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Dead Reckoning

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Single Player Level » Dead Reckoning


This is a relatively large single-player level for Jedi Knight. It takes place in a spaceport largely deserted by the Empire after the destruction of the second Death Star. Your mission is to find a way into the part of the facility still under Imperial control.

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screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
609.4 KiB
Christian Garris


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Posted: 2000-08-14 3:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
good level were did u get the editor?well this is a good level u got to download it!
Posted: 2000-08-29 9:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a great level. If you like a level with some puzzles as well as some action download this puppy and fire it up.
Posted: 2000-09-02 7:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
Sorry but I hated this level. It's hard to get anywhere and it gets boring
Posted: 2000-09-14 11:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
I remember getting this before but there is a large door I can't get past.
Posted: 2000-09-18 4:23 p.m.   Report Abuse
E-mail me if you need a hint.
Darth Yoda
Posted: 2000-10-11 3:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm sorry man, but this level, in my eyes, STUNK UP MY HARD DRIVE!!! At first, it sounded cool, but there wasn't really any plot, and the enemy placement was poor. It bored me out of my mind. The textures for walls, etc. was alright, but needs improvement. To downloaders, do NOT download this level because it just eats up space on a hard drive. Overall Rating: 2.
Phil C
Posted: 2000-11-02 1:21 p.m.   Report Abuse
I found the architecture on the level quite good and it is a level reserved more for the thinker rather than the blaster. As I progressed I found it more and more dull, repetitive and boring.
Posted: 2000-12-20 2:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
I couldn't get anywhere in this level, to dull and dificult. Architecture was sweet, but got repetitive. Overall a 6, because i could not beat it without any cheats on.
Posted: 2001-03-09 10:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
A walkthrough is now available:
Posted: 2001-03-12 1:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
AT first I thought the architexture was dull, but later on in the level it looked really good, a great job was done of linking the level together. However the .mat choices could have been better. The enemies were placed at good suprising spots. Sometimes the puzzles got downright frusterating, and that was the major downside, but i'm an impatient person anyway :) I had to user the walkthrough at 2 points. But a decent level, I give it a 7
Posted: 2001-04-09 6:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
This was a good level and omg it was so difficult at the place with the big door where you must jump on it then on the place that make you lose health points. The Rugar Skin is cool yay
Posted: 2001-04-10 5:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
A tough level, really puzzling. The enemy placement was great and challenging, but I got stuck often and was quickly frustrated. It's okay, but I didn't finish it.
Ice Dragon
Posted: 2001-04-16 10:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
I Liked it.Man it's Like the guys at lucas arts made it.It's a little hard but fun.(:
Posted: 2001-04-26 4:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
It was fine as levels go, but really boring. I give it a 5
Posted: 2001-05-09 10:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice job man, I think levels with a challenging puzzle like this one are cool, cos compared to some of those which take a couple of minutes due to ease, this rocks
Posted: 2001-07-02 7:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
i couldnt get it to work on my computer, i have both Patch Commander 4.0 and WinZip 8.0, is there anything special i need to do? It said that it was on my episodes list, and the .gobs are in my episode file, but they do not show up when i play, what is the name the levels are listed as on the episode levels, just so i can be sure i didnt miss it.

Posted: 2003-11-06 6:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
I'm not sure that 5 I gave it before was entirely was actually pretty nifty, and difficult. It wasn't really boring, just not a lot of plot or original texturing, but still enjoyble gameplay.
Posted: 2003-12-01 8:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
didnt rate it cause i didnt play it yet but im gonna go d/l right now cuz the comments r good
Posted: 2005-06-26 3:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
First off, an 8.

I liked the plot, the architecture reminded me of the default JK SP levels, the puzzles are excellent. The textures were okay, but need a little improvment.

If you can learn to implement cutscenes, that'd make it better (I'm in the same boat though x-x I have trouble with cutscene making) And maybe some voice acting.

My comment to all you out there: Download this level. It's worth it, and it is one of the better ones I've played. Other people have ragged on this level and called it a waste of HD space (610kb is a WASTE?! What size hard drive are YOU guys using?!) But it most certainly is not. This level is excellent, good job.

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