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A Nice Getaway (Beta)

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » A Nice Getaway (Beta)


This is my first released level. It's just a beta though. It is supposed to be located on a Planet called Hojik which is a big resort. Tell me what you think. Please go easy on me because it is a beta and my first level. Thanks!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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192.3 KiB


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Posted: 2001-10-08 5:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
For an early level, this looks good. One thing though: it felt very claustrophobic to me! Also, I hope that you add an outdoor area later

Good job :)
Posted: 2001-10-08 6:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Purdy cool. I'd have to agree it does make me a tad bit claustrophobic, but great otherwise. That's much better than my first level and I'm only now creating my second. And my second isn't even as good as yours but it doesn't make you claustrophobic, gotta watch out for that.
Posted: 2001-10-09 5:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
the pics dont work
Posted: 2001-10-09 6:41 a.m.   Report Abuse
i'm at school this is my other screen name ok. Well thanks for your comments and i was thinking of having an outdoor part but as a whole different level. The version that you d/l is about 40% complete. hope you enjoy it so far. and by the way it is my first level and my first released level.
Posted: 2001-10-10 8:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well it was very cramped. The ceiling was right above your head in most places. But it has the beginnings of a good level. Possibly with a later version you could improve it. The rooms were ok but were a little out of proportion. Take a look at some other resort kind of levels to get some inspiration. The recently released jedis country club has some good ideas. The tv's were interesting having a different picture on each one but you could have put a picture from an actual tv show or film. So it could have been improved but it was your first released level i think you said.
Twisted Blade
Posted: 2002-02-20 5:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
I absolutely loved this level. It is one of the most fun DMs I've played in a looooooong time. If your reading this, stop, and dl this lvl now!!!

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