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Randsaber Beta 7

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Randsaber Beta 7


The lightsaber - Fire 1 is swing, with 42 randomized saber animations at a quick rate. They leave light motion trails in a style that has never been done before, ever, and it slows you down to swing. No more JK run+swing+pray sabers! Fire 2 changes color. Anything else saber-wise is 7 randomized block animations as well as 00D3R3D up saber graphics.

Lockon - Just like in the leaked beta of TDiR, used with permission. Uses fieldlight.

Agility - uses bacta. On the ground, forward + agility is a high jump, backward + agility = handspring. If you jump, though, nothing+agility is a regular old WoW wallrun. Any direction pressed + agility is a flip in that direction, and if you hit a wall or ceiling feet first, you'll run on it for a second and a half. Note: I'm aware that the camera on front/back flips is fubared up. I'll fix it.

Observer Mode / Fists == peace, seriously. This makes you put away your gun, or hold your deactivated saber. It gives you god mode, while draining all of your mana (which recharges fairly quickly), disabling healing, and disabling all attacks. The reason is that a certain n00b, who shall remain nameless (for a while), kept killing me with fists out. This is the result.

Physics - You jump a LOT higher, and run a LOT faster. What more need I say?

Enhanced GFX - I never saw much wrong with LEC bullets, so I brightened the colors and gave them white cores like they SHOULD have. They look cool.

Bugs - I am aware of two bugs - if you select fists>saber>fists REALLY fast, you'll be standing in observer mode with a saber active.
The other bug is the healing: you get healed 1 point per second, even when you're dead. I don't know if I should consider the screwy camera angels a bug, because one of my testers thinks it adds realism... I don't like it, but hey... Enjoy.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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Posted: 2002-06-18 10:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice :)
Posted: 2002-06-18 11:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
[Edit: OK, everything's fixed. I also want those of you who are wondering to know that I take no credit for any of the keys, 3dos, or sounds in this mod, and special credit to them is given in the Readme.]
Posted: 2002-06-19 5:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is pretty cool... Just that when I swang ma saber it did the behind swin and my opponent killed me :(
Posted: 2002-06-19 6:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, I gave you a 1 for the effort. But this mod isn't worth downloading AT ALL. He uses the same kind of sabers that were in Spork..and if we've learned anything since then it's that sabers don't really look like that...Also, The saber random attack is totally inpractical and awkward. The agility feature was nice but also very inpractical. Too disorienting to be of much use. SBX3.1 is a MUCH better Saber mod.
Posted: 2002-06-19 9:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
Saibot: I got mixed reactions to the new sabers from my beta testers, and I did in fact expect at least one person like you to do this at Massassi.

I might go back to the old style graphics. Still, it is pretty lame to judge a mod by how the lightsaber looks sitting still, especially when it looks like any other mod from screens. It's the gameplay man. Did you even download it?

And to the guy who got killed doing backstab - =P I really did intend to take those out, they piss me off too sometimes.

If I get too many more people like Saibot trying to impress that my mod sucks and I'm a bad person for posting it just because of the sabers, I'll change them back to their old look, which was more like Glowsaber.

Well Saibot, you didn't mention my motion trails.
Posted: 2002-06-19 9:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
I don't like the random swings or the changed agility at all... I mean, Kyle can already move faster than any human can physically move, now you're making him even FASTER? I much prefer SBX 3.x to this.
TFN Jango
Posted: 2002-06-19 1:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
All I can say is, if the saber had colors on the end, it would be better.
Posted: 2002-06-19 1:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ahem. Not your saber trails were non existant compared to SBX3.1. I'm sorry if you got the impression that you are a bad person for making this mod, you certainly can do better than I could.As for the gameplay, It was pathetic. Turn off a weapon, you stand still and can't fight. Hold a saber, and you have a time bomb that will eventually get you killed by it's lack of predictability. This mod stinks. I downloaded it, pal and it isn't worth a load of horse manure.
Posted: 2002-06-19 3:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I'm always one for accepting criticism, but here's the catch - I only accept CONSTRUCTIVE criticism, just like everyone else in the world. I don't know who you think you are to tell me "YUOR MOD SI TEH SUX TEH DONWLODE WHERE NTO WOTRH MY DRIEV SPASE SBX PWNS TIHS."

Now that we're getting into quotes, I think I'll put a second quote:
"The comment section is designed to allow people to post thier thoughts on levels. If these thoughts happen to be criticism, make sure it's constructive. Comments like "this level sucks" are not wanted. Constructive criticism only."

I doubt "This mod wasn't worth the download" and "this mod isn't worth horse manure" are considered "constructive."

If you honestly think it sucks so bad, tell me what's wrong! I posted this so that I could get more advice on how to make it better without having to DCC it to each and every person over IRC, and here I am with no advice. I can't make it better if I don't know what parts you don't like.

Also, I'd prefer you and the rest of you people who are commenting on this mod would not compare this to SBX3.

I seem to recall somebody commenting on SBX3 saying "OMG SO LEET THIS OWNS GOTG" and ShadowX replied with something to the extent of "Come on now, this isn't GotG, don't compare the two" or something like that.
Jedi Gazza
Posted: 2002-06-19 3:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'll give this a rating when I've played it, but I'm just commenting on the screens just now.
Your saber trails are a bit off. They trail from the center of the handle when it should be trailing behind the swinging arc (okay, so I dont know what I'm talking about, bear with me)
Also: Wall walking! Now to use a repeater and get a JK Matrix Lobby level, and we have Trinity!
Anyway, looks good. I'd give it an 8 but I still need to play it.
Posted: 2002-06-19 3:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
As you may have gathered from my mod, Saber Battle X, I prefer more direct control on what moves I can perform. It's quite unrealistic to have random moves; it makes me feel like I'm a 5-year-old pounding keys and spinning the joystick of an arcade game I can barely reach. Additionally, the light motion trails appear to use the same system as the standard JK sabers. I'm wondering how you did that, but still, a MAT sprite doesn't really look that great most of the time. For example, when swinging the saber, you always see the trail completely flat to your perspective, so it doesn't really look right unless viewing someone from the side. I'll also have to agree about Kyle's running speed—it's a bit much :] It is kinda nice to be able to jump higher with the standard jump though.

At any rate, I bet you could make this a nice mod if you cleaned up your saber animations and saber look. Oh, btw... is it just me or does the saber have no hum? It may have been my testing level I used, but....

P.S. It's inevitable for people to compare one's mods with other mods, as I have found out. In a way though, it offers you feedback to improve your own work in the future.
Posted: 2002-06-19 4:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, (ShadowX) you're right, I looked it over and the saber mats and run speed are BOTH Craptacular. I currently whipped up a bunch of new saber mats from scratch that, to be honest, just plain look sexy. They even make the saber motion trails look better, you'll hardly notice when it doesn't go with the direction of the swing.

I'll save those for the next release, which will remove the only two moves that suck - the one where he doesn't swing, he just moves the saber to the side about 15 degrees, and the backstab.

I'll probably knock the speed down to normal, like requested... the random part stays though, sorry... that's why it's called RandSaber. =P

Yeah... ShadowX, SBX was pimpin' awesome 00B3R3N3SS, but people still just ran around and pressed heavy fire. I wanted a mod where it's impossible to spam moves. Yep... Anyway.. thanks. That's what a review SHOULD look like.

Oh, BTW, here's how I did the trails:
JKSetSaberInfo(Player, trailmat, invisiblemat, 0.006, 0.02, 0.12, tpl_wall, tpl_blood, tpl_saber);

And no, the saber doesn't have a hum. I'm fixing that too, once I dig up my better-sounding hum noise.
Posted: 2002-06-19 4:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey Chaos,

Well Good job on your mod! I think the idea's behind your mod are great, even thought you can never really please everyone, right Saibot? :D Well I'll tell you what I think now...

The worst thing in this mod was the RANDOM saber attacks. Now maybe some people liked that feature, but personnaly, it offers no strategy, and your never sure what your about to do...

The best thing about this mod was watching a duel (or fighting in one...) how the duel looks like a real saber battle outta star wars... I also liked the high damage amount, cause I think the original saber in jk was way to weak. :P

(Edit: I Forgot the say: "WOW to the WoW!(Walk on Walls) The Idea to use a flip animation to get on roofs or vertical walls was UnLeAsEd! Keep up the work!)

Well good luck to you CHAoS, I look foward to your next mod!
Posted: 2002-06-19 5:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, I just got done trying out this mod and I have a few choice words I'd like to say about it. First of all, all of the ideas and the concepts that made it into this mod were top-notch. Realisticly, if they were compiled into a fully working and fully playable mod, this could top SBX 3.1. There are, however, many complications that make this mod unable to surpass the other legendary mods that the community has grown to respect and love. Overall this mod was awesome. The way that the ideas were employed however left much to be desired. Such as the random saber attacks for instance. I like the idea, but it makes it impossible to gauge what attack you should use and when. This could severly impair multiplayer gameplay. The saber trails really weren't all that bad. A few tweaks here and there and they would be perfect. The wall run was way too hard to control. It was very difficult to get it to work right. There are a few camera bugs that really aren't worth mentioning seeing as how they really don't affect gameplay that badly. All in all, this mod IS worth the download, if not only to see what ideas we can begin to expect from the "new" moders and level editors. Lastly, a personal note, lets make sure that we aren't trying to make JK original into Jedi Outcast. Some things are better left undone. :)
Posted: 2002-06-19 6:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
Um. I think I DID tell you what was wrong with your mod, Chaos. Perhaps until someone like ShadowX who said almost the exact same thing, says it, then maybe you'll listen. I did not say the mod sucks, I realize that some ppl may enjoy swinging a dull saber around with unpredictable moves and Wow's, that are also inpractical for battling. That's what's wrong with your mod. I'm sorry I said the insulting comments, I.E "horse manure". I should be more constructive.
Posted: 2002-06-19 8:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
I thought this mod was ok. I didnt like alot of things though. the walking up walls doesnt work 2 great, if u walk up to a stormie in sp it takes about 3 swings to hit him. It causes u to do moves at the wrong time like swing backwards when ur opponent is right in front of you. I liked how the saber looked. you should have hot keys to change saber color or do flips. Thats just what I thought. Any way not bad.
Posted: 2002-06-20 12:11 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2002-06-20 12:25 a.m.   Report Abuse
Please pardon my above comment. I was just testing to make sure that my user account was still active, since I haven't posted a comment in ages.

Now, concerning the modification, I can really appreciate what you attempted to do. The various saber strokes and twists were very realistic in accordance to the movies (I especially liked the round-house swirl block, which Mace Windu can be seen doing in Episode II). I also liked the new saber glow effect, which was different, but definitely good. The real problem with your mod, which I think a lot of the other posters are referring to, is the inpredictability of the moves. While it would be extremely awesome and would stick a lot more to the StarWars movies if one were to fight a huge battle using the mod, with the correct moves being executed at the right time, this is simply not the case with this mod. It is fun to mess around with, but players who want to use it to their advantage while fighting will probably be dismayed with this mod. I would suggest, if you plan to make a future version, trying to balance the practicality of the mod with its visual excellence. I, for example, am almost always left with basically my entire keyboard after configuring my hotkeys. If you could perhaps chose the best and most unique 15 to 20 moves, which could be performed individually at the user's discretion (although it would take them a while to get used to them - but hey, who cares!) and assign them all to hotkeys, the battling potential of the mod would greatly increase. This way, a deeply trained jedi could work wonders in a battle, as well as look really cool. Anyway, that's just my feedback on your work.

Just a few minor things you also might want to take a look at were the slight blockiness of the lightsaber motion trails, as well as a few bugs I've noticed with the walking on walls feature.

I give the modification an 8, primarily for effort and for the idea of using more diverse, more StarWars-ish saber moves. Keep those mods coming!

- - - - - ] Jedi7Knight2001 [ - - - - -
Posted: 2002-06-20 7:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
I said it was about a 6. Let me say this, after reading posts...

I think that the "Randsab BETA" was a giveaway that it was a BETA. Or am I wrong? BETA meaning.... it's just testing stuff. Yet... everyone acted like it was a completed mod, and started comparing it to COMPLETED mods. Anywho... What I think you should do is this. Have like, 5 moves each key. Perhaps fire 1, 2, then 3 hotkeys. But, not one move per hotkey. 5 moves per hotkey. Like, Fire one could be forward distance attacks. Fire two could be, near attacks. Hot key 1 could be attack high, hotkey could be attack low.... so on. Then it would still be randsab! Just givin my thoughts man. It's not a bad mod even how it is. But ya, I think there should be at least A LITTLE strategy to attacking instead of hitting a key hoping for the best! hehe.
Posted: 2002-06-20 10:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
Hey, I really appreciate everybody's advice...
Thank you for finally noticing it was a BETA!
I may take your idea into account, with having several keys with different attacks...

Since I did take the keys from about 3 other mods, although credit was given, I think I may one day divide them by what mods I took from and make keys assigned to the mod classes.

There are SBX, Spork, GotG, and STUN keys in this mod. The spork and glowsaber keys aren't so unique, so they would be included with every attack class...

Maybe have SBX, GotG and STUN attack buttons, and you'll attack using keys from STUN. I have to say that honestly the STUN keys are the best, in my opinion...

Maybe instead of hotkeys for the attacks, a hotkey for the saber color, and fire 2 would be change class. Yeah, I like that... maybe a different stance...

There'd by STUN stance, SBX stance, and GotG stance, maybe, with different attacks and saber stances.

What say, what say? That should make it fairly tactical, yet have it still random, shouldn't it?

I know the comment system is not a message board, but I really would like feedback on this idea.
Posted: 2002-06-21 6:15 a.m.   Report Abuse
MAN OoCHAoSoO! When ever you leave feedback about your mod, you leave like 3 pages of it...whooh! lol. Anyway the mod is very nice, I give it an 8.
Posted: 2002-06-21 6:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
Oh crap, Im at the wrong mod! Sorry, I dont have JKI I have JO, I went to the wrong one...sorry.
Posted: 2002-06-21 9:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, the stance idea is scrapped.
There's no point. I tested it out and got it working, and they all looked like default JK with an unusual swing here and there. Bah, back to full-random.

I talked to Hell_Raiser of the TDiR team, he says the camera tricks to get flipping straightened out are totally not possible. At all. EVER.

So, I'm fixing the bugs I CAN fix, updating the saber mats, and tweaking a few things for the next release.

I've been urged to redo forcepowers.
I think I'll change the way certain forcepowers work (I.E. Absorb will only work while you hold the button down, protection/persuasion/seeing will be toggle), and I'll try to kick up the effects of other force powers.

When you shoot force destruction, they won't be big orange basket balls anymore, and the explosion will be bigger.

I might be looking into it not making an explosion when it hits somebody, and freezing them for a period of time depending on the rank of the shooter, and making them glow, just like in the cutscene where Jerec takes out Rahn.

I'm going to try to incorporate the lightning-push combo from Episode 2, and if I can, I'll make lightning saber-blockable.

I've been trying to combine all the force powers into one ultimate super force power that has everything from the movies, like if it's short range and you let it go, it grips them, if it's long range, it nails them with lightning, and if you press forward, it does force throw, press backward and it does force pull.

Something like that. Ya see?
Posted: 2002-06-28 3:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I'm gonna give this another go soon.

Due to popular request, I'm going to have 3do saber trails, since they'll actually fan in the direction of the movement.

They actually look darned sweet. These trails are actually pretty realistic.

I also made fire 2 of observer mode toggle between JK style fists (..but faster), and observer mode.

I added a nifty saber hum due to popular request, and when I eventually think of some more shiznat to add, you'll have Randsaber Beta 8.

Unfortunately, the agility camera error can't be fixed. At all. Ever.

Oh well...

In the next month or so, maybe keep your eyes open for Randsaber Beta 8!

Oh wait, that's right, nobody cares about or likes this mod...

Untill then,
Posted: 2002-07-06 3:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Don't mean to disappoint you, but everything will be just as random as before, saber-wise.
That's why it's called RandSaber.

I have saber trails totally hooked up. They look cool, and the trails follow the direction of the swing.

I fixed the animation errors that result from holding down 'fire.'
Previously, when you held down fire, the end of the last animation would overlap with the beginning of the current animation and, in short, look crappy. I made it so that if you swing again, it stops the old animation.

I've got the fists/observer mode toggle hooked up, and I decided to make the player run faster when you have observer mode on.

I'm gonna make saber trails for blocking, and untill then, I can't really think of anything else to do. I need ideas, suggestions are welcome.

As a sidenote, although I'm not complaining, I really am curious: Why does anybody mind that you can't control the anims?

I mean, for one thing, all but maybe two or three of 42 animations cross right in front of the player. It shouldn't be hard to hit people at all.

As another note, JK is so laggy that you're usually more worried about your hits actually hurting the person than you're worried about what your swing looks like.

Just a side note, not complaining.

Posted: 2002-07-12 11:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
There's been others? Anyway, got Beta8 posted, and, provided the admin DID IT RIGHT, we'll see how I did this time around.
Posted: 2002-07-13 11:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Right here. It's taking forever to post, though.

Somehow, whenever I'm not posting anything, the ops in IRC are constantly going "OMG OMG I"M SO BOARD SOMEWON PLAESE SUBMIT SOEMTIHNG!!!1111"

...Yet, when I post something, they're like "OMQ WE R TEH FULL OF LEVALS WE DONNAT WNAT TOO POST YUORS WRITE N OW!!!!!!111" and I don't know why.

It should be up soon.
I'm already working on a beta 8.5 upgrade, which, so far, has minor bug fixes and a new telekinesis power which, to be honest, kicks major ass. I just have to fix the targetting, because it's FuX3D.

Any other ideas for new features?
Untill then...


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