The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » TODOA MP
Hi guys this is my first level. The main TODOA map from 2008 adapted for JK Deathmatch, support for 18 players at maximum - note that there may be issues with performance. Requires the Jedi Knight Unofficial Patch 2008-01-16 as available on JKHub. - recommended to be played with Jedi Knight Enhanced.
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
This is a historic moment!
Item placement for MP is... interesting. Lots of super shields and weapons power-ups, but rail detonator and conc are no where to be found. I did manage to find some rail charges, so maybe... somewhere in this vast level are the big guns.
Everything else aside; this level is amazing architecturally. If nothing, run through it just to checkout the detail. It's a shame this never became single player. It's so stinkin huge all you would have to do is add some enemies and a end point and whala... single player! Let's hope the new TODOA sees the light of day.
Edit: SPOILER!!! Found the rail detonator. Very well hidden on the far end of the level. You need force to get it, or if you are handy with mines... ;)
2nd Edit: Geeze, there are a lot of secrets. Check out the forum for this project on JKHub.