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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Multiplayer Level » Canyon-Oasis


It is a rebuild of the original Canyon Oasis from Jedi Knight. Visually it isn't very special. There are many places for good duels, like a wide field or a catwalk.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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509.1 KiB


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Brick Phillips
Posted: 2002-05-06 6:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yes! Finally, an Oasis level for JO! I have been waiting for one of these! Great work to the author!
Posted: 2002-05-06 6:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'll give it a 5 for effort but this isn't the caliber worthy of the original oasis.
Posted: 2002-05-06 7:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ka_M_a_k_A_zE, this IS the original Oasis. He just converted it with that jkl - JORadiant program... I give it a 7 for at least retexturing... Hopefully it won't lag like the first JO CO...
Posted: 2002-05-06 7:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm quite sure that it's not just a simple conversion. The author has been working with radiant for several years now. It should be a piece of cake for him to create it from scratch (nid wahr phippu?). Now try to find a way to get original textures...
Posted: 2002-05-06 11:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
oh man i hated oasis in jk2 ,,,, but i still hate it for jk2 ...

the work here is impressive . thats why i give a 8/10
Posted: 2002-05-07 1:02 a.m.   Report Abuse
of course its the original oasis, i simply meant its not worthy because of the level of quality compared to when JK1 was released, with the technology we have now we could do it much better justice. i'm waiting for someone to make a high quality, up-to-date-with-the-technology recreation. and to be honest, the design was a bit boxy.
Posted: 2002-05-07 4:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
i really haven't converted the level from jk1 ! it was my first map for quake3 and then i thought, why should i don't make it compatible for jk2 :)
it was my idea to make the level as exactly as possible... i only added 1 thing that wasn't in the original... anyone found the hidden room ? a little help: rocketlauncher rulez :))

ps: maybe i will convert the textures from the jk1 oasis and poste a second version, if some people like this.
Posted: 2002-05-07 6:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
YYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS finally an oasis level for JO YEAH but the textures doesnt match though but its not your fault i gave it a 9 :)
Posted: 2002-05-07 12:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
hmm this isnt a very good remake of the original Oasis.... you i could see putting a rocket launcher instead of a conc (there not being a conc in JO which im waiting for a mod to fix) but you changed the weapons around to much and some you just took out completely.... another thing is that there are walls where there souldnt be.... the health was meant to be on the ramp so you could heal with some cover not stand out in the open.... and a couple of other things.... good try but not quit there yet
Brick Phillips
Posted: 2002-05-07 1:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
I just played it and I don't believe it met my thoughts:

1. I noticed that many weapons were missing or out of place.

2. How come the water is very different from standard water? I couldn't get up to surface after I got the Golan Arms.

Still, you did an impressive job!
Posted: 2002-05-07 1:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oasis is Oasis if I were an architect I would build it in my citypark..Lucas build a Canyon Oasis in Disneyland! :D
Posted: 2002-05-08 3:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
Convert 8bit textures to 32bit? Hehe, that will look ugly. Better go and try to find some similar 32bit rock textures on the web...and about the water...JO MP water sucks. It's not his fault.
The Bad Ass
Posted: 2002-05-09 11:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Finalley...the Canyon Oasis for JKII...a 10!
Posted: 2002-05-10 5:32 a.m.   Report Abuse
Im sorry to say but this is not the First Canyon Oasis for JK2. The First Real Canyon Oasis Is on teh Jedi Knight II Site. That one Is the First one. And In my opinion Is done alot Better then this one. I give it a 5. Due to the Size, Its a Tad bit bigger and it looks as if the Alignments for the Brushes is Smashed. But the Original JK2 Canyon Oasis V2 is on Jedi Knight II . Cya
Posted: 2002-05-10 5:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
Here is the Link for Canyon Oasis Version 2. In my opinion again. Is a Completely Awsome Level Check it out and See what you really think! Cya;=182
Posted: 2002-05-10 6:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
i know that and i think more than only you know that another oasis exists, so stop with posting from the other oasis it's enough now. my is the original and dad*mads is the remake. his map is awsome, really god but i don't like the size. the gameplay is worse that's in my opinion the problem of his map.

so play the oasis you want and remember, i said that this is a rebuild so i won't make a NEW design, the idea was to stay as close to the original constrution as possible.
Posted: 2002-05-19 8:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
nice level, though the bots acted weird.
Bounty Hunter 4 hire
Posted: 2002-06-01 7:00 a.m.   Report Abuse
Beautiful level. Looks exactly like the original. If you decide to make a new version, the only thing I would change would be to smooth out some of the blockiness and make it look a little more modern, much like the raven editors did with Battle Ground Jedi 2.0.
Keep up the good work.
Posted: 2002-06-04 3:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
At last THE CANYON OASIS for JO! I viewed this level with AI BOTS but I haven't played it with real opponents because I have rather weak modem. I could rate it at 10, but after my second look I thought I shouldn't. The water graphic detail is worse than in JK DARK FORCES 2, because there are no missions in SP where you encounter water
(except swamp, but there is no "water" there). I should say also about the catwalk to the tomb. The author should better put the MERR-SONN portable missile system there.
No bactas on higher catwalk. Please edit the AI BOTS support.
But everything another is very good.
Posted: 2002-08-09 10:34 a.m.   Report Abuse

I'm DLing this right now...

its Jedi asshoopen time!

Oasis style!

and I'd like to chop all those people who like to lay mines up the elecetric stairwell in half!
Posted: 2002-08-30 9:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
Good on ya for Making CO, it was one of my favorties and having this means I don't need to make it myslef. I played the other version and didn't like it becasue things were missing and it was too small. and I don't like what _Nergen_ said about it being a direct import, you can see just from the screenshots that it isn't and that sort of accusation is just rude.
Clone Hunter
Posted: 2008-04-19 3:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
I giv it a zero because i cant download it. A white box appears saying Error in Downloading or something like that. If it worked, ill give it a ten.

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