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The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » GuyverTC


The Guyver TC is a mod created to simulate a Japanese Anime called "The Guyver." The Guyver TC replaces almost every aspect of Jedi Knight. All new weapon 3dos and sounds, infinite amount of force, new ranking system with force powers, all new skins (4 guyver skins and 20 ChRoNoS Clan skins), new key animations, new sprites, etc. Includes Guyver's MegaSmasher, Head Laser, Detection Medal, Flight Control Medal, VibroBlade, BackFlip, Flip, and Kick.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
3.2 MiB


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Posted: 2000-10-02 11:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
Overall this was a pretty good mod. It offers some new moves, such as a kick and a backflip. The skinning is nicely done, and the addition of new sounds is great, although I noticed some stolen from Half-Life. The guns weren't all that great, just modified original guns with new or no models, but fun to blow stuff up with. I give it a 7.
Posted: 2000-10-02 3:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a MOD, not a TC! A TC is a Total Conversion (hence, TC). A TC changes ALL aspects of the game, like wepaons, levels, skins, etc. PLEASE people, get this stuff right.
Posted: 2000-10-02 4:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yeah, people should learn the difference between TC and MOD. I didn't really like this mod. Basically, all it did was change what the weapons fire, and change the names of the force powers. Simply changing what the weapons fire is extremely boring and unoriginal, as there are almost literally hundreds of mods that do the same thing. The 3DOs of the guns were okay, but not exceptional. And I noticed the backflip functions exactly the same as in Real DBZ 3.0. Did the author of DBZ steal the backflip or did the author of the Guyver "TC" steal it? Also, you can fly, almost exactly the same way you do in DBZ 3.0. The skins were what I liked about this, they were original and textured very nicely (the guyver skins). But why did you make the text on the menus so hard to read? I can't even read the objectives or descriptions when the level's loading! I guess that's about all I have to say.

I give this mod a 5. At least he tried.

Posted: 2000-10-02 7:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
If you looked in the desciption you would have seen it says Mod, i know it say TC but hey no one is perfect
Posted: 2000-10-02 7:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2000-10-03 9:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yes GuyverTC is a mod, as for the people with nothing then complaints, i didnt make this for people like you, hence the reason you dont like it. I made the "GuyverTC" MOD as it says in the description ,further more i made the "GuyverTC" (yessss) for all the fans out there that enjoyed the Anime Guyver series and Managa comics. I pity people that have nothing but complants about something that they are in no postion or have ever made a MOD. I know this mod wasnt perfect, and i really apreciate Massassi for posting and openning the "Guyver" world to an larger aduience that knew nothing of the sort. And if you ever watched Guyver you knew that he could fly, you knew that he could flip, you knew etc....! If you have nothing but bad comments, keep then to yourself or make something better! And think of this, we as the "maker's" of these mods here on massassi get nothing for these mods, no credit, no rewards, nothing of the sort and yet we make it only for you all to enjoy the mods. Think of this, imagine if JK never had MODS, would you still be playing it?

Posted: 2000-10-03 11:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod is very very good and I highly recommend this add-on. It offers some new moves and you will be hoocked on it as soon as you start using it....or something.
Posted: 2000-10-04 1:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
This MOD kicks ass people!! And like GuyverZ said, it wasn't made for the kind of people with nothing but complaints and bad things to say about it!! I really like this mod and I recommend it to everyone that plays Jedi Knight!! I love the skins and sounds! The guns rule!! So, basically, this MOD rules!!! And keep your comments to yourself if they are bad!!
Posted: 2000-10-08 1:06 p.m.   Report Abuse
While this is not the most popular mod i have ever played, this is probably the best. i have played a lot of mods that are really boring. all the one like dbz and final fantasy, they are boring and i think, stupid. this one i thought was great. way to go guyverZ. keep it up!
Shinmen Musashi
Posted: 2000-10-22 12:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
I darn near had a heart attack when someone made my fave Anime character! Then I play it and actually HAD the previously mentioned coronary. You put a lot of work into this TC and I enjoyed it immensely. I look forward to the next TC you put out!

Keep up the good work!

Shinmen Musashi
Posted: 2000-10-22 12:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
Excuse me... MOD. :)
Posted: 2000-10-27 3:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
If its a mod then why does it say TC after its name? huh? HUH??
Posted: 2000-10-27 7:37 a.m.   Report Abuse
As it says in the Description, it is a MOD. Thus the reason it was named TC was because i wanted to throw this whole mod up in my fival Guyver1's face. Just check out his Guyver Attack TC, and compare it to mine! Mine is not a TC, the new one coming out is, inculding levels! So that is the story!
Posted: 2000-12-30 3:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just lay off his case will you? I've been wondering how many ppl can read if they post the exact same thing that other people say!
Posted: 2001-01-05 3:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
In your "rant" about how everybody was criticizing the mod (mod, tc whatever), you used the word "maker's" in reference to "more than one who creates (in this case, mods). This was an incorrect use of the possessive form of a noun. You see, when you want to say the word meaning "more than one maker," you do not need the apostrophe. Here's an example: "Many makers (note the correct use of a plural noun) of mods (another plural) cannot speak the english language correctly." (Also notice how I did not capitalize "english" because it was used as an adjective, not a proper noun) If you would like to use a possessive noun, use the apostrophe. An example of this would be, "The maker's (notice the use of an apostrophe in between the "r" and "s" in maker's) English needed some improvement."
Posted: 2001-04-17 8:30 p.m.   Report Abuse
Oh, forget the nuances of the English language for now and just play it.
Posted: 2001-07-01 5:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
This was one of the first mod I ever downloaded (long time ago) I thought it rocked. There were a couple things I figured were stolen from some other mods, but the skins and stuff were great. Good work.
Stevie D
Posted: 2001-07-15 8:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
This Mod (not TC) is ok to say the least. It couldve been a lot better if you spent a little more time on it. The weapons were totally unoriginal. Yes, automatic rail guns and conc rifles are fun, but there's a handful of mods out there with those already in it. I liked what you did with the health meter, and I loved all the blood, but like I said before, this mod needs tweaking. Don't get me wrong, I love the idea of a guyver mod, but I was rahter disappointed with this one.
Posted: 2001-07-25 11:02 a.m.   Report Abuse
I play the game, in single player, as I write this, so, here goes:

I fire up this mod from the command line...And I get a poorly made opening screen. The graphic in the middle doesn't fit the sceren at all, and I see some white in the background, like a lining on it. The text colors were poorly done and chosen, I can barely read what they say, I can't read them at all when I look at the objectives.

Second, the weapons. I don't know if its a bug or laziness, but either way, I have no 3do's for first person or third person, for a few of the new weapons. Namely, #2 and #3.

Weapon one: The only 'weapon' 3do I'm guessing. This really irks me. The fists sort've twitch across my screen...I don't sense any real changes to them, damage wise.

Weapon two: It shoots the crossbows standard secondary fire and fast. I think it mgiht be shooting 3 or so at a time. I faced a wall and fired a shot. My shields nearly disappear. I do it a few more times(I don't know what's up with the health, it'll sometimes say I'm at max health, I get hurt, it doesn't change.), and discover I can take away about 60 damage in one shot. Joy.

Weapon three: Now, normally there are ST rifle shots. Instead, this shoots concussion rifle blasts. The guy who made the mod adjusted the picture of the concussion blasts - They look a lot bigger, but I'm not sure if it alters the area of effect. I'll have to test this in MP perhaps. Oh yeah, from the bactame cheat, it takes about 3 point-blank explosions into a wall from it for me to die.

Weapon 4: No noticable changes.

Weapon 5: Primary fire shoots rail dets. If you load it up, it shoots up to 5 at once. I didn't even HAVE to test that - Its an instant kill if you can nail them. Secondary fire shoots really fast, I think its the repeater fire. Takes 3 shots to kill a trandoshan...

Weapon 6. Primary fire shoots conc blasts. At one ammo a shot. I think the guy reduced the fire rate. Then there's secondary fire.which shoots -3- concblasts at once. That's an instant kill...

Weapon 7: Primary fire shoots a rail det that has the 3-sec wait. Secondary fire lays down land mines and shoves you back slightly. If you hold it down, you basically end up with a long line of land mines dropped really fast. Also, the firing rate for both was ncreased noticably.

Weapon 8: No noticable changes.

Weapon 9: Primary fire shoots a rail det(Fire rate also increased), secondary fire fires off thermal detonators really fast also.

Weapon 0: No changes.

Of note is the fact that none of the ammo was adjusted, IE Conc blasts STILL require 8 power cells.

The force powers aren't even worth commenting about. Force absorb turns you into something, no noticable effect. Lightning makes continuous(Since there's infinate force) explosions, doesn't shoot straight, goes a little up, force destruction is weaker, grip, blinding, and throw seem to not work at all, deadly sight is the same, prot the same(I think)...oh yeah, pull doesn't work either.

People, don't get this mod, it isn't worth it.
Posted: 2001-07-27 9:09 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2001-07-27 9:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
Whoa i remembered my pass, haha! Ok so anyways, man! Geez guys this was just my first mod...sesh! Thats ok i didnt really make it for everyone, mainly for me and some friends, and i thought it would be nice sharing it with people. Sorry to have released this here if you all hate it. But as far as the 3do's go for a couple of weapons. First i have to ask, have you ever seen the Guyver Animes, and if you would have seen it and read the weapons discription then you would have already known that there are no models for those, they are suit based weapons which are built into the Guyver. Weapon #2 is Guyvers head laser, so why would i draw a weapon for something that comes out of someones forehead? Weapon #3 is Guyvers Mega Smasher which comes from Guyvers again why would i draw 3dos for those. And you are using the force wrong. I will have to go back and play this again since it has really been months since i have played this, and never released the update with totally new stuff becuase i recieve bad recpetion like this. All i wanted to do was get as close to my editing skills and produce a near Guyver expiernce, not a perfect Guyver Sim i know, but i mainly worked on the skins, speedy play and greet sounds. So sorry i didnt mainly focus on the weapons right away, like i said i do have an update for this and would release if you all really want me to, but if all your going to do is kick it around and make fun of me, why should I?
Posted: 2001-08-28 2:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
This mod rocks! I have never heard of guyver and I stilll like this mod.

3 things though,
1) how about some background info,
2) if they are big robot things, how come their punch sucks so much.
3) Why not give them the activate guyver power and so on at the beginning?

Please do release the update, or put it somewhere, before I get withdrawal symptoms from completing this.
Posted: 2001-10-28 10:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
Aeoris the guyver isn't some giant robot it is a regular guy in Bio-Armor
Posted: 2001-11-17 12:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
Jeez man! This is a Great Mod!!! I had a BLAST the first time i played this! Although the weapons are too similar(ex. #5 & #7)those can be changed. You picked a good looking show to base this on. I am going to try to find it on the web.

BTW. ne 1 who likes this mod but cant find a great level to play it on, my personal favorite for this mod is Atlantis, with out using the flying ability. Atleast try it.

Once again, good job and continue with the mods!
Posted: 2001-12-27 2:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thanx goten, do you have morpheous, search for the Guyver movie "Out of Control"

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