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SotD for March 5, 2024
SMLiberator's NPC Pack
I just... wow. Screenshot taken from the #showcase channel.
Level of the Week
LotW for 2023-10-02
APG Deathmatch Castle 2023

BTW: Massassi is the best web site in the history of the universe! - Otterbine

Monday, June 6, 2005

File Submissions - DSettahr @ 11:59 AM
I've posted roughly two-thirds of the files I have sitting in the in-box. I'll be posting the rest over the next couple of days when I have time to get to them. If you submitted a file and it hasnt been posted yet, don't worry, I'll get to it soon- I just want to give everybody a chance to be visible on the list at the top of the page.
New Jedi Academy FFA Level: The Sanctuary - DSettahr @ 11:44 AM
File: The Sanctuary
Author: Dark Knight
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: The Sanctuary is a small map and it’s purpose is for close quarters combat, small FFA and Ladder style events. It is equipped with only small arms weapons and sabers. The battles are going to be more up close and in your face so make sure your sabers are ready, your aim is accurate and enjoy.
New Jedi Outcast Mod: SBX-JK2 Sabers v5.0 - DSettahr @ 11:31 AM
File: SBX-JK2 Sabers v5.0
Author: ShadowX
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This mod improves the standard sabers and TCK-based sabers both graphically and audio-wise. In SP, all projectiles cast dynamic color glow (as long as it's enabled), saber colors the NPCs have are changed a bit for variety, and the Jedi and Reborn have more balanced AI. In MP, the bots have all been configured to have a better variety of saber colors. New in this release is a better saber core graphic and color alterations to more closely match the predefined saber trail colors, which I noticed makes the sabers look very Episode II-ish now.
New Jedi Academy Mod: SBX-JA Sabers v2.0 - DSettahr @ 11:27 AM
File: SBX-JA Sabers v2.0
Author: ShadowX
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: This mod improves the standard sabers both graphically and audio-wise. In SP, all projectiles cast dynamic color glow too (as long as it's enabled). New in this release is a better saber core graphic and color alterations to more closely match the predefined saber trail colors, which I noticed makes the sabers look very Episode II-ish now. Also, I varied the saber hum, on, and off sounds for all the normal saber hilts since it's boring when everyone's sabers sound the same. I included the better invulnerability respawn and Ysalimiri shell thingies from SBX-JK2 sabers since I forgot them before. Last but not least, here's a fun new feature: when you throw your saber, it still spins on the way back, SBX style. However, this does not work for double-bladed sabers when you've turned off one blade, strangely. In SP, the saber stops having a trail on the way back too, whereas it's fine in MP. Oh yeah, no saber spin sound on the way back either. Oh well, it's still cool though :>
New Jedi Academy Mod: SBX-JA Hilt Pack v2.0 - DSettahr @ 11:21 AM
File: SBX-JA Hilt Pack v2.0
Author: ShadowX
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Utilize 30 additional lightsaber hilts in SP and MP with varied hum, on, and off sounds. Another feature I threw in was having the Luke, Desann, and Anakin (if you have him) NPCs/bots use their correct sabers. The hilts show up in the SP and MP menus now, and you can also select a red blade in the SP menu in this version.
New Jedi Academy FFA Level: New Bespin 2 - DSettahr @ 11:15 AM
File: New Bespin 2
Author: Dom1nuS
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: - Covered the water column to fix visualization problems
- Removed the Swimming pool from the tower in order to eliminate the annoying glare of the water
- Fixed nearly all the lights of the map for the brightness
- Added some secret passages
- Due to popular demand, more people have been added to the prison
- Fixed many textures in the map
- Added AT-AT for decoration
- Added the Jedi statues in the public square
New MotS Mod: Tatooine at War - DSettahr @ 10:57 AM
File: Tatooine at War
Author: Superdog and Alfred the ewok
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: A MOD for Mysteries of the Sith, this one has been sitting around on an old computer for a while. I remembered recently that it had never been released, so I figured I would send it in, for posteriety's sake. It's been so long, I can't say I remember everything that was done or changed. All the weapons and skins were modified, at the very least. I recall thinking this one was quite a bit better than the first mod I made, an earlier version of Tatooine at War. Well, without further ado...

Sunday, June 5, 2005

The Star Wars Cantina Forums Officially Open - DSettahr @ 9:44 PM
Virtual Master has emailed us to let everyone know about his new online community, The Star Wars Cantina:
The majority of my Star Wars site is finally done, and now it's ready for some posts! Registration is required to post, but it is absolutely free to join.
Thanks to Virtual Master for submitting this news item.

Saturday, June 4, 2005

File Submissions - DSettahr @ 11:13 AM
The ftp server for the files has not been set up on the new server yet. I have a bunch of submissions that I can't post yet because I dont have access to upload them. If you've submitted a file lately, it hasnt been posted yet for this reason, not because I did not get it. You do not need to keep resubmiting your files. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 1, 2005

Kyle Katarn & Jan Ors article - DSettahr @ 9:24 PM
Wizards of the Coast has released two interesting articles which detail some information about Kyle Katarn and Jan Ors. There are some rather neat references in there, you might want to look into it.

Thanks to Burrie for submitting this news item.
Da Gamer's Corner - DSettahr @ 9:22 PM
Virtual Master send's us word of his new gaming website and forum:
My friend and I have Finally finished our site, Da Gamer's Corner! Visit it here:

We have worked on it for a month now and it is finally done. If you wish to join the site, it's absolutely free to join.
Thanks to Virtual Master for submitting this news item.
Massassi's Allies are Back in Action! - DSettahr @ 9:19 PM
For anyone who has been trying to access the JK Editing Hub lately at Hellraiser's homepage, the site has returned, but is now being hosted by Massassi. It's new address is

The Admiral's Command Chamber (also known to us as "TACC") is undergoing a site redesign. You can expect some more activity from both of these sites as they bring back some much needed vigor to the Jedi Knight series community! Stay tuned for further progress and updates.

Thanks to Daft_Vader for submitting this news item.
Map-Review starts another contest - DSettahr @ 9:16 PM
Map-review has announced another mapping contest for JO/JA mappers and editors. Check it out on the news page of The contest deadline is June 15, 2005.

Thanks to -Echoman for submitting this news item.
JK Nar Shaddaa link (forwarder) - DSettahr @ 9:14 PM
The following domain name will now act as a forwarder to the Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2 lobbies including Nar Shaddaa of the MSN Gaming Zone so you do not have to remember the url to get directly to the game rooms. still hosts the game even though it is no longer supported by the site and it won't show up on the CD-rom games list. The domain will remain as a forwarder until it expires after 6 months.

The domain name is:

Be sure to sign in your .NET Passport before connecting to a lobby!

Thanks to JohnChaser for submitting this news item. - DSettahr @ 9:10 PM
EAH_XxHeReTiKxX has e-mailed us to let everyone know about, a site dedicated to all aspects of Jedi Knight: Dark Forces 2.

Take a look:

Thanks to ReT for submitting this news item.

Monday, May 23, 2005

Screenshot of the Day Back, Sort Of - Brian @ 12:03 AM
As you can probably see the Screenshot of the Day has been restored. However, it's pulling information from the new design I'm working on over at (which will eventually replace when things get finished over there). So please don't be surprised if there are broken links all over the place on the SotD.
JK Editing Hub Back Online - Brian @ 12:01 AM
After a server crash, the Jedi Knight Editing Hub is back online at it's new domain: If you can't access it there yet (due to DNS issues), you can always get to it here:

Friday, May 20, 2005

New Massassi Madness: A Killing in the Woods - Brian @ 10:19 PM
File: A Killing in the Woods
Author: Kiramin
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Kiramin's directing debut. An assignment from film school. Starring Brian Lozier & Bart Burson.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

New Jedi Knight Program: kthxtri - DSettahr @ 3:44 PM
Ringmaster481 brings us word of a new 3DO editing program which takes textured .95 3DOs and triangulates the surfaces of the model with a single click. The file can be downloaded here. Please visit his thread, as well, to make comments or suggestions.

Thanks to jEDIkIRBY for submitting this news item.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 Domain Transferred - Brian @ 11:02 PM
The domain has been transferred so it should start working within 48 hours.

Monday, April 11, 2005

Forums Moved - Brian @ 7:29 PM
The forums have been moved over, and you can temporarily find them at Once the DNS is transferred, you will be able to find everything at its regular place.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Server Issues - Brian @ 10:37 AM
I'm about to make some pretty sweeping permissions changes on all our files, so if you notice anything wonky in the next few hours, please ignore it. After that, if it's still there, please let me know.

Oh, I am also working on the time zones... please be patient.

Saturday, April 9, 2005

New Server - Brian @ 9:20 PM
Welcome to the new server. Please stop using old bookmarks to until we get the DNS transferred over. There are bound to be some issues, if you find any, please drop me a line.

Friday, April 8, 2005

New Massassi Server Status - Brian @ 8:00 PM
Back in December I promised a new Massassi server. Well it's here. I've transferred all the files over, and as a matter of fact all level downloads are being served from the new server (you might notice the in the download URL). I'd be interested in hearing whether the speed is up to par with our current hosting. I am in the process of making all the scripts on the new server work. Once that is done, I will get a final database dump from recon, import it into the database on the new server, then switch the DNS. I'll keep you posted.

Friday, April 1, 2005

New Jedi Outcast Single-Player Level: Mace Windu: Party Crasher - DSettahr @ 4:03 PM
File: Mace Windu: Party Crasher
Author: Anthony Piggott
Screenshots: Screenshot 1, Screenshot 2
Description: Some strange goings on have been reported and a Jedi Knight has disappeared. Mace Windu boldly volunteers to investigate the spaceport on Malastare and retrace the Jedi's last steps in search of a solution to this enigmatic puzzle.