Hallway of Crates
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Hallway of Crates
As the titles indicates, a long room with the crates (from bespin mining station) in it. Plenty of guns and items to collect. Suitable for up to 8 players! But there is one mistake, Every player will get force powers of dark and light, I accidently checked the box! Protection and Deadly Sight are included too. I hope you will like it. More Information is in the Zip.
Level Info:
3D Preview
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
Practice more in JED and create your own unique level(s), something that's more then just a box or rectangle.
Before you say, "you read the manuals and guides?" the answer is yes.
I really cannot get the hang of it. JKedit is more easier and now its freeware!
hmm Lets see...
1997, 8 YEARS.
I've seen boxs of doom before. This just takes the cake. For a game thats been out this long, you'd think you would show a little more than whats been done so many times before.
Final Verdict: 2/10
Also, there will always be people starting out with map editing, so the age of the engine they are using is no good reason to criticise someone's work.
or JKEDIT...
I hate seeing in 2D!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and download Game Spy...
I had it but i didn't really like it as the company were telling me to change setting in the firewalls and NAT's and proxy servers... which i am like what does this mean...
* Must be installed on your computer.
Ive been JED Editing for about 3 yrs now.
JED does do 3D viewing ( press the F12 - preview mode ). That will show you your level as if you were playing in it; then you can use the 'arrow keys' to move around in your level, and the 'a'(up) and 'z'(down) keys, as well as, 'page up' and 'page down' to get better views and perspectives.
In 2D mode, you can use shift+1 (top view of the grid), shift+2(front), shift+3(side view) to help you get a better picture of what it looks like in a 3d environment.
To help you see your newly added items (3DOs) as they should be...
You might also want to press F4- Map settings and click 'Set as default' (that way, once u setup jed as you want it, it will always load your settings).
When you design your level, pretend to be a player in a MP game, and think of your level as someone elses as you move through it. Then think to yourself as you explore, ok...what do it need to make it more fun? Do you think as you quickly turn around the corner, there should be a ammo pickup here (or something simliar). Create new things, and places as what is inspired by you as you play it. Remember, people love to use Force, so any chance they get (or you get) to add obstacles and things that ppl can do this. Add it.
-high ledges (jump)
-chasms and catwalks to (speed) over
-traps (forcefields, grenade/detonators)
-items that are out-of-reach (force_pull)
-throwable boxes (force_throw)
Personally, I try to make my levels so ppl have options for nf, ff, guns and sabers. But if you narrow it down to one special type; it will be easier to figure out what and how to make your new map.
I hope some of this helps.
It is always good to see a new editor.
If you see me online (MSN= JAS_Palidori), I might be able to help teach you some things about JED Editing (hotkeys, making doors, etc). The essentials.
[ btw, the full_manual_JED is an invaluable reference guide when learning new things for JED ]
Hope to see a BetaII sometime.
** bows **
Keep on truckin buddy.