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Bespin - Some Random Place

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Academy FFA Level » Bespin - Some Random Place


This is a small Bespin-themed level. It's not in any particular place, just somewhee "random." My beta testrers seems to like this level more than I thought they would! Bot paths are included (though they are slightly buggy).


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
1.4 MiB
The Mega-ZZTer


Score (0-10):
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Posted: 2003-10-22 10:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
Not bad looking. More detail definately could've helped.
Posted: 2003-10-22 10:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
Oh yeah... I would just like to add... that this is the very first JA level on Massassi... Thank you, thank you very much... [/elvis]
Posted: 2003-10-22 11:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
LotW. 9/10.
Posted: 2003-10-22 8:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
Pretty good level. I just thought it was a little bland. Try varying the textures a bit and make the achitecture just a bit less smooth in areas. Otherwise fun to play :-) 8/10
Posted: 2003-11-11 1:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
Very cool. Reminds me of one my missions once, in Bespin.

(Kyle Kartan, Jedi Outcast)
Posted: 2003-11-11 1:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
Very cool level. Should be sick in FFA, but ease up on the curves, and maybe add some more obstacles, like a wall or something, I don't know. Good job for your first try. 9/10
Posted: 2003-11-25 1:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
woo, i love the level... yes it is a little bland but still really fun, and it still looks baspiny
Posted: 2003-11-25 1:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
woo, i love the level... yes it is a little bland but still really fun, and it still looks baspiny
Posted: 2004-01-04 2:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
I like this level a lot. Sure theres not much detail, but thats not what makes a level great. Having the whole map open, and being able to jump from level to level is a cool idea. It definately plays well in multiplayer if your using guns. As a saber map... not so good. All in all the level is very interesting to play on, not explore, but to play on. 8/10
Posted: 2004-01-04 2:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
I like this level a lot. Sure theres not much detail, but thats not what makes a level great. Having the whole map open, and being able to jump from level to level is a cool idea. It definately plays well in multiplayer if your using guns. As a saber map... not so good. All in all the level is very interesting to play on, not explore, but to play on. 8/10

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