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Duel Zero

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Duel Zero


...Er... I mean, hey Massassi, get a load of Duel Zero. That's right Muurn, I finally released it. It's got a load of features. Sure, I could do better now, but I'm putting all that kind of effort into Randsaber, and I'll be damned if I'll toil through all of these keys again.
I figure I better lay the features on the table so you guys know what you've gotten ahold of.


The first thing you need to know about Duel Zero is the options system. The fieldlight (same old icon and all) selects the option, irgoggles changes it. A text message will appear on screen when you select or change an option, just keep your eye on the top of the screen and it shouldn't be too hard. Here's your options:

Saber color: This one should be obvious. When you change the color, it'll only show the name of the color you changed to - your actual saber won't change untill you swing again.

saber form:For this one, you might want to look at this site. I've included a text file that covers the subject a little more for those who are interested. If you don't want to bother, Duel Zero starts you off with sixth form, a decent balance of speed, power, and defense.

sideways control: This one is pretty simple. Consider a left-to-right strike. To get this strike in JK, you'd press left and fire, so this method will be called "JK style." To get the same strike in JO, you'd press right and fire, so that method is "JO style."

saber system: This is where it gets either really complicated or really fun for you guys. This is covered in the included text document (the one that covers saber forms). Just read that thing, it'd ruin my little pattern to explain it all here. Like the saber forms, if you don't want to bother, it's already preset to eight directional system - meaning front, back, left, right, and diagonals.

So fieldlight selects, IR Goggles changes. The presets are fairly balanced, with eight directional saber system and sixth form, so if you don't feel like making it complicated, you don't have to. It's no more difficult than SBX with these presets.


Duel Zero has a few added perks, as you'll see.

The Saber: You'll notice that we have a big, fat block radius. If it's even a little in front of you, you can block it. It's a 180 degree arc of pure blockage. This is very handy, now you can actually use blocking to defend yourself. I've heard people tell me they wish JO and JA had this kind of blocking.
Also, you'll notice how the block animations are instantaneous. No lag at all. Your block anim plays right when the bullet or swing comes, no waiting on ping time.

The Force: The only force power I've added is Force Speed. What this power does is pretty simple, although it can be difficult to use. It's really just for getting around huge levels, if I need to justify it. What the power itself does is double your velocity. That is, if you're running, jumping, falling, swimming - just, whatever - when you press the button it'll double your speed in that direction. You can keep compounding them to go infinitely fast, jump infinitely high, etcetera, but you still die if you hit something. For that reason, pressing backward + force speed will cut your speed in half. This is good for saving your ass from long falls and the like.

Fists: I was going to make a fancy-pants kung fu system, but it didn't really pan out - I exhausted all of my keyframing ability on all gazillion of the saber keys. The only real difference is that it fires faster and you can block within a 180 degree arc, though it has no new animations or anything. Fists only block fists, no saber blocking with fists or any of that crud.

Crossbow: I gave it a new spread pattern. Everybody likes it, the old crossbow spread pattern was useless anyway. Really, who EVER used it? Now it's just a plus-sign kind of setup.

Repeater: Every tester loved this one. I remember fondly the time I read in the JK manual, "Secondary fire shoots using all three barrels at once." I thought to myself, "Awesome, that means it's super fast!" Sad disappointment. I got rid of that pansy little triangle and made it just do that - fire three times as fast, with a big ol' random aiming error. It still takes a reasonable amount of ammo though (1 cell per shot), so in the time it takes you to say "OMFG THIS PWNS," you'll be almost out.

The Player: This is simple crud. No drowning. No fall damage unless it kills you.

Updated Graphics: This is just the part of the mod that looks cool. All of these models (bullets, lightsaber graphics) were made by none other than Acharjay, and in my opinion they're the best ever. I colored the sabers myself, complete with 16-bit mats, but everything else is pure Acharjay at his finest.


I put way too much time into this mod. WAY too much. I can't even tell you when this thing started, it was well over a year ago. I think I may have started it before I even got expelled from school, which would put it at almost two years ago. It's not like I planned it in advance and spent the whole time making it to how it is now, it underwent a whole bunch of changes. TONS. Just ask any of my testers (Acharjay and Firejin Zero/Saadow, Muurn and Pommy, Chikyu-jin and Dark Auron/SSJ_Yun, and OberfeldWebel and Lord Archon.) about it, they'll tell you.

Before I finish, I would like to thank a whole lot of people. What started out as an unspoken ritual came to be a revered ritual to me - the pairing of beta testers. They would always come in pairs. Always have, always will if I can do anything about it. For this reason, I'll thank them by the pair, in chronlogical order.

Acharjay and Firejin Zero/Saadow: These guys have seen me through the whole mod. Acharjay dubbed the mod 'Duel Zero' early in its history. He made all of the weapon and saber models you see, as well as countless others in the past that will unfortunately never see public attention. Firejin Zero has also seen me through the whole modding process. His help mostly came in the form of gameplay advice. He helped me through the balancing of the saber forms and with gameplay ideas. He also helped me discover the very nature of multiplayer game lag, a secret that's helped me through to JA.

Muurn and Pommy: These two guys were great. It's a real shame they both ended up leaving Massassi. Muurn tested this sucker since darned near its creation, gave me gameplay advice, helped me conceive the very idea of saber styles. Pommy helped in a very similar way. Many, many hours of testing with these guys. Probably the most testing of any of these pairs was with Muurn and Pommy.

Oberfeldwebel and Lord Arch0n: These guys helped me make the transition from the less polished, cruder compilation of concepts and cogs into what I have now - while it still lacks the polish of other mods, these guys helped me polish the HELL out of it.

Chikyu-jin and SSJ_Yun/Dark Auron: These two are my very oldest testers. They've been with me since the dawn of Randsaber, a mod that lived and died long before Duel Zero. I'm resurrecting it, since it's by far the most original thing I've ever came up with and it's just a blast to work on. That's beside the point - the point is that these guys have seen me through the very ages of JK. We've done hundreds, maybe thousands of hours of testing of various mods. These guys were with me for Randsaber, all of my DBZ mods which are as of yet unfinished, Jedi Knight Power Battles (A Jedi Power Battles mod), all two-dozen or so versions of Duel Zero, and now the final.

Thank all of you so much, this mod would have been a crapshoot without guys like you to work with. What really made it work was how terribly informal it was. Many times I'll see a newer editor start a mod and have the final result all planned out from the start, they'll give everyone positions and tell them exactly what they want done, when in the mod's development they want it done, and how they want it to work with everyone else's work. What the hell is that? Our mod making process was basically AIM chats between me and whoever my two testers were at the time, with some JK play. We just chilled out - "Hey, here's the new beta." "Hey, here's some new models." "Wouldn't it be cool if...?" "Sure." "Nah." "OMG, THIS PWNS!" Just that kind of thing. So terribly laid back.

That's how I really think it should be done. I know I had fun with it, I hope you guys do too. And so, I pass Duel Zero to the masses. I do suggest you check out that seven-form website, it's a good read. Also, check out the text file about saber forms and systems that's included in the zip - knowing these details is the way you make this mod fun. You can get seriously customized like that, give it a go.



screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
327.1 KiB
Checksum and Acharjay


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2004-01-11 1:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
Looks and sounds cool, I may acaully have to re-install JK when i get home from work today.
Posted: 2004-01-11 1:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
the sabering was as good as it should have been..and all the forms have the same moves don't they? or am i just blind? diferent forms shoudl ahve different moves...but i'll give you a 7...if this is beta, and you're gonna finish, improve the sabers. alot
Posted: 2004-01-11 2:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
Somebody didn't read the included readme.

The saber forms change the speed, power, and defense of the lightsaber, not the actual animations. That may or may not come in a much simpler final release.
Posted: 2004-01-11 3:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
Since many of the paragraphs in this description are either really vague or just say "Please see the readme"... why was it nessesary to create the longest and most unhelpful file description in massassi history?

What about this?
"Jedi Knight modification that majorly tweaks and upgrades the saber combat system (ie blocking, attacks, key layout, saber color, saber stance, etc), new force speed power, new secondary attacks for Crossbow and Repeater. Thank you's are in readme as usual."
Posted: 2004-01-11 9:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey RavenX, I've got a better paragraph. How about this,


Yeah? Good. Now how about commenting on the actual mod, rather than it's discription.
Posted: 2004-01-11 9:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
I donno, maybe because I haven't had a chance to test it completely yet. But if you can't even take constructive criticism about your description, why should I waste my time giving you a review of this mod? Cya.
Posted: 2004-01-12 2:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
Fine. Do everything you can to avoid enjoying this mod, all because you decided one day that you had ADHDHDHDHDHDHD and couldn't sit through all two minutes of reading my description.

Then decide you're dyslexic and can't discern between me and Chikyu-jin, and run away from the comments section.

It's your problem, not mine.
Posted: 2004-01-12 4:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
Wait... constructive criticism ABOUT HIS DESCRIPTION?! This isn't a literary analysis and we aren't a book club, RavenX. No one's asking you to review his mod for the greater good, you merely have the option of playing it for your own amusement (or that of other players who might pwn you). So if you do see it as wasted time, then stop playing JK/JO modifications and spend your time on more useful endeavours. I hardly think that anyone will care.
Posted: 2004-01-12 4:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
On a far lighter note, Checksum, I'd like to commend you on having produced a solid saber mod with a great deal of depth and programming alacrity. You have definitely put a lot of work into this, and it shows.
SSj2 Majin Bejiita
Posted: 2004-01-12 1:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
$W337! Form VII all the way!!!!! Great mod, Checksum (wish I'd had the opportunity to beta this).
Posted: 2004-01-12 1:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
Whoa, although i dont have JK, if it does everything it says it does, the new functions are better in some cases then JO (which i have). I can only think of one thing to add, controls to block. ive always wanted to be able to choose where to block with a force "spidey-sense" to warn the general direction
(this should be able to be turned off). I think that it would especially help enhance saber combat. All in all, id say it looks great, and i wish i had JK to try it out. Good job.
Posted: 2004-01-12 7:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, RavenX. Don't expect me to agree with you instead of Jin. I have another idea for you:

its called "STHU."

Nice, huh? Comment on the mod, and realise that this deserves more than what you said. 10/10 Checksum.
Posted: 2004-01-12 7:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, RavenX. Don't expect me to agree with you instead of Jin. I have another idea for you:

its called "STHU."

Nice, huh? Comment on the mod, and realise that this deserves more than what you said. 10/10 Checksum.
Posted: 2004-01-12 7:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, RavenX. Don't expect me to agree with you instead of Jin. I have another idea for you:

its called "STHU."

Nice, huh? Comment on the mod, and realise that this deserves more than what you said. 10/10 Checksum.
Posted: 2004-01-13 5:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
Triple posting eliminates the irony content of the insult. *cough*

Good mod. 10
Posted: 2004-01-13 9:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2004-01-13 11:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
Overall I gave this a 9/10. The new graphics looked nice, and the saber system well thought out, planned, and executed very well. My only question is, what does the bacta tank used for? I used it accidentally, and it like, stuck my external camera to one spot. I would like to know what it's for, and if there is anyway to reverse it other than aborting the game. Well done Checksum.
A Big Fat CoW
Posted: 2004-01-13 12:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
1: don't steal other peoples lines

2: don't triple-post

3: ... if and when you DO steal someone elses line, don't put it in the same thread/comment area that they did... that's just stupid.
Posted: 2004-01-13 4:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
i give it a 8 because thier are a somethings about this mod that are bad and good. first the bad....
1)The thing that agrivated me the most was i couldnt do a side swing with out strafing. I hate doing that and i get really mad cause usually i fall off a legde or somthing or i miss the guy.
2) i liked the camra view but u couldnt get out of it with out killing yourself. You need to fix that otherwise its fine.
3)I didnt like that u always stabed nomatter what key you were pressing, the animation was good but it needs more movements( i know its just a beta and u are probibly gonna fix that but im just saying)

now the good things...

1) I liked the animations

2) I loved the repeter guns new 2nd shotting thing

3) The crossbows new charge thingy was cool too.

4) The graphics were awsome!!!

5) The blocking was too cool. I could finally actully defend my self were as in normall mode with out the mod u had to be in front of the guy dead center to block... This chaged the hole dynamics.

overall this mod is at a good start and i cant wait to see your updates and try them out!

Posted: 2004-01-13 7:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
That's one of the reasons this is a beta - I stopped working on this a while back and forgot a lot of its features.

Example, the bacta tank - it's a screenshot cam, the way it works is when you press it, it sets your current camera mode as a floating camera, and crouch + bacta sets your camera back to normal.
Midnight Hunter
Posted: 2004-01-14 6:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
nice mod the camera i found useful as a spy cam then a screeny cam and like the others said good graphics etc.

Posted: 2004-01-14 8:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
O and BTW are u gonna have mor sabers like duel sabers or lightstaffs??? just wondering cause that would be cool if you are gona make them
Posted: 2004-01-14 12:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
Indeed great mod with some small flaws, but great. :D
Posted: 2004-01-15 8:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ok.. I like some things, and dont like others.. Ill start with the things I do like, then the thing I do not like.

Things I do like:

1. I like the Repeater Idea, very good idea.

2. The crossbow changes.. I like all the things you'v done to the guns..

3. Nice graphics also..

4. I overall like the fact of how long you have spent making this Mod.. This shows a lot of dedication. And proves to me that you really did a lot of good things with this mod.

5. And I also like the Fists block fists thing.. Pretty neat..

Now the things I do not like that much:

1. I do and dont like the block radius changes.. I have sortof of miixed feelings for this.. I like it the other way because it takes much more skill to block, but I like it this way because you have a lot more chance, which gives it a bit more of a realistic feeling.

2. I dont dont like the lack of saber attack/animations.. I think it needs some more attacks to give it some more reality..

Overall, I think this is a good mod... I give it an 8/10. What I like most out of this mod, is the fact that you spent so much time to finish it.. Shows your dedication to JK.. ^_-
Posted: 2004-01-15 6:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
More attacks? Did you even look at the other saber systems? There's at least a good 25 attacks in this mod.
Posted: 2004-01-16 2:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
I haven't rated it yet because I haven't been able to try it out with other people yet.

On the down marks, I found the menu to not be very friendly. If possible, it should change instantly as you scroll, as well as custom menu icons.

I also found it neat that there was a stationary camera, but it sucked that you couldn't change back to normal camera until you died.

I also didn't like how the game seems to start you off with no Force until you actually pick up a force surge thing. Not cool.

If nothing else though, I'm keeping this mod because of Force Speed (which fortunately ISN'T dependant on the force meter). I'm having butt-loads of fun just going at mach speeds across Dark Tempest-sized levels in mere seconds. Being able to reduce your fall is sweet too.

While it would be a butt-load of work, this mod does need to have seperate animations for the saber styles and whatnot for it to feel finished. Still, I hope to be able to try it out with other people :)
Posted: 2004-01-16 2:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
In fact, is it possible to add a feature to calculate how fast a player is going in MPH/KPH? I want to see if Kyle can break the speed of light... :D
Posted: 2004-01-16 8:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
With a couple levels of just long stretches for running, I still find myself being able to cross them in mere seconds. It would seem that, until a teleport cog that doesn't negate a player's speed can be found, the max speed won't be reached as it is.

Of course, unless JK crashes beforehand, it would seem that the limit of how fast you can go is how fast you can tap the force speed hotkey. I doubt I reached anywhere NEAR that though.

I'd still like to find out if it's possible for Katarn boy to break light speed. Or Warp 10 :D
Midnight Hunter
Posted: 2004-01-18 6:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
there is a way for him to go "warp 10" as u put it only its more like force suicide if u move in any direction
Dead Juggalo
Posted: 2004-01-19 5:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
looksh fantashticsh....i givesh u a 10
Posted: 2004-01-21 2:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
Bacta camera turns off with crouch + force speed.

Force Speed slows down by back + force speed.
Posted: 2004-02-14 9:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey great work lovede the unstoppeble deffence. it dosen't work on multi player 4 me but. is that just my comp or is it made like that. any i gave it 9/10 great mod
Darth Spiv
Posted: 2004-03-25 3:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
I don't like this mod. The graphics look great for the lightsaber. But when I put this mod in, it doesn't let me load a saved game or start a new one and it makes the game crash just out of the blue. How do I know it's this mod? Whenever I take it out, it works fine again. I'd love this mod if it didn't do this to my game, but it does so I gave it a 0.....
Posted: 2004-05-07 12:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
pretty long mod derscription =)
Posted: 2006-11-07 8:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
10/10, brill mod, kinda brings a Jedi Academy feel to the game with the different styles etc, I just wanna know why no-one ever tries to mirror the arms on new skins, then you get two sabers xD but its a really good mod..

"pretty long mod derscription =)" and a pretty long comments section.

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