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Con Krape Canyon

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » Con Krape Canyon


Welcome to the Latest in the evergrowing Dralloc Series! Con Krape Canyon - Dralloc Sirhc 2! This is a highly detailed Conc Rifle DM level aimed more for advanced NF and FF gunners! Like it's predeccessor, you have Full Ammunition, 3 Shield Vests, Various Bacta Locations, Sniper Points, and Launch Pads! New features include Global Gravity Control, Rail Detonator, PowerBoost, ManaBoost, Surges, and a place to chill when you need a break!

Due to this level exceeding standard engine limitations, a patch is included with this download. It is the JK Enhancement Patch. It simply changes the number of visible sectors JK can process at once. This means JK can run levels that are far more detailed than traditional "Old Skool" levels without any graphical errors. Installing this patch is highly recommended.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
1.8 MiB


Score (0-10):
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Posted by
SM Mister Moe
Posted: 2005-06-07 2:00 p.m.   Report Abuse
Always terrific Beef. I'm a big fan of the lighting.

//And an even bigger fan of your level naming conventions ;)
Posted: 2005-06-08 8:09 p.m.   Report Abuse
I must be one of the few people who don't like this level for some reason. *Shrugs*. Mind you, the level design and textures look fantastic, but maybe it's because I find myself gravitating to old school classes like Merc Oasis 2 or JI Oasis if I want "hardcore" conc battles.

I gave this level a 9 simply because I have tried it on my own "older" comp, and while it ran somewhat decent, I'm still an old school fan of MO2 and similar levels for conc battling. Two, I also preferred Beef's older works the last few years. ^_^
Posted: 2005-06-13 2:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
It as an ok level... It was kind of boxy, and I dont agree with the use of Concussion Rifles as the only weapon.
Posted: 2005-07-23 8:30 a.m.   Report Abuse
I'm downloading this as soon as I get to school (work computer). Looks fun! Who still plays?
Posted: 2005-08-17 12:34 a.m.   Report Abuse
Another excellent work by BeefCaike!

Okay DSettahr, lets play a pick-up game. You can use any weapon in the game, but I will "pick-up" a conc and blast you as you try to hit me. ;-)

I think Beefcaike was going for a "Merc 2 Oasis" kind of feel for this map, which makes it so everyone has a conc (or more accurately, can easily get one), even in large games, and nobody can whine "You didn't beat me with l33t skillz, all you did was camp the conc!" In fact, it's taboo to "no-gun" someone in this style of game. Simply put, this style favors skill of movement and aim, rather than weapon timing and trying run from someone who has the conc in hopes that he gets close enough to raildet. It's more based on gameplay than how "beautiful" it is.

I didn't think it was too boxy, did you just get done playing 20 hours of Half Life 2? The gameplay was kept fluent by the placement of certain architexture (for lack of a better term) that allowed you to get around quickly or "regular" jump to a higher place that you wouldn't normally get to if you didn't know the trick.

My only gripe is that it has too many vests, but I won't mark against that as it's only adding a new element of play, and knowing when and where to be somewhere can make sure that you get the vest, while shooting your opponent in the back while he's making a break for one. It does make it hard to kill someone 1v1 though.

I didn't notice any flaws other than that one personal gripe, and I don't mark off for "personal preferences"

## Level Design ##
1 for architexture
1 for lighting
1 for texturing
1 for weapon placement
1 for item placement
## Level Fun Factor ##
1 for fluent gameplay
1 for consistent size
1 for secret areas
1 for replayability
1 for originality
10 overall
Lib Sa Norec
Posted: 2013-07-02 5:19 p.m.   Report Abuse
I don't like conc-only levels very much, and the texturing is a little boring...

Other than that, 8.
But +1 point for the name:
Con-Krape Canyon
Conc-Rape Canyon

Total: 9

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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter