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BareBone Bespin

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » BareBone Bespin


This level is for Bespin lovers. This level is the regular Bespin Mining Station level accept the Super Shield and Weapons Power Up has been replaced with a Sheild Vest and a Railgun. All Bespin lovers know there are two drawbacks to Bespin. One is that it is hard to tell if someone is hacking in Bespin because of the Super Shield and Weapons Power Up. And two, there was always an over concentration on getting the Super Shield and Weapons Power Up, followed by a killing spree, then guarding and hogging of the the two Super devices. Now it's just all the fun of Bespin accept you don't have to worry about hackers pretending not to be hacking and a whole new demension of strategy for the level is explored. Long live mighty Bespin!


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316.4 KiB
Mambi Pambi


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Posted: 2001-07-08 4:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Should have at least changed some architecture...
Posted: 2001-07-08 4:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
"All Bespin lovers know there are two drawbacks to Bespin."

Not all of us hardcore Bespin players see any drawbacks. Alot of us enjoy the level the way it is.

"One is that it is hard to tell if someone is hacking in Bespin because of the Super Shield and Weapons Power Up."

If 'cheating' is your primary concern, why not just build in some anti-cheat support similar to what Mormegil did with Team-Fusion CTF map?

"And two, there was always an over concentration on getting the Super Shield and Weapons Power Up, followed by a killing spree, then guarding and hogging of the the two Super devices."

Item timing/control is part of deathmatch with any game. If you take out items like the Supershield and Powerboost, you're turning the game into an aim-fest instead of allowing the most strategic players to win. This is very similar to what we see with Ji Oasis. Ji Oasis players have always been termed by the mainstream community as the gun "experts" yet they don't seem to comprehend the idea of "strategy." The entire idea was based off of the views of misinformed individuals who think that killing a Concussion Rifle holder is impossible without having a Concussion Rifle. It's more "difficult" but not impossible, it all comes down to strategy.

"Now it's just all the fun of Bespin accept you don't have to worry about hackers pretending not to be hacking and a whole new demension of strategy for the level is explored."

No, now it's half the fun of Bespin, because you have taken out some of it's most important elements. You will still have to worry about "cheaters", because they will join your game regardless of what items you take out. I would say that instead of opening up a new dimension of strategy, you have done the opposite. You have deleted the items that made the level call for strategy and have dumbed it down to an aiming fest. Aiming and movement are only a small part of deathmatch.

"Long live mighty Bespin!"

Posted: 2001-07-09 3:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gave this level a zero. Please put more effort into your levels.
Posted: 2001-07-12 5:51 a.m.   Report Abuse
I agree with Reactor completely, and I don't think that this level will be played on the Zone, or the Internet at all (Maybe in your own private IP games). There isn't much skill required in deleting a couple of Items and simply replacing them and calling this your own level. Also, to correct you Wuss, Please put SOME effort into your levels. I too gave this level a zero.
Posted: 2001-07-12 1:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
part this level is controlling SS and PB. Very little levels has this. So i wouldnt change it.
Posted: 2001-07-26 11:06 a.m.   Report Abuse
No, no, no he also removed the conc rifle. Thats 3 things hes removed!. Im afraid i have to agree with most these other comments. This is just something anyone with an editor could do. Also the barrels didn't explode on mine they disappeared.
Posted: 2001-08-01 9:25 a.m.   Report Abuse
i give this level a one becuase it makes it easyer to find hacks, not much thoug, in all other aspects, i agree with reactor, you could have added something to it, like mabey takeing out the forcefield where you push the button and it sucks you up and you die by being electrcuted by the forcefield, if it were taken out you could fight on the roof (like the SPORK edtion of bespin, which i am going to say it even if you know it, was DIFFERNT FROM THE ORIGINAL)
Jedi Legend
Posted: 2002-01-05 6:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
Don't take credit for a level that you only changed by changing some pick-ups. If you're going to release a level using your name do more to it!

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