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Walk on Walls (WoW)

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Walk on Walls (WoW)


Walk on walls, or Wow, as it's fondly known, is a modification to provide a distinct gameplay style. It has many features that enhance the original JK formula. It includes two new Force powers (Force Super Seeing and Force Repel), a powerful grappling hook, three new weapons (shotgun with ejecting cartridges sniper rifle with red eye scope and a concussion rail gun with powerful, instant kill shots), eight new skins (including System Overrides much acclaimed Xenomorph and Elcors wizard skins), random startup surprises (Just listen out for Obi-Wan and you're in for a treat!), and a few hidden surprises.

This mod also includes new movements, including the ability to crawl along on your belly and perform some acrobatic feats. Oh, and you can also walk on walls.

Read the Massassi Review for this level.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
1.8 MiB
Mandalorian Editing Alliance


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Posted: 2000-07-13 4:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
A unique and highly entertaining if complicated mod.
Posted: 2000-07-13 9:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
See if you can find the hidden character in the mod, first person to send me a screeny and the solution gets mentioned on the MEA site :)
Posted: 2000-07-14 10:02 a.m.   Report Abuse
I bet I know how, not too hard Slater. Need to use a program *not going to say what* to open the mod up, and edit a file, least I think so :P. Hehe anyways im about to test the mod, and it looks incredible, and fun. Good job!
Posted: 2000-07-14 10:54 a.m.   Report Abuse
yes in the trade, we call that cheating :)
Posted: 2000-07-14 4:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
Don't worry Slater, I won't tell everyone how to get it... :) I think this is the BEST mod ever. The cog work in this is just so amazing. I still think there's a bug in the Alien skin though. Whenever I use that for about 10-20 minutes, the game crashes out. STILL, this just RULES!
Posted: 2000-07-14 4:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is one of the BEST mods ever made for JK it is highly adictive and makes the game Better than ever this mod is got a resevered spot on my HD YOU MUST DOWNLOAD IT TODAY!!!!
Posted: 2000-07-14 4:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
this mod is amazing, congrats, its awsome!
Posted: 2000-07-15 10:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2000-07-15 3:17 p.m.   Report Abuse
"Oh, and you can walk on walls."

Posted: 2000-07-15 6:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
The author was right. walking on walls is not as easy as it looks. Good mod though. I am having trouble getting the hyper fists to work however. I assume that key combination referes to several keys being held down at once? Or is it a sequence of keys one after the other that activates it?
Posted: 2000-07-15 6:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
a few other quickies...
The sniper gun is buggy. I have to change to fists to get to any other weapon sometimes. Usually after zooming. The grappling hook is great. As good as any other I've seen.

Again...overall great mod...
Posted: 2000-07-16 5:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
without giving too much away, the secret is a sequence of key presses (rather than all at once) and it only involves fists...hope that helps :)

The sniper code will be updated in the special edition as well as a lot of new features. I'm already excited with what my team is doing with the code at the moment.

Oh and thanks for all your comments
Posted: 2000-07-16 12:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
this is a awsome mod walk on walls should be a #1 on MSN gameing zone.But everyone asks.....How do you use hyper fists i was thinking the same thing so if you could send me something to tell me how to use it
Posted: 2000-07-16 12:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
all will be revealed in good time
Posted: 2000-07-19 5:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
I found the secret of the Hyper Fists. First when you bring your fists out punch TEN times with secondary fire, after that keep punching with primary fire until you hear a honk. You'll see your character change a wizard with red robes and he can punch really really fast! I was going around Nar Shaddaa beating people to death with it.
Posted: 2000-07-19 6:28 a.m.   Report Abuse
ok that would work, but its not the exact combination.
Bare with me and I'll reveal all...
Go on to fists,
perform 5 left punches with secondary fire (ignore the right punches just count 5 left)
next, press primary 6 times, you'll hear a honk and laughter and you'll become the wizard. It only works once per level - for gameplay reasons and its rather funny.

This will change for the Special Edition, so you can find it all over again :)
Happy hyper punching and congratulations Paladin
Posted: 2000-07-19 11:49 a.m.   Report Abuse
I think this mod is ACE!!! the ability to walk on walls means fast action packed fun although it can take some time to get used to. In the next update you shouldn`t need ramps to get on the walls. But that apart WELL DONE!
Posted: 2000-07-19 5:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
LOL Crawling on the ground... You look like a roach. It's so funny! How about making the torso move a little ;-)
Posted: 2000-07-27 7:12 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a really good Mod. I give the author(s) a lot of credit for thinking of and creating this ingenious Mod. You need a lot of practice to be able to Walk on Walls, but as you get the hang of it, it becomes easier and more enjoyable. A little bug i found is that after walking on walls, if you choose to walk on the ground, sometimes you end up walking on your head! Pretty funny!

My Rating (1-100)
- 90 -

May the force be with you
Posted: 2000-08-04 3:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
Guess I'm the only one who doesn't like this mod...
Posted: 2000-08-04 4:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
ShadowTiger, YOU AMN-DAY ASTERD-BAY. You ARE the only one that doesn't like this mod! Why dont you?
SithLord Nova
Posted: 2000-08-07 2:16 p.m.   Report Abuse
I dont Like this mod , i thought it would be better since it is so popular.
System Override
Posted: 2000-08-08 10:11 a.m.   Report Abuse
Weyy, i get the whole Screenshot 2 to one of my skins :) An yeah, the Alien skin is a bit buggy, but its not finished, i tole Slater that when i sent it to him, It shouldnt crash the game, its never done so for me or anyone else using it in one of the ATC Beta versions... oh yeah, and another problem with it is the head and torso are constantly lit, which is fixed, an the skin is also taller and thinner, and will probably be in WoW SE. hehe, thats a long msg...
Posted: 2000-08-08 12:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
"Crawling on the ground... You look like a roach."

I resent that comment.

This mod is great, and fun, however, I've only played it by myself, so I can't comment on multi-player gaming.
JNO_ Thrawn
Posted: 2000-08-09 6:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
This MOD is the best!!!! I love the new shotgun and conc rifle!! And the walk on walls is cool!!!!
Posted: 2000-08-16 7:07 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey man,

this mod rock and i would like to see more. if you could put a spider man skin in here are some good add on to go with.a grappleing hook that comes from both hands but has two diff mods of fire like the reg pull up kind and the swing, and if you could put spider powers in there that would be great!!!
Posted: 2000-08-19 1:55 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod is ok . . . but I don't see why everyone is going so crazy over, all it does really is make it so u can crawl on walls and use a grapple

Posted: 2000-09-07 12:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOW (man, that was original!) A great mod. It is best played on nar shaddar so that u can walk anywhere. I hope Rbots on Nar is realeased soon!!!
Posted: 2000-09-11 10:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
I have my reasons. And you can't call me a damn bastard because I don't like a mod
Posted: 2000-09-12 12:51 p.m.   Report Abuse
Tiger, if you don't like it then you should say why, and make suggestions. That way the special edition will be that much better.

As for me I'm downloading now and will give my opinion soon. (But it sure sounds fun)
Posted: 2000-09-18 5:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a Awsome mod i recomend it to you
Posted: 2000-09-26 3:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Wow!!! This MOD is awesome. I love the grapple (way better then many others) and the shotgun. And of course, WoW is very fun!
Posted: 2000-10-07 5:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
I just love this MOD. But, there are problems. Like when your on the wall you get sucked down to the ground. and I CAN'T FIGURE OUT THE STUPID FIST COMBO!
Posted: 2000-10-07 5:29 p.m.   Report Abuse
OH YEAH! I ALMOST FORGOT! IF some one knows the fist combo email me at
Posted: 2000-10-08 11:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod is the best thing t6 happen to jk since ...... i dont know what
Posted: 2000-10-29 9:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
Spider-Man 4.0
Posted: 2000-11-03 7:40 p.m.   Report Abuse
I thought this mod was good, but there was 2 things that bugged me about it, the grapple hook was extremely large, and having to find a sloped surface to climb really annoyed me. After that it ruled, I loved the Alien skin, but maybe if you make a 2.0, add a Spider-Man skin (hehe, most would think I would say that. Hehe.) Great guys. Keep up the good work.
Posted: 2000-12-03 8:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
It's cool, but it should say how to activate the boots and shoot the hook. It's EXTREMELY funny seeing yourself crawling on the floor... :D I'm giving it a seven.
Posted: 2001-03-04 12:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
WOW, this was an extream disapointment. When i first read the description for W.O.W. I thought i was going to be able to walk on walls, unfortunatly this mod only lets you on inclined planes and then(if your lucky) walls. I mean, did you see Neo in The Matrix runing around looking for a ramp before he did a cool wall walk move? Why should I? Other then that the grapple hook and the ability to go prone was a nice touch. But in the next W.O.W. mod will make it so people can walk on walls without having to find a ramp first? Pluse make the weapons mod and the wall walk mod in to files so we can use it with other weapons mods(Like Arsanal3).
Posted: 2001-05-19 10:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
People don't seem to realize that JK can't allow you to walk up a 90 degree angle. I liked this mod because it is a great technical achievement. The only thing I didn't like is everything except the walking on walls ability.
Posted: 2001-06-13 4:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
Pengun is right, however, for playability, this mod really doesn't have anything that makes it "BEST MOD EVER."

Sorryyyy but it just isn't fun
Posted: 2001-07-13 1:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great mod! It would be nice if you COULD climb a 90 degree angle wall though. Also itd be nice if they had a Neo skin in this for fun though.
Posted: 2001-09-20 3:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is a fully awesome mod theres one thing though i'm not sure but is the grappling hook not meant to protect you from falling damage like in UWP 4 and KWP cause if its not meant to protect you from that type of damage its not as fun when using it with the matrix skins pack. Still this is a awesome mod it rocks i gave it a 9.
Posted: 2002-01-01 4:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
The main point of this mod is to let a player "walk on walls." That would be good if it had been done well. But instead, this mod butchers the COG language to perform really cheap results.

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