4H Gun Yard
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » 4H Gun Yard
This is a medium-sized level built specifically for NF GUNNERS. There are a few structures, plenty of catwalks, a couple of vector thrust tubes, and even a nice little trap. The level is loaded full of powercells, CR's, bacta, power boosts, armour vests, a revive, a healing droid, and some mines. All in all, this level is a MUST HAVE for any NF GUNNER and is a good change from the usual Oasis. It is also an official level of the 4H Clan.
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
LOTS OF MAYHEM IN THIS LEVEL! A litttle variety wouldn't hurt (no offense, man). but anyway the secrets arent too bad. and the big narrow pit kind of got me peeved when i was expecting a secret area.