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Pandora's Arena

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Pandora's Arena


The level consists of an arena area with a bunch of little rooms outside of it. The only items in the level are in those rooms and the only way to get into them is to spawn in them. This level is made for NF games because Force Jump ruins the whole concept.


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Level Info:

File Size:
62.5 KiB
Dark Phoenix


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Posted: 2001-08-19 2:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
I mean no offense by this, but this level should never have been released. This should have just been one of your practice levels. The whole idea of "the only way to get the guns is to respawn" would be ok if the guns were evenly matched up in the respawn rooms. But, instead you have one poor sap who keeps respawning in the room with the stormtrooper rifle, while the other guy has the conc, and pretty much the only way he's gonna lose that is when he runs out of ammo. Chances are by that time, the level of killing he did will already be unbalanced. I have to give this level a 0, it was an ok Idea, but poorly executed. The fun level for me and my friends was non-existant, and sadly, this is the first level I will ever delete from my hard drive. Sorry about that, I just thought you should know.

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