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Star Wars: Locations

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Star Wars: Locations


A set of Multiplayer levels, based on some of the less seen Star Wars universe:

Docking Bay 94 is an arena level, with lots of Force and guns. Lots of vent shafts.

Ben Kenobi's is more of a guns level, popping up to blow your opponent away and duck for cover.

TIE Interior, is, ahh, a thing of mine. It's got room for two, and two guns. Blast each other. Press the control panel as well.

AT-AT Walker is fun. All the walls are magsealed so blast away with the ST Rifle with the powerup and watch 'em richochet!

ISD Hanger is a large, open, guns 'n force level. It is lower gravity and there are lots of sloped walls to pound yourself off of.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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1.7 MiB


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Posted: 2000-07-09 12:24 p.m.   Report Abuse
Does anybody like them? I can accept heavy flak for the TIE, but hey! I like it!
Posted: 2000-07-09 5:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Let me start by saying this, please for the love of god make more levels, these rock. I even like the tie fighter, it has the virtue of never (to my knowledge) having been tried before. I especially liked your ISD hangar, it's the best interior of an ISD I've ever seen (no offense meant to any other level editors)you should really consider expanding it and your other levels. Bottem line, these are some of the best levels I've seen made out of movie locals, please make more!!!
Posted: 2000-07-09 6:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
Right off the bat, 3 of the 5 levels were great. Docking Bay 94 is a small level, for probably 2 to 3 people, probably using guns, there is really not much saber room there. Ben Kenobies house is a good level, lost of open space. But don't go to far, if you get to far out you start losing 5 HP every few seconds. Lots of Light Jedi power ups around, and I liked the construction. The Tie Fighter level is not even a level, it should not even be in this pack. All it is, is your in a TIE cockpit. Thats It. Don't bring more than yourself for that level, only one will fit. At-At is about the same. Not many weapons, and a very small space. Your inside an At-At walker, with very little space. I would say thats a 2 person level if even that, another waste of time. IDS Hanger is a hanger full of TIE fighters and a Lambda class shuttle. It is VERY large, great for saber battles. 3 of the levels are great I like them, but the other 2 bring down the packs quality. All and all its a good download for those 3 levels.
Posted: 2000-07-10 11:03 a.m.   Report Abuse
Perhaps the tie and the AT-AT interiors would be of better use as part of larger levels, like you would start out in one area, then take a tie or walker to another area.
Posted: 2000-07-10 11:08 a.m.   Report Abuse
I LOVED these levels!

They really bring a feel of the movies to JK.

As for the TIE Fighter and ATAT, sure they may not have much room for fighting, but they look great and would make terrific cutscenes!
Posted: 2000-07-10 3:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
I guess I am going to be the first to disagree with everyone else. I DID like the levels, however, I didn't like your obsession with guns. I don't think that Old Ben would have that many thermal detonators lying around in his house. And, why do you lose life if you go too far away from Ben's home? I did like the clock idea in the ISD, but it was too small. my favorite was the Tie Fighter, there is no room for much movement, so nobody can run away. I do have to say that you did a good job on the levels themselves, but you should make them larger, and lose the guns in Ben's house
Posted: 2000-07-10 3:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
I forgot the AT-AT, I like the movement of the ground, but you should have it take you somewhere, make it like a transport, it gets to a certain place,and stops, allowing you to get off and fight in a different area
Posted: 2000-07-10 3:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
Thanks all. What people don't realise I think, is that there are 3 TIE cockpits. If you press the dash, the others blow up. :)
Posted: 2000-07-19 11:39 a.m.   Report Abuse
I love these levels! Please make them for MotS too!
DarkMaul 2
Posted: 2000-08-04 6:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
The levels were fun, but the TIE fighter was retarted, Ben Kenobies house is the best, but go outside of his house and you got problems. For the most part the whole level pack was great, though. I think the ATAT saved it. And did anybody who saw the movies realize that Ben Kenobies House was built in to a cliff?!?!?!?!
Posted: 2000-08-25 6:36 p.m.   Report Abuse
*alt tabs out of game* THESE LEVELS ARE GREAT!!!!!!!! MAKE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!! PPLLZZ!!!!!! 8^D
Posted: 2000-09-29 1:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
here is an idea, how about the ewok village in the trees but you can walk on the forst ground to.
Posted: 2000-12-09 8:10 a.m.   Report Abuse
I've just noticed this is one of the highest downloaded levels here! Thanks a lot for giving it a chance. It means a lot that it hasn't been slated or sunk like all my others.
Posted: 2001-01-04 9:36 a.m.   Report Abuse

Yes, there is MORE THAN ONE TIE, and when you click the buttons in the cockpit, you look in a diff TIE and see another player. These levels are great, I loved all of them! Make more please!
Posted: 2001-01-15 5:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
These levels are fun. Most of them are movie realistic the only problems I have is what are you suppost to do in the tie level, and Where is the cliff at Kenobi's house?
Posted: 2001-11-19 8:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
Excellent concept, but the levels are small and don't do well in extended gameplay for my purposes.
Obi-Zahn Kenobi
Posted: 2002-03-09 6:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm trying to download this but it won't. If you see repeated downloads of about 3, I apologize. It's not working. However, I'm looking forward to downloading this.

EDIT: The download worked. I think Massassi may be trying to save bandwidth by only allowing a few downloads every minute. horrible deal for us Cable people.
Posted: 2002-12-15 11:33 a.m.   Report Abuse
Force master2
Posted: 2003-02-07 1:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
most of the levels were good, but the tie level is boring! you even shoot the other players, and you're not going anywheres!

Ben kenobis house was great, but what exatly is there to drain your health? It should be a saber level (those kell dragon heads looked like they were going to bite!)

AT-AT walker was too small, and you couldn't get out side, use the bike (it just explodes) or use the guns!

ISD Hanger was really well detailed, but would be better if the clock was the right way around/up!!

Falcon hanger (as i like to call it) had only 1 vent, but is a good getaway place!

All should have secrets in them!

but a great level pack all-round!


Force master2
Posted: 2003-02-12 12:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
I liked all levels.
I wasn't too sure about the TIEs. I was wondering, do I need a second player and then a movie will start?
But then I realized that this level is just for fun's sake.
I somewhat liked the AT-AT. But I feel that there can be a little more. Hay Jenny! How about you make it possible to take a walk on the outside?


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