but that's just how it needs to be. Pac-man wasn't a bunch of spheres and cones running around...*cough*
Gameplay : It's better when you have more than a couple of people. Preferably 5 or 6+ makes it fast-paced fun...
Music : I love it, i love it, i love it :P...
KaioShin's rating : 10/10
and a vote for LotW.
The only problem I have with it is it is to small for me... I know it is a PacMan level which is small, but it is just too small...
Overall I give you a 9 / 10!