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Coruscant Underlevel

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Single-Player Level » Coruscant Underlevel


This is a new 'Jedi Knight 2: Outcast' Single Player map located on the planet Coruscant. Desann's twin wasn't very happy that you destroyed Desann's great plan and killed him on Yavin 4. He will take revenge for this. His new plan to smash the New Republic is to destroy Coruscant with a big bomb on the heart of the planet. You don't have much time! Find the twin and strike him down before the bomb detonates and millions of civilians die.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
2.1 MiB
May Michael


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Posted: 2002-09-10 11:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
Looks too clean and well lit to be the coruscant underworld.
Posted: 2002-09-10 2:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
Millions? Try billions. Nice level too. Rating: 8
Posted: 2002-09-10 2:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is in the need of an overhaul.

First off, lightsaber fights don't go over well in really cramped corridors. It tends to be a pain in the ass when you can't move around. This is esp noticable when "Desaan's brother" (?!) shows up and you literally have a long hall way and a bit of a platform to fight on. Trust me, pain in the ass, esp considering the Pull the Desaan bot uses.

Some things are good: The creator places secret areas really well and the level is well thought out in terms of looks. Yeah, it's too cramped too often, but there is a style to it.

In the end though, the fact that there is no place to really run kills what was a decent idea for a level.

Rating: 5
Posted: 2002-09-10 3:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is great compared to all the strange sp levels avalable right now. This definetly does NOT deserve a 5!!! I mean a simple ladder got a 9, what's with that?!?
Posted: 2002-09-10 6:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Looks good (well it has to be better than those maps from JK2files with the bloomin Techno crud music lol) The shots look like they have some atmospheric lighting going on.
The first screeny though looks like the author has just coppied the cantina from Nar Shadaa in JK2. Guess I'll see when I play it :)

Good job.
Posted: 2002-09-10 8:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
The lowest levels of Coruscant are the grittiest darkest stinkiest filth imaginable. The smog lingers there and fugitives hide there. Its has to be 10 times worse that the worst inner-city neighborhood we could think of.
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-09-17 5:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, if you bother to read some Star Wars books you would know that a few years after Return of the Jedi the Rebels took over Coruscant. I would love to play this level but it doesn't work. i put it in my base and maps and don't know what else to do. anyone want to help me? For now, i give it an 8, please help me play it! and also can you help me make a map? mine all suck and i don't understand the program completely. e-mail me and help, please!
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-09-17 5:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, if you bother to read some Star Wars books you would know that a few years after Return of the Jedi the Rebels took over Coruscant. I would love to play this level but it doesn't work. i put it in my base and maps and don't know what else to do. anyone want to help me? For now, i give it an 8, please help me play it! and also can you help me make a map? mine all suck and i don't understand the program completely. e-mail me and help, please!
Posted: 2002-09-17 8:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
The best sp games i played! i've tried every sp games available...A good scenario with a vast and rich map! Good job. I wish many other maps like that!
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-09-18 7:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, my e-mail don't work right now so i have to respond to yours through this. i don't get en error. it just doesn't come up on the map select. what should i hjave done from the star? m y computer has windows XP and is one of those brand new dells. please help!
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-09-22 7:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, it works, now. 8/10. can you make it longer? and why is reelo's twin there also shooting at me. and you need more stormtroopers, i can coun them on my fingers, ok bye.
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-09-22 7:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, it works, now. 8/10. can you make it longer? and why is reelo's twin there also shooting at me. and you need more stormtroopers, i can coun them on my fingers, ok bye.
Posted: 2002-10-08 1:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
I havent given this level a rating yet. Just wanted to clear up a few things. During JO, the New Republic did control Coruscant. The underlevels are very dirty and stinky, with weird sub-human creatures roaming it, mugging and killing people, rats, diseases, thugs, drug runners, seedy bars and poor hobos. However, The top levels of Nar Shaddaa (which is like a mini-corusant) are almost as bad as the lower levels of Coruscant. NEVER visit the lower levels of Nar Shaddaa...heheheheh....also I think that the whole "Desann's Brother" theme is outdated, cliched, and somehwat boring in itself.
Katarn's clone
Posted: 2002-11-10 1:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, how do you submit levels?
Posted: 2002-12-15 6:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
A good level over all but far too short.
Jedi Knight_Joshua
Posted: 2003-01-25 10:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
A great level The Reborn battles are a bit easy though the first reborn jumped at me missed with his saber and fell of the bridge and killed himself though i must admit this is a good level
Posted: 2003-01-27 7:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
There is some really nice work in here. I liked the contrast between various parts of the level, you have managed to stay away from boxy corridors and created some quite interesting alternatives. I thought some of the lighting was quite good also, I especially liked the lights that were built into walls, this makes them nice and inconspicuous and adds to the interest of the wall. A good example of this was the floor lighting to the right of where you begin the level. The window in the bar was good too, I liked the way it sort of "bubbled" outwards. I wonder how much thought you gave to the story though. I don't think it was necessary to tell everyone straight away that there was an evil twin of Desann plotting to blow up the city. You could of merely stated "something" is happening in the slimey bowels of Coruscant, rumours of those remnant imperials keep rising from the bottom levels like a bad smell. Republic intelligence knows "something big" is being planned by a unknown entity(haha-forget it)and only one man can get to the bottom of it(etc etc).Keep it up, 7 out of 10

JK Phoenix
Posted: 2003-03-11 10:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Pretty good level here. basicly, but some major problems.

1. The Desann Twin thing is kind of lame. Get a new skin and have a new jedi.

2. The worst problem was at the end, I saw Desann's twin, Then he fell off the ledge!!!!! He didn't even attack me or anything.....

It would be an 8, but Desann falling off at the end knocked it down to a 6...
Prince Xizor
Posted: 2003-07-29 6:17 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a very nice level. It looks just like the game. That's the problem. I didn't sense any indivuality in the game. It looked just
like the normal game. It also had some cramped spaces to fight people in. I did like the bar fight though. It was better than the games.
I gave this a 6 because of little indivuality and because desann fell off the edge for me to.

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