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Highlander TC

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Highlander TC


This is a mod which is based on the popular Highlander movies and TV series. It replaces the sabre with the sword of Connor MacLeod (his katana). It also has several other surprises.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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1.0 MiB


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Posted: 2000-10-18 6:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
HELL YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been going as "Highlander" for as long as I have been into multiplayer games, especially Jedi Knight!!!

This is great news to me, obviously because I am "Highlander" hehe
Posted: 2000-10-19 12:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
ok the skins and BMs were nice but why is the inside view of the Sword look like the Ninja Short sword from Ninja Kage 6.0
Posted: 2000-10-19 8:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
why it looks like a ninja sword? hmm.. lets see... because katannas ARE ninja swords, so thats why it looks like one...but then again i might have misunderstood the question.. anyway looks nice, i might not DL it tho cuz i dont have room on my comp.. gotta defrag it...
Posted: 2000-10-19 12:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
yea u did get the question wrong, who ever made this mod probely took that ninja short sword from the Ninja Kage mod cuz I played that mod all the time so its not too hard to remember it in another mod.
Posted: 2000-10-19 12:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
I made this mod, and yes i did use a few peices of the ninja kage sword. Basicly i got real real sick of working on it after so long and so many problems so i guess i got careless. you may want to keep checking it out thogh cause i think im gunna fix all the probs. It prolly wasnt quite ready to be released but i did and ill fix some of the mistakes.
Posted: 2000-10-19 1:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, the skins and BM's looked...ok. You couldn't do the flip or kick that you have the cogs for. I opened it up, and found the cogs for them. Also, the game would crash when I went through the characters on MP and got to Duncan. And finally, this is a mod, not a TC (there is a difference) a TC changes EVERYTHING (hence the name "total conversion") such as levels, weapons, forces, items etc. I hope you do decide to fix this mod, it could be promising
Posted: 2000-10-20 3:40 a.m.   Report Abuse
you notice that it doesnt just say TC, i am well aware of the fac that it is certainly a mod. I mentiond that in many places, and modt things were changed. Some weapons were removed. some added(only sword) new skins, bms... I knew there was a problem with duncan and im going to do something about that soom enogh. Its not that hard to open the 3do and match the mats thogh so if you wanna see what he looks like i recomend that you fix it. And that should be the only prob with duncan, the 3do doesnt match up.
Posted: 2000-10-21 12:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
some suggestions:

i think it would be good if some of the bosses looked like the major bad guys from each of the movies.

a choice of different sword blades.

the only way to kill each other is to chop off the head of your opponent (only for bosses in s.p.). using a COG that allows you to do this.

have lightning that strikes you atfer you kill an opponent or boss, but have it heal rather than kill.

I'm sure you'd be able to do this.
thx for your time.
Posted: 2000-10-21 8:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
Thankx, i like all of your sugestions but unfortunately i am not an expert on cogs, and there is only me and my friend who completed this so we dont have the skills to do that. I will look into it certainly but if you felt any ambition to do it yourself i would be glad to check it out and add it with the update
Posted: 2000-10-21 5:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Awsome, it'd be nice to have all that stuf but this is so cool as is...
Posted: 2000-11-02 2:55 a.m.   Report Abuse
Hello I Myself was Workin On a highlander Mod i subbmited it but masassi got on me! Hey iam Not Good with Skin Or Mats But Iam Most Sertainly Good with cogs Ad a God Mode cog So you Can Only Be killed by the sword But God Mode Cant be killed rong Use A God saber cog Now Iam gonna Get The Mod Then Add Thos things Ill release a Spetal Edition Vertion Oh and the Guy With ThE cog Suggestions I might need That lightnin Cog
My Email is Or ICQ me At #85109765

I Beat You But You made It better
Hint: Dont add Blood Blood Sucks I hate It i Cant use Nija kage Or GaS Or any other mods With blood And That Just Da Sucks! So please dont add it!
Posted: 2000-11-04 5:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
I had trouble with this mod originally, it would kick out while i was looking at the skins.

A ninja short sword is not a Katana, a ninja sword is a Ninja-To, not a Katana, a Katana has a curved blade, a Ninja-To is a straight blade.
Posted: 2001-01-20 12:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
this is a great mod and once levels and some other things are made it will be great.I think i also figured out why the Duncan multi player character dosent work,hes not done .Before it shut down my game i saved the character .When I played the game the Duncan wosent done .He was just a grey figure with yellow lines running up and down him.That might be the problem
Posted: 2001-01-22 8:54 a.m.   Report Abuse
I am the maker of the mod and just wanna say that everyone should think of this mod as a beta. I am currently working steady on a final version wich will include, many optional swords, New skins, New cogs, Possibl levels, etc. If anyone is interested in working on it, email me.
Posted: 2001-05-05 4:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
why oh why do ppl use cog to make characters flip instead of .key anmiation? its so damn much easier
Posted: 2001-11-22 3:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
hahahha, katanas are not ninja swords.. Ninja swords are refered to as Ninja-to, and are straight bladed swords that are very short. Katanas are usually a much longer curved blade
LOTD Cylis
Posted: 2001-12-11 2:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
aMODERNproduct, did you read the previous comments? guess not.

I was Gaerus, changed name when I joined Legion Of The Dead(LOTD)

anyways a Ninja-To usually various from 30 to 34 inches, and a Katana ranges from 38 to 41 inches. I have both up on my wall, and measured them, also looked up facts frm then net. I already said the blade(curved straight) diff but not the size diff.

and if you want more detail...a Ninja-To was usually made poorly and quickly because the ninja would make his own weapons out of crappy materials because a Ninja wasn't supposed to exist, just story to scare children and if they do not exist then they can't go and buy a sword from a swordsmith.....secrecy was the key also if needed the ninja can discard his weapon and not worry about getting another one, just make it because it isn't a real loss wasn't expensive or hard to find. a Katana was made with great quality and detail, often by a master bladesmith, because it was the weapon intended for the honorable Samurai.

PS forgot to rate it the first time around so now I rate it a 7, good job, let me know when you fix the errors
Posted: 2002-01-31 4:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
Just started d/ling the mod. Will come back in a sec to rate it. But first I'd like to commend LOTD Cylis on his knowledge. Right about the ninja and samurai and their respective swords and such. Katanas, IMO, are a lot cooler than ninja to, although the latter is a little more useful in certain situations. I don't exactly blame ninja for (as far as stories go, since apparently there isn't much solid fact known about ninja, mostly just speculation) 'liberating' a samurai's katana, should they manage to kill one. Anyways, be back soon to rate the mod... ^_^
Posted: 2002-01-31 4:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, back again. Not too bad at all. I only played a bit with it in one level, but yeah. Nice coat ^_^
Two complaints, and that's all. They're not big ones, either. First is the 1st person model for the katana. The hilt just bugs me, is all. Way too fat and the blade looks overly short (I haven't commented for Ninja Kage, I think, although I thought the same of that). Still, 3rd person is how I (if not all people) sabre, so it's no big deal.
The second one may well be justifiable (on the part of the author, not me). The obstinate presence of the original LEC sabre sounds when striking. It's been a while since I watched Highlander (VERY sadly - cool movies and series), and from memory the swords in that may well have sparked and fizzed when they struck. Other than that, pretty cool, all up.
Posted: 2002-03-30 4:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
I like playing as Connor, but I hope the next version has better skins (The Kurgan, Cronos).

I thought about doing a Highlander mod once and I thought the Quickining would be tons of lightning bouncing around and then an explosion which tosses everyone but you, who is regenerated.
Posted: 2002-10-13 3:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
Dude this was very cool i loved it, except for when you try and choose Duncan it crashes that is the only draw back on it, and next time try and put some cool ass levels in there too that would be even better trust me, but other then that keep up the good work.


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