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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Atlantis


This level was going to be my contest level for the massassi level pack. I didn't get it completed in time, so here it is now. These crumbling ruins are all that's left of a once great civilization. Rising up in the middle of the ocean they provide a great location for battling jedi. There are 2 concussion rifles available when playing FF, and one available (but very hard to get to) in NF.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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1.5 MiB


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Posted: 2000-06-21 2:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is amazing. The architecture and atmosphere are beautiful. The fps can be a little low in some areas, but overall, this level rocks.
Posted: 2000-06-22 1:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
I agree, this level is one of the few that really caught my eye. I'm an architecture junkie, and this level succeeded in presenting some of the best architecture I've ever seen in a JK level. In fact, it was some of the best architecture in any game till I saw the Greek levels in Daikatana.
Posted: 2000-06-24 2:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is the bomb hey bug could you send me a revised copy ???
Posted: 2000-06-25 7:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is one of the best levels on this site. It has very much realism, like you're actually walking through Atlantis. Download immediately!
Posted: 2000-06-27 6:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level makes you feel like you're really there. The pillars and level design is outstanding. The ocean is neverending, and you can hear the crash of waves against the crumbling stones . . . now if only there were a sabers-only version . . .
Posted: 2000-07-11 7:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice architecture, and I like the crashing wave noises, but happy-pretty textures were a bit scarce. :-)
Posted: 2000-08-09 8:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
this level is great! i agree with all of you this level is the bomb i loved it but when i played multiplayer everybody that played me seemed to hate me! probably cuz i was always getting the conc but anywho! great level you do very good work!! peace out


Posted: 2000-08-12 12:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level is a MUST HAVE. Nice texturing and architecture, and its the little extra things, like the crashing of waves, that make this level one of the best to date.
Posted: 2000-08-17 8:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
this is only THE BEST LEVEL THAT WILL EVER BE MADE! its da bomb! and if u have a certain nifty patch...Air Jump...(or a fly cog) u can find a computer center of the level if u fly around enuf. there are flashin lights and bleeping sounds and a symbol and... oh ive said too much if u want more advice i play on the zone i am LG_SuperLiveCat just add me to u zone freinds and i will show u around atlantis. the only other people that know about it are JCH_Gandalf and bug. and to bug can i play a game whith u sometime? i will chek this site often to see if anyone wants to play whith me we can do a ip connection or a network im Darth Xellotios
Posted: 2000-08-20 1:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
I love this level, the only thing i dont like about it is you can't swim in the water..
Posted: 2000-08-30 6:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOW this level ROCKS.. i LOVE it....the waves add a nice peaceful feeling until i find someone then all you can hear is the concussion ;-), but anyways keep up the great work and i hope you make some more levels as good as this one!
Posted: 2000-09-12 3:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
I've had a look at the screenshots, and to be honest, it looks bloody amazing! The arches are definately "in" with the scenario, and I am wondering if there is any AI...? An RPG version may be worth thinking about. Who knows? This may be a level that Drazen Isle should seriously be worrying about! Any other levels already out? Or any more to come maybe... Ok now the downloads done. Paradise awaits... Pina concussions in Atlantis. Bliss!
Posted: 2000-10-01 7:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Excelent Saber Level, dont try playing guns here, its imposible to even find one
Posted: 2000-10-27 3:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
nice level. easy to get lost and is a bit laggy at times. yea, it's better to stick to sabers for this. Good one though.
Posted: 2000-10-29 6:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
wow! what great architecture, great level flow, the level rocks! can get a little laggy at times though......other than than, great job with the level! anyone who likes sabers.....this level is a must! guns are scattered near and far......all in all, good level!
Posted: 2000-11-07 3:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
if I would run a contest on best levels that would get in a fishy level pack, this would most likely be one of the pack's levels...This is just, well you know, amazing. It isn't proper spelling if I capitalize the word "amazing", but for this level, I could as well capitalize it.

Just about every aspect of this level makes me beg mr Bug for not leaving Jedi Knight editing - ever. Many of you might think that if it's "too beautiful", the gameplay will suffer. In my opinion, it didn't. And why...?

Framerate? Well, with a stable 3dfx card, it seems to have no problems whatsoever. And for the 2d card users out there, I'm not quite sure what to say. I have tried "Atlantis" without a 3dfx accelerated machine, and if my memory is being nice to me, this level actually ran pretty well even without a 3dfx card plugged in the insides of the CPU. So, about the framerate, all I can say it seems to be stable dispite the stunning texturing of this level.

Architechture? Boxy. That's what it's about. Just a simple box that hides sweet stuff in its cover. That is, if I was commenting a box of chocolate. But in the case of Bug's 'Atlantis' -titled level, the architechture is something me, my mouse and my copy of JED couldn't dream of in any near future. Yes, the architechture is plain amazing. It's, with one word, beautiful. Now while I'm praising it so much it's starting to sound melodramatic, you could as well be downloading the level at the very moment. That would, I'd say, be a better option than actually reading this comment (or as indicated by the lenght of it, the proper word would propably be "review").
Anyway, I didn't notice of any or at least not any boxes that would affect how pretty the architechture looks like.

Lighting? Absolutely tremendous. You walk in there and it's, without any artificial lights, of course a bit dark. But, then again, it isn't that dark. Why isn't it that dark? Because from broken walls for an example, light flows out like in real-life. You gotta see it to believe it.

Some people didn't like how you couldn't swim in the water but...Well I won't comment on that right now. I give this 9 (and a half) out of 10.
®åÞ†ü®ê Åzû®äñ
Posted: 2001-01-10 9:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Perfect 10.
Architecture is probably the best I've ever seen in a level. Lighting is intelligently done. Items placement seems quite scarce, but that doesnt diminish this level even slightly.
SuperLiveCat, you arent the only one that knows about the Durandal room - I test all levels with Manowar2...jetpack makes it real easy to find.

Posted: 2001-01-23 7:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is an excellent level, architecturally and atmospherically speaking. It could use to be more navigable and easier to get around, and it would really be great if you wouldn't die when you fell in the water. But this really is a beautiful level, I commend you. I could only hope to do this well in a level.
Posted: 2001-03-11 8:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a great level. The architecture is astounding. Great work!!!!
Posted: 2001-03-13 12:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
It is great, amazing architecture, and a very good work. I played alone one time only for enjoy. It is an art work.
The Nephilum
Posted: 2001-04-12 8:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
Am i wrong or wasn't Atlantis under the water after it's destruction? Good Try. I can tell you spent a lot of time on it but next time try some lighting and water.
Posted: 2001-04-28 7:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a great level. I like it a lot the only thing wrong with it is some things are transparent. Bt every thing makes up for the transparince. This is a must have level
Posted: 2001-05-31 7:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
The Nephilum, are u crazy???? It's da best!!! And who cares if it isn't exactly accurate? I think the lightins great! U r just jealous methinks.
Posted: 2001-06-22 2:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! This lvl is great! I've never seen such innovative architecture! Plus the hidden rooom... That was KOOOOL! I am certain it would have made the lvl pack if it had been on time. 1 thing though, you could've avoided sticking in the conc, it's a cowards weapon.
Posted: 2001-07-01 4:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is THE BEST JK LEVEL EVER!! I love this level, I play it all the time. It's my favorite. :) Nice job, Bug!
Posted: 2001-07-05 8:31 a.m.   Report Abuse
this lvl rocks but why cant U swim in the water?
Posted: 2001-07-25 4:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Its a cool level, looks great and has the feel of an abandoned city. Not that great for fights though, its good for sabers but not as good for guns. You could consider making Atlantis when it was inhabited that would be interesting.
Posted: 2001-08-01 9:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
pretty good i gave it a 6
Posted: 2001-08-02 5:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2001-08-03 9:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
umm.....i think im the first one to not like this level...and say anything about it anyway, goes, i REALLY do not like this level....all the gray/white/black, theres no colors or anything,the pillars are repetitive, adn it makes the level seem alot smaller than it is. AND IT DOESNT HAVE ANY TRAPS OR DOORS OR ANYTHING THAT MOVES OR KILLS ANYBODY!now that just plain sucks. and of course now youre all gonna yell at me telling me this level is actually thje best of the best and im just RUI (that is Reviewing Under teh Influence) or that im retarded or something, well, im finsihed ranting now, C'ya
Posted: 2001-08-20 7:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level is so beautiful I refuse to hack in it, and that's saying something!
Posted: 2001-09-03 11:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
Excellent level, I love how Atlantis uses the classical Roman/Greek architecture, I also love the lighting and sounds. I also found the secret area, is pretty cool, but i'll let you find that for yourself (i found it with JED, tsk tsk).
Commander Ducky
Posted: 2001-12-04 7:03 p.m.   Report Abuse
i hate to be a downer, but i dont like this level, yes the architecture is great, yes its very pretty, but theres nothing to DO, the lighting could also use some work, there are no traps, no doors, and when you get to close to the edge, poof, your dead. no offence, but this level could use something like, the atlantiens houses, or a temple, or something other than colum after colum after colum, its just rather boriong to be, espicialy since, there are only four colors in the entire level, Black, grey, blue and white :P
overall: 3
Posted: 2002-01-11 7:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2002-10-12 1:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
I have a tradition of calling the most beautiful level to be in Avalon. My first Avalon was the secret place in the Caves of Mandalor (which is in Manowars 3 for MOTS). This is my new Avalon and I will be shocked if I ever have another. its just *sniff* so *sniff* BEAUTIFUL!!! *Cries for a while*. Bug talk to your fans!! Their hurling praise at you SAY SOMETHING!!
Lord Koro
Posted: 2002-10-22 12:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm not that kind of person who goes totally to or away from something. This is my review:

BAD:This level is large and because of this players don't encounter each other well. This is like a maze, the object of it is to find the other player, not good.

GOOD: I always save the good for last. This level has amazing archeticture. I love the realistic breaks in the walls and floors. The columns are great, so are the staircases.

Despite the "trying to find the opponent," I give this level a 8 out of 10. This level is worth the downloading. :)
Posted: 2002-12-26 11:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
I dont know what is wrong with those maniacs The Nephilum and SAURON. 1. this lvl looks as if part is under water with some of the thing i found with fly field light and jed ;)2. Why in the dead yaslumari did SAURON say it has too much black/gray/white?!? look at the sky and perfect lighting and architecture ya idiot, besides Atlantis in all the story pictures that i have seen is white... Also to those people who say the architecture is boxy and framrate bad, i have 1 word for you and your computer: upgrade. try not to use any comp that is older than this game... hehe 2. you might wanna try a better resolution and buy some ram.

Well, now that my boring lecture is out of the way, this level, along with area 21, purgatory, and space station sani-stat are the lvls that brought me back to this long forgotten game that i havnt played since 98, i see that the map making and new 3do's and mats have improved while i was hybernating as well :) I am always going off subject, where was i? o yes, this lvl, now that i am an editing freak, has inspired my map making ( i do not release my maps, as i am horiible at making them) i have seen great work in this map... 2 words... GREAT JOB. Bug I thank more than ever for bringing me back to this game with never ending potential.

p.s. to you people who try talkin 2 bug: he seems to be the quiet type...
Posted: 2002-12-31 8:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
P.S. *AGAIN* This level may be old, but some maps just never seem to age ;)
Posted: 2005-03-22 9:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ahh... Talk about a trip down memory lane. Heh, my last comments on all these classic levels were done five years ago. Anyway, if you don't already have this level, get it. Along with Drazen Isle (definitely), Caesar's Palace, Jedi's High School, Mos Espa RPG, Jawa Dwelling SE, etc.

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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter