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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Skin » Bob


This skin is cool. I made the skin dan did everything else. The skin is inspired by my 27 stickman cartoons, my 15 normal cartoons and my book. It has no team colours but it does have bot support!

Bob was a veteran in the army for 70 years, in the field and at tactical ops fighting wars across the world. He died a peaceful death still serving and was given a heros funeral. But, as technologies advanced earth made contact with an alien race named the Kunst. They were a peaceful culture but expressed a high intrest in the humans. So much so that it was found that the Kunst had been taking humans from the boarder planets. When they refused to stop the EDF (Earth Defence Force) declared war. To begin with, the war went well and as other planets joined Earth's rapididly growing empire. It looked like it was all over when the EDF lay siege to the Kunst homeworld but the Kunst attacked with massed forces ten times larger than the whole population of Earth! One by one, EDF controlled planets fell until only a handful of planets were inhabited by humans. In a desparate attempt to turn the tide of the war, some EDF scientists began a project that would win the war. It was called "Project Resurrection", and its purpose was to bring back the hero of the past.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
1.7 MiB
The Seventh Blessing


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Posted: 2003-10-22 9:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
A skin with a backstory? I like that... I like that a lot. It shows that you've thought about this character.
Posted: 2003-10-22 2:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yea, I know what you mean GoY. Ive never seen a skin have a back story. Well, I guess having the skin, and taking the time to write up a good story for him, im going to rate this as an 8. Good job
Posted: 2003-10-22 9:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Pretty good reskin and the story adds to it. 7/10
The Seventh Blessing
Posted: 2003-10-23 9:01 a.m.   Report Abuse
The Authour name "Darth Slaw" I don't know where that came from but it was supposed to be under the name "luke" (because it was me and luke that made this skin

Cheers for the kind comments guys.

-The Seventh Blessing.

P.S. i am not some random person taking credit for someones work what i am saying is true, also see Kranachov another of my skins- its got an extension to the story.
The Seventh Blessing
Posted: 2003-10-23 1:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
ignore the above comment the problem was sorted out

cheers massassi

-The Seventh Blessing
alan renalds
Posted: 2005-06-28 7:05 a.m.   Report Abuse
the skin is nice, and i like the fact that it has a story. gives it a nice toutch.
Posted: 2006-05-08 11:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
kool but he doesn't look like he's been in the army for 70 years does he???
other than that its kool.

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