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Spider-Man Cinema Skin Pack: Spider-man & Green Goblin

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Spider-Man Cinema Skin Pack: Spider-man & Green Goblin


In the highly anticipated release of the Spider-Man Movie, here are the Spider-Man movie Jedi Knight Skins. These skins are directly based upon the recently released sketches of the costumes that may be used in the movie. The Spider-Man skin has enhanced force speed, jump, and punching strength. The bryar pistol is also replaced with a "Web Shooter". Yes, it is a hand held one , but it was the best I could do. Spidey can also flip forward, and does a backflip when you force jump backward. Green Goblin carries a sword and a staff that throws an energy blast. I like to call it the "Pumpkin Staff." He also has the stronger punch. You can also find all of my work at my web site:


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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170.2 KiB


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Posted: 2000-09-10 2:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
hay this looks cool!
Posted: 2000-09-10 6:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
That is some way kewl stuff right there... nice work...can't wait to see your next pieces...
Posted: 2000-09-11 3:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
Why is the GREEN goblin gray?
Posted: 2000-09-12 2:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
that was horrible the only cool thing was green goblins staff and that was "taken" from the medievil mod
Spider-Man 4.0
Posted: 2000-11-01 6:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod is great, I've been waiting for this type of mod for a while, but you could add more features as your editing skills grow, like wall crwalling, a really good looking kick, a goblin glider, pumpkin bonbs ( which really aren't that hard to make, just remap the thermal detonators) makeing the webshooter a hotkey, makine a webline, flipping, Mary Jane...I could go on and on, oh yeah, maybe some form of spider-sense. Great mod, deserves a 10.
The Moff
Posted: 2000-11-01 8:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
Wow, this is a great mod! Both Spidey and Goblin skins are great. The spidey saber and goblin sword are very good, the goblin sword does show some white on the edges though. The web spinner actually makes it feel like your spidey and not a Star Wars character its good. Goblin's staff rocks. I would like to see more super heroe mods from this guy he's good. I would also like to see a spidey special edition that changes some or all of the force powers like blinding into something like a web blast that blinds, or turns the destruction into webbing balls, or the force field into a webbing bubble. Spidey is known for that kind of stuff. Overall great mod great job
Spider-Man 4.0
Posted: 2000-11-02 6:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
I have to agree, although i know it is asking much, you could add somemore features, like making spideys grapple a item instead of weapon, web sheilds, impact webs(Force Destruction) maybe a kick. heck, why not make 2 hooks, more realistic than 1. It is just a suggestion. Great mod though, but i didn't really enjoy the green goblin mod, the 10 is for Spidey. Maybe in the feuture you should add a different VENOM!
Darth Maul
Posted: 2001-06-30 2:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, here's the deal. I liked the mod and gave it an 8. but you really should have waited awhile and added some other features. I know it's alot to ask but there are only two things I'm asking for ok? WALL CRAWL (a better one then WOW please, don't get me wrong I like wow and all but I hate that you have to be on a something less then 90 degree angles.....) 2. PLZ MAKE TWO GRAPPLES!!!!! two sepparate grapples on hotkeys.
Posted: 2001-09-04 2:24 a.m.   Report Abuse
Dude u deserve a pat on the back here these were amazing. why dont u do some other spidey skins like spidey unlimeted, symbiote spidey, spidey2099 or scarlet spidey. and if u make green goblin or the hob goblin why not make a glider and some pumpkin bobmbs these were amazing. how come nobody uses these pn the zone?
Posted: 2002-08-03 1:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
Liam Neeson was not the greem goblin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-08-23 3:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
u didn't do green goblin u did DemiGoblin 5 cause spidy is exelent and hes half the mod, so he deserves 10 but goblin gets a 0 :-(
Force master2
Posted: 2003-04-27 1:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
'tis the season 2 b spidey tra la la la la... la la la la! *giggles*

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