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The New Empire

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Single Player Level » The New Empire


The first level of a new eight level series. The Imperial Moff Dargon has constructed a deadly new device- the ageing cylinder. It is protected at a new Imperial base on a remote planet. One person with the location of this base is Jaffo, a notorious crime lord and dealer with the late Empire. In this first episode, you must infiltrate her base and transmit the location of the Imperial base to the New Republic.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
3.0 MiB
Chris Swan


Score (0-10):
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Joh-Ni Paman
Posted: 2000-07-18 7:04 p.m.   Report Abuse
An exceptionaly well put together level(s?) it could be a little bit better in terms of skin choice. an also, it should be easier to be able to find out how to get through the third level. ( i went on a crazy rampage and destroyed everything i could until i found out what to break.) I think he should continue the levels so i can find out what happenes next. (by the way, chirs, you should have something blow up to ddestroy that certain thing.)
Posted: 2000-08-14 3:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
The architecture is nothing special, but I enjoyed this a lot, and that's what matters. The first cutscene is brilliant, more ship cutscenes should be made.
Posted: 2000-09-04 8:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
It was an O.K. Level, nothing exceptionally grabbing really. But making these will give you more experience, maybe your next one will be a killer level.
Bahamut Summon
Posted: 2000-10-16 12:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
Bahamut Summon
Posted: 2000-10-16 12:57 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ooops...Just realized i posted this in the wrong place...Meant to put it into the Kyle and Yun vrs Jerec
Posted: 2001-01-08 3:02 p.m.   Report Abuse
I gave it a 10, great job. (even though i had a saber slashing rampage to destroy what i needed)
Posted: 2001-01-11 7:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great cutscenes, some of the best I have
seen. Alot of good architecture(especially
in the third level). I didn't like some the
texturing though.

the third level was kind of hard. I was running back and forth shooting and slashing everything looking for a passage.

I am downloading part 2 now. Can't wait to try it.

Jedi Slayer
Posted: 2001-03-18 12:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
A well put together level. Not many flaws that I could see. Cool beginning cutscene.
Posted: 2001-04-28 10:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
Great first level. Love the opening cutscene. Keep up the good work like to see more from you in the future.
Posted: 2001-05-21 2:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
This level is lush! But how do u complete it? Any- one who sez this is crap, well i'd like to see them do better!
Chris Swan
Posted: 2001-06-20 11:16 a.m.   Report Abuse
I didn't realise I hadn't posted here about this. I've only responded to comments on TNE2. Anyway, thanks for all your comments.

DaMaster: Tell me where you are and I'll tell you how to do whatever you need to.
Posted: 2001-07-12 5:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is one of the best downloads ive ever seen i like the 1st level is the best so far cause i am only up to level 2 this level is a good challange it takes roughly 45 minuts to complete the 1st level id give this seires a 10/10

Posted: 2001-08-25 12:12 p.m.   Report Abuse
Sounds good. since i hardly play jk anymore since i started playin MotS... the scary thing is i don't know why...
Posted: 2001-09-09 6:36 a.m.   Report Abuse
Very cool level!10
Posted: 2001-09-16 5:11 p.m.   Report Abuse
I just played "The Fall of Junsoft"(my favorite level) but I must say that this one is another first-class level, means 10/10. I cant whine about anything lol
Posted: 2001-10-24 7:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is an excellent set of levels. I'd say that it is one of the better Single Player downloads for Jedi Knight. There may be a few difficult parts, there maybe a few minor problems in the "graphics" department, but, other than that, this is worth the download. (It's large for those poor 56k people, like me).I know this came out a while ago, but, I'm about to download the Second part. I'm sure this one will be good, too. L4T3Rzz
Posted: 2002-03-09 9:18 p.m.   Report Abuse
WooooHoooo!!! I aboslutely LOVED this!!!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-03-09 9:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2002-03-15 8:28 p.m.   Report Abuse
It was good...well done, and well textured and all, but I wasn't real impressed. I give it an 8.
Posted: 2002-03-28 11:38 a.m.   Report Abuse
This is an awesome level; he includes new enemies
Posted: 2002-04-19 1:45 a.m.   Report Abuse
Fantastic level! Just great. Small problem: I can't get into the inner parts of Joffo's base because the Greedo behind the first door wouldn't open it. And in the first cutscene, about one time out of ten, the pilot would actually get eaten.
Posted: 2002-07-03 9:48 p.m.   Report Abuse
Not bad of a level. It was challenging. At the first time I quit the level becuase I thought it was boring although later on I decited to give it another try and I finished it. It was a good-level not bad atall..
Posted: 2003-04-26 3:20 a.m.   Report Abuse
I see the abusive comments have now been removed. That's all I wanted. I have no problem with your new comments, although I obviously don't agree with them, but at least they're not senseless abuse like your other ones.

There's lots of things in there that you have completely misjudged, fabricated and have got wrong.

People can judge for themselves whether to download this level or not by taking all the comments into account, not just yours, so I will say no more and let this be the end of it.
Posted: 2003-04-26 3:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2003-04-26 1:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just for the record:

"Due to the author's continued verbal abuse against me"

- You call my asking you to remove your original abusive comments verbal abuse? Hmmmm.......

"the first cutscene shows the Moldy Crow fly at a ugly giant box, and then another Moldy Crow appears and blows up for no reason"

- It crashes into a cliff! And it's not the Moldy Crow anyway.

"and the pilot falls into some water wehre he manages to impersonate Christ and walk away to safety"

- This is blasphemy, not to mention totally wrong. He does NOT survive, he falls in a river and dies. How you missed that is beyond me.

"Once into actual gameplay, you experience giant boxes tilted at different angles"

- This is totally fabricated. There is absolutely no evidence of boxes tilted at different angles.

"killing strangly placed enemies who shoot themselves more than you"

- What are you on about? Of course they don't shoot themselves.

"Finally you get into the pirate base made of ugly boxes connected to boxs by boxs with hundreds of enemies in-between"

- Ummmmmm... No. Just no. There's not even a hundred enemies in the whole level and you never fight more than about six at maximum simultaneously!

"Finally, you get into the throne room with annoying music, 4 clones of that insane Boc"

- No. They are not clones of Boc.

"and a super (and ugly) Gamorrean which you can kill with your fists"

- Ugly? Have you ever seen an attractive one? As for the comment about killing it with the fists, of course you can! You can kill almost any enemy in the game with fists! So what's your point?

"Then comes another, longer, uglier cutscene in which pirates and stormtroopers fight continuously"

- Utterly fabricated again. Two pirates kill two stormtroopers. With a single shot.

"and rail-charge laden stormtroopers fire aimlessly across the sky."

- They fire at a bridge!

"Then, after running, and shooting through dozens more boxes, you must cross a box-looking canyon with no possible way of crossing...BUT YOU DO!"

- Of course it's possible to cross it, because you do! It's not like you miraculously appear on the other side or anything. I don't see what you're getting at.

"There you are captured by about 1/1000000000 the amount of enemies you find in any other box"

- That is the most ridiculous statement of all, and is obviously totally fabricated, just like the rest. At NO TIME do you EVER fight ANYWHERE NEAR the amount of enemies that capture you.

"and then there's that really annoying 3 year old voice-over."

- As for that, I've no idea what you're on about. There are no custom voices in TNE1, so I don't see how you heard anything like that.

If you're going to give me negative feedback, at least tell the truth. Most of what you have said is completely false.

Alexi Stukov
Posted: 2003-07-13 9:56 a.m.   Report Abuse
Level Design: Basicly, the author uses two or three textures the entire level. Part of the base are full of cramped hallways and corridors, while others are humongous open spaces filled with just about nothing.

Level Gameplay: Basicly you spend more time fighting mutants in caves or sewage systems than you do pirates or Imperials.You get about 20 minutes of gameplay filled with 10 minutes of cutscenes that are mediocore in my opinion. Puzzles are either to simple, or impossible because there's no light.

Overall: Simply put, the New Empire offers nothing new in gameplay, or features. Added to poor architecture and unneccesaryily boring cutscenes, I was left with an overall sense of wasting my time. If anyone is reading this review, this isn't worth the time it takes to download it.
Posted: 2003-08-25 11:05 a.m.   Report Abuse
Guys, go easy on him, jeez. Lol, I dunno who made all those crazy comments, cause all his posts got deleted, but maybe he was high when he played it, I dunno.

Anyway, there were some intriging parts. I *hated* the mutated Gran monsters. Not that they were a bad idea...I just couldn't stand them. Lots of water monsters, that was a challenge.

And actually, everyone says it's nearly impossible to finish the third part, and it is, but it's my favorite part because it's so ingenius. I actually couldn't figure it out, so, using the fly cheat, I flew to where I was sposed to end up, then traced the route backwards...very well thought out! :)

Not that I would call this a perfect level, it had a lot of flaws, but no reason to flame or anything. Swan, are you going to make the rest of the series? I only see 1 and 2 here (downloading 2 now, though I think I've played parts of it before)
Posted: 2003-12-27 4:35 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm stuck under the throne room, after killing a kell. I can't find a switch to open the door there. Any help appreciated!

Update: After reading the walkthrough at TACC, I guess you need to be *inside* the room with the kell when you kill it, in order for the door to open. I stayed safely outside the room while I killed it, and the door did not open.
Posted: 2005-10-26 6:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey, great level, but I did'nt realize the trando's were on my side till halfway through it, why are they helping me out?

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