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Elite Mandolorian

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Academy Skin » Elite Mandolorian


This my first skin for Jedi Academy. It replaces Boba Fett in singleplayer and multiplayer. If there are any errors please feel free to email me. Enjoy!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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1.3 MiB


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Posted: 2003-10-27 4:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2003-10-27 5:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Its not that good, all it is, is a light green Boba Fett... nothing special though i probably couldn't do it myself.
Cya, Jack
Posted: 2003-10-27 8:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
K as far as quality goes, its nothing special or too original, but hey, it adds aesthetics.
Posted: 2003-10-28 11:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
Last time i checked that isnt what a Mandalorian looks like. If youve ever played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for xbox or PC. They dont even look like Boba Fett, sure they have helmets but common, dont call it a Mandalorian cause it isnt, call it a greenish boba fett, which by the way you can have chose as a skin in the actual game with no mods added, so why would you download this anyway?
Posted: 2003-10-28 11:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
Last time i checked that isnt what a Mandalorian looks like. If youve ever played Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic for xbox or PC. They dont even look like Boba Fett, sure they have helmets but common, dont call it a Mandalorian cause it isnt, call it a greenish boba fett, which by the way you can have chose as a skin in the actual game with no mods added, so why would you download this anyway?
Posted: 2003-10-29 1:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
Bah. As a stand-alone skin this would've gotten a 6, but now that it replaces the *real* Boba, 3/10.
Posted: 2003-11-03 3:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
If youve ever played JK, Mandalore.

If youve ever read the Jango Fett comics, Mandolorians.

Both were out before KotOR.
Posted: 2003-11-26 7:09 a.m.   Report Abuse
i give this a 3/10 because it takes away original skin in the game. You just can't get rid of Bobafett skin (original one) its just not right.and to you nightshade you need your facts straight kotor is very new and does not take the place of everything that was original that is a mandelorian think before you speak false facts.
Posted: 2003-12-03 2:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
ok, most of the academy mods ive seen are better than outcast, but this alot worse than an outcast version of Jango fett, and considering this just looks like Boba, all i can say is check your sources and try again.
Posted: 2004-01-03 9:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
As for the skin, nothing special. Just a little hue change here and there. I would of just kept this one for myself, not released it, but keep trying, I'm sure you've got a lot of talent! 6/10
In response to nightshade, Boba Fett's armor IS what the mandalorians armor looks like. If you really looked into KOTOR, it says it took place 4,000 years before the Galactic Empire (the fall of which took place just before Academy took place), which is a heck of a lot of time for the mandalorian armor style to change.
In resonse to BobaFett-SM, your wrong also. Lucas Arts helped in the development of KOTOR, so everything in the game WAS displayed correctly. Additionally, if you look to the response to nightshade, 4,000 years, again, is a heck of a long time to change the armor style.
Posted: 2004-01-30 5:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
2/10. This should have been put under MODS. not skins. its a replacement. lern how to skin... tinting doesnt count.
The Seventh Blessing
Posted: 2004-02-26 6:40 a.m.   Report Abuse
first off, a 6 from me.

Skater John That is not really Fair, the tinting has been done very Nicely and I like it :) Also it is a Skin and Should be put under skins, not meaning to start an argument, but you should read the definiton of a mod.

Darth Maul, I dont wanna sound like im good at skinning mine have been Balls on a Stick to be honest but u probably could have i dunno, perhaps tried to make the armour look a bit newer and not so buggered up, well anyway, nice job, hope to see some more from you :)


*edit* I have Just Had i thought, scary yes. Do people see the original skin, if you are using a replacment? (its a heck of a long time since i have skinned and have forgotten), well if so, surly thats a good thing cos they can see a Default skin and not bloody kyle, i dunno about you but i really find kyle the worst choice of defualt skin there is, they should have made it, the infinatly popular reborn j/k, well if anyone knows, post the answer on one of my jk3 skins so i will actually notice it :)
Posted: 2004-03-24 1:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I gave it a 7 because to me, he did a good job. First off, I don't remember (I only borrowed JA from a friend for Xbox, and I only had it like a week) Boba having all those scuff marks on him... I read the 1st issue of the Jango Fett comics online and they looked almost just like that, so it does look like what he wanted it to look like (A Mandelorian). And if you ask me, I didn't really like playing as Boba in Multiplayer because he didn't look like I remembered him (Just thinking about it makes me think of that rolling noise he makes... Augh). So, a 7 it is! Could have been better, but in my eyes he did a good job!
Posted: 2004-04-19 8:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
About the KotOR -comment. The Mandalorians looked like the ones in KotOR 4000 -years before the galactic empire, but could it be POSSIBLE, that the mandalorians would have made BETTER armors in 4000 -years (no... of course it wouldn't be possible)

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