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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Abandoned


Cold, alone, and in rubble, this old Imperial Mining Base, used for mining Ore, lays in ruins from the eruptions in the atmosphere of the planet Relko. But troopers limbs scattered through-out the halls. Death experience that seems not of an eruption. Could there be something else perhaps behind these deaths?  

This level is meant for guns with 3-4 players. This is my first released level so far. Any tips or hints or help to improve this or further levels is GREATLY appriciated! (Eventually I will be making a Single Player that has to do with the massacure of troopers and the eruptions on planet Relko, once I figure out how to work opening doors correctly.)


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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26.1 KiB


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Posted: 2003-07-22 1:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, the level doesn't look wonderful, I'm afraid I have to say. Plus the file size is only 26 kb - nothing that small can be "really good". Nice story though. I don't mean to be hard, but try learning more about JED (JKEdit) and how to operate it before releasing.

I'm sure you worked very hard, but sometimes experience and knowledge are a greater ally. In order to achieve a level to be proud of, read as many Massassi tuorials as possible. As for doors, if you need help, email me at

I sincerely wish you best of luck. I'm by no means a great editor, but I've been doing Jed long enough to know the basics. If you need me, I'll try to offer some assistance. I give you a 6.
Posted: 2003-07-22 1:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks. I sent this to Massassi about a week ago and actully have quite improved since. Anyway, the door this is weird. I'll email you about it.
Posted: 2003-07-22 7:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
I thought it was a cool lvl, I liked the story line. But it is pretty small. Plus, doors would help. But u know I don't use JED(I use JKedit). But otherwise, it is a pretty cool lvl, and this goes out to other ppl. How do I make it darker for JKedit.
Posted: 2003-07-22 8:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Texturing is rather poor. First word of advice, don't use JK textures. Second, keep a consistent theme, same color metal type of metal, etc. Lighting, there's skews, fix that. Just takes some vertex adjustment. Architecture is boring, boxy. Not much variety, some tunnels, and one open area. When trying to make edges to an open area, extrude them out so they don't look flat and cut out next to the sky. Tak a look at BGJ to see what I mean (Though I would suggest going further than BGJ). Item placement is lacking, doesn't allow for much. Level is relatively 2-D. Kinda like old DOOM levels but more so. Add more variety, possibly a second level, on the Z-axis. As for doors, just select a 3do. Click add value, and type NUMFRAMES in. Set this value to 2. Add value again, FRAME. Repeat to add another FRAME value. Move the 3do to where it should be when opened. Click "Copy as Frame". Now move it back. Paste over anything in the second FRAME value. "Copy as Frame" again. Now past over anything in the first FRAME value. Then add the door cog and select the door as the thing... That's basically it. Oh, btw, old tip, always use 3 sectors for a door, one where the door is, and two surrounding it, at the height of the door. Better to do. Work more. Experiment on your own. Don't try to do anything, just make things, trying to get various looks, keep themes and get various cogs and effects done. Then once you've done this a while, work on a level.
Posted: 2003-07-23 9:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
I know it is lacking stuff, (items, textures etc.) but the problem with the door isn't getting it to open. It's a flag error I think. I get stuck halfway into the doorway and fall in mid air and day. I've checked the flags but it still isn't working.
Posted: 2003-07-24 4:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
If you want, send me a copy, and I can fix it. I'm rather experienced, though I don't publish anything. Thing I'm best at is fixing things, lol. Guess from all the dumb mistakes I make, first times around.
Posted: 2003-07-25 2:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, the door problem happens on every level I make. I don't have any levels that still have it because I deleted them awhile ago.
Posted: 2003-07-30 1:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
better than most first levels

my first level looked like crap. all it had was extruded sectors. not saying yours is great but still..
Posted: 2003-08-25 6:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well I wouldn't say better then MOST first levels, I mean it does need a lot of improvements. Check out my second version, Abandoned 2.

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