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Advanced Grapple Mod

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Advanced Grapple Mod


The Advanced Grapple Mod is, well, a grapple hook that is useable in single and multiplayer games. It has a faster travel velocity than most other grapple hooks, and works much the same as the grapple found in the excellent SPORK patch. Also included are new grapple sounds made specifically for this kind of mod, so no more boring JK sounds. Read the ReadMe.txt inside for more details.


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File Size:
109.1 KiB
Hemi Cuda


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Posted: 2000-08-13 3:21 a.m.   Report Abuse
This was a very good mod. It is compatible with a lot of patches which is the best thing. Grappling hooks rock and help out in lots of Single Player games. Great mod keep it up!
Posted: 2000-09-22 10:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
I liked this mod straitaway with its own sounds and messages,the hook also flys at just the right speed and feels like it shoud do.just one problem it dident work in single player mode at all for me.
Posted: 2000-10-02 7:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
Did not work well. In all games it would fly up, down, or not hook on anything. the one from SPORK is better.
Posted: 2000-11-21 4:27 p.m.   Report Abuse
Good mod, it's good seen better one could be worked on. I wish it pulled you the entire way there and shot straight instead of shooting sideways and kind make you bounce up and down in air. Improve it just a little and it will be an awesome mod.
Jedi Master Jay
Posted: 2001-01-07 6:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
well, this is a good grapple mod for someone who is starting out in mod making and wants a decent grapple, there are a ton of better ones out there that can be used especially the one in KWP or UWP4 those are among the best, still for a first time editor like me, this one will do the trick =D

Posted: 2001-04-12 1:31 p.m.   Report Abuse
I think this is the best grapple mod ever! Keep it up!
Posted: 2001-05-12 11:38 p.m.   Report Abuse
it cancelled out all my weapons and it shoots sideways..... i got confused real easy....... will someone make a better grappling hook?!?!
Posted: 2001-07-05 8:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
well, since the comments are so different, i have absolutly no idea if i should get this.
Posted: 2001-08-13 11:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
I gave this an 8, it's pretty good. At first the text displays correctly, but then later on I had these weird messages that were full of nonsensical text, and even one time the sound went out, but over all the mod's pretty good, I haven't tried it out in mutliplayer, but this mod makes the entire single player game a breeze. If you want a little fun, attach the grappling hook to a Mailorc in mission 3, the things can go ballistic, it's real fun. It's hard to go up and down with this, but it's possible, since you bob up and down when you attach the hook and approach the point it's attached you can take advantage of this and use the momentum to go up and down, the cool thing about this is that you can climb all the way down that tower in mission 5, you can go many places, the only problem with this is that the scripts interfere with all falls, bumps, and hits, making the game a little less realistic.
If I could add/change anything to this mod, I might make the gappling hook travel in an Arc(for realism's sake, and when you want to travel up a tower it would make it easier) and I'd add the ability to rappel(meaning scaling down a tower, you run backwards while holding onto the rope and descending) or you could make it so you can reduce the tension on the grappling hook and let out more rope(thus lowering yourself) this would make the mod a little more enjoyable, I think.
Posted: 2001-10-08 3:54 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a bad mod. the grapple never goes where u want it to go. and it seldom hooks anything. if u want a great grapple hook, see EWP or KWP. i gave it a 1 because the sounds where great.
Force master2
Posted: 2003-04-22 3:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
ex_man, you SHOULD get this, and anything else that is good (8 or better on most scores)

only thing missing is a rope... or something
Posted: 2004-07-10 1:05 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod was really good. Except that I did find a problem, When you launch the grapple into the sky it will attach to something and just pull you into random places... usually it tries to pull me into the ground... But it was a good mod!
Posted: 2005-12-03 11:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
The worst grapple MOD i have ever downloaded. Waste of time. I shoot it and it hooks mid-air. i shoot straight up and i get pulled towards the floor. I was pwnd by my mates when i tried an Indiana Jones impression to get away. Man o' War's grapple hook was better, and you had to hold down the grapple Key. waste of time. sorry, I'm not always this bad ]_[

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