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Jedi Knight Advanced Beta .02

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Jedi Knight Advanced Beta .02


The next version of JKadvanced is now released. Many bugs seem to be fixed. The mod now includes special weapon options for most weapons, new lightsaber(this time I didn't screw it up), able to block almost anything from any angle, and some redone force powers.

Hint: To be able to activate the extra weapon options, set a key and the direction your moving determines what to do... Standing-3rd fire, Forward-pistolwhip, Backward-drop current weapon, Right-lightsaber stance. -3d accel is required for the new lightsaber 3dos to display properly.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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2.2 MiB


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Posted: 2004-07-19 8:44 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2004-07-19 10:43 p.m.   Report Abuse
Pretty cool... still seems incredibly unfinished tho. Here's my beef:

-Kyle seems a little ill-proportioned... new MATs might be helpfull, too.
-Saber doesn't dither right on its right side... perhaps a misaligned texture on it's 3do?
-Just don't like the repeater's model... maybe model it after the heavy reapeter in JA and make it functoin the same?
-Rails shoot way too fast
-Smoke sprites are way off... looks too fake
-Conc has a plasma setting?? I'd throw it out. Seems far-fetched for a conc, and it isn't really unique compared to the other weapons
-Are those thermal dets? They don't explode right.
-Making some realistic explosions, sparks, and blast marks would really help this mod.

I forgot to check out the force powers, so no comment there... I did however love the pistol, rifle, and especially the crossbow models.

I gave it a 7... but I know you can make this a 10
Posted: 2004-07-20 12:18 a.m.   Report Abuse
Though seems a bit unfinished, still a great mod.
Posted: 2004-07-20 4:22 a.m.   Report Abuse
This was a really great mod. You did a really good job of the weapons I loved the saber the new force lightning and destruction the guns were awsome aswell. Also the ir goggles had a REALLY nice effect.

Now id like to say a few things I think would improve the next jk advanced.

-I found at a lot of times I went to stun the enemys with the storm trooper rifle and I was moving so I did a pistol wip or in the bad senario I droped my gun. I think you should make 3rd fire a different key to the others.

-One thing I would have really liked would have been if the ai used the guns you had. e.g. The reeys with thermedets chucked concussion grenades instead.

-The dodging system was done nicely. However it was possible to use the dodging system over and over in mid air to allow your self to fly. If possible make it so you cant dodge in mid air.

-This is a small bug I doubt anyone noticed but if you use the stun setting on an enemy you have already stunned he drops another guns evan though he doesnt have one.

Thats it from me but id also like to say that the new high poly player models were really good and made it fun to play as kyle. Also the new bowcaster I found it very cool how it actually flicked out.

I give you a 9, it was highly enjoyable, if you do the above mentioned stuff for the next release id definatly give a 10.

Posted: 2004-07-20 1:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
Great that something's being done still for JK, these are the things that are keeping it alive for some of us.
Posted: 2004-07-20 2:26 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice. Only, for some strainge reason, my player disappeared.
Posted: 2004-07-20 7:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm a harsh rater, ask any of my once enemies, now friends. I don't over rate. I don't over gloat, and I most certainly do not praise.

You make me break my own rules.

This mod, while even in it's unfinished state, is of supurb quality. Lacking in massive bugs that other, more flashy mods carry with them. This mod runs smoothly, almost too smoothly, for my liking. It's NOT JK anymore. It's advanced. The player model is beyond anything either I or even Rutherven have accomplished, and quite frankly, it puts us to shame! The weapon effects are great, and the saber glow is spot on, as well as the saber animations. Very well done. I give it a 9.5, rounded down to a 9.


[check your e-mail]
Posted: 2004-07-21 7:43 a.m.   Report Abuse
Wow... i remember way back when when we would play mos espa rpg with bfp2x (i also remember the walk on walls cog :D) lol that is if ur the same Ace u sepll ur name that way so :p nice mod man love it
Posted: 2004-07-21 1:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Playing further, I opnly have a few complaints. One, the blaster shots cause a massive shockwave beam that seems to go in random directions. Too powerful, it looks like the enemies just vanish, or even worse, the beam hits you and you find yourself far far away from where you were. Make it a lot weaker, and always send the force forward from the hit, so the enemies are shoved slightly back. Second, although it is extremely fun to use the rapid fire or the laser on the Mega Weapon of Doom or whatever it was called (Should be called the BEST WEAPON EVER MADE :D), both of those modes didn't use any ammunition, which makes it really fun with the rapid fire especially, but not realistic. So, change the blaster shocks and the ammo used for those two fire modes for the conc replacement weapon, and it should be good to go.

Now, for the good things! I loved all the weapon models, especially the projectiles. never had so much fun with the repeater rifle before, and it is great with a tighter aim angle on the secondary fire. The bowcaster charge is much better than the one from the original game, and for once it's not some hack for thermal detonators or rail charges, but an actual charged shot! :P

The lightsaber could have been improved, though. I don't know what I don't like about it, but it is a lot harder to fight with than the original, for some reason. Oh, and you go invisible sometimes, I think you were making fists a spectator mode thing but haven't finished it, and I can't get dive to work, and change modes only works with the ninth and tenth weapons,you should make all have it. Oh, and have another mode on the ninth weapon that shoots those lasers the remotes use, but at an incredibly fast rate. They are weak, but really good if they look like a continuous laser. (Maybe lengthen the projectil 3do a bit so it looks like one laser?)

Well, long post I know, but out of things to say. You'd better make more versions of this! ;)
Posted: 2004-07-22 2:34 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is one of the most enjoyable Jedi Knight mods I've had the pleasure of playing.

Quickie Review: This mod recreates the old Jedi Knight weapons into more advanced weapons that are more powerful and versatile then their predecessors... not to mention better looking. Projectiles are a lot prettier with new explosions and some much cooler impact effects (instead of seeing the same impact effect, it sparks in different directions each time). Playing this mod literally feels like somebody modernized the game by a few years.

Suggestions: The direction-based 3rd fire button is confusing and hindering to use in combat. I recommend setting a seperate hotkey for the more general functions (ie drop weapon). A few more dodges would be cool too.

Bugs: Some of the fire modes on the Conc Rifle replacement would not drain ammo.
Whenever you picked a object up and threw it, a invisable shadow of it would remain in the spot where you first grabbed it. After about 15 seconds or so it would respawn in that position.
Once when I was playing the single player mission where you fight Pic and Mourn, the platform 3do that hovers in the center got deleted while I was standing on it.
Those are the only ones I've seen so far. I'll report more when I see 'em.
Posted: 2004-07-25 1:25 p.m.   Report Abuse
I'm sorry, but I just have to say, did you even test this? The mod looks nice... for a second or two, but there is just a plethora of bugs. Bugs upon bugs...

I'll make note of one. Someone mentioned earlier an added "force". I believe this is incorrect. It actually seems to be a messed up spark template. The spark for some reason is very large... (Covers the length of the screen generally). It touches the player or victim, and sends them flying. After this happens, the external player model is no longer visible (only partially true... with repetitive similar blasts, I have seen the player model, though it had become textured in a yellow orange texture all over, and still didn't look right...). These blasts seem quite common. I've also noticed them to a cause a teleportation effect (actually, I think I might've been shot through a wall to another sector, but I don't know. I just was in a another location which wasn't directly connected to where I previously was, so a normal vector wouldn't have worked) I was just looking at a screenshot, and what I mentioned about the player model/force blasts seems to be even odder, after having been blasted once, losing external model, and then blasting again, I managed a screenshot. In the screenshot, Only the upper half of the player model exists. It seems to be the normal Kyle model though retextured with powerboost mat, there are three seperate copies of it at once, each with sparks and smoke beneath it. Really very odd. I've had a random template show up on the repeater, I don't know why... It's almost like a weird spark template coming from end of gun. It wasn't there when first using the gun, but after some movement and errors, it showed up. You can pick up AI actors, and throw them around... I have noticed respawns in picked up objects, sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. The whole thing with picking things up could cause some major problems elsewhere. The ST rifle shoots two projectiles instead of one, which increase the chance of an error spark it seems. In one of the concussion rifle modes, particles are emitted after an explosion, while not really an error, it looks odd, simply because they always have the same 3d orientation. So shoot one wall, they are emmitted parallel, shoot another next to it, and they are perpendicular. I've noticed the lightsaber fail to block several times... at all. You're bowcaster jerks around. This seems to do with autoaim code, as it locks onto an enemy, and will then sorta jerk away. With this odd autoaim, there can be a significant difference between crosshair and aiming position. On conc, I've only noticed rapid fire to not use up ammo. Not technically a bug, just a side effect, but your smoke sprites or anims, make 3do's behind them disappear. Can look rather odd at times. Sometimes your sparks show up, sometimes they don't. I've noticed at one time, only one spark would appear, completely perpendicular to ground, looked rather odd. Another time they were all completely parallel to the ground, creating a 2d feel. There are more bugs, but I don't care to list them all. Oh, I'll mention one... Can't be used in MP. It'll load, but after a minute or two, it crashes JK. Not sure why.

ST Rifle - Shot's seem to be a bit high for the aim. And perhaps a bit more aim control would be nice, or at least in primary fire.

TD's... control with distance seems to have been removed. Even a light tap throws it hard and fast. They should explode, not be smoke bombs.

Repeater, just looks odd. Shot seems different somehow.

Rail Det - They really don't seek that well. So limiting the ammo to 10 is rather annoying. They only seek if they are already rather close to an enemy, and then don't turn well enough to make much of a difference.

Conc Rifle - Overly powerful, and more modes than really necessary. Though a simple sort of accurate fire would be nice, like the original secondary fire.

Lightsaber, please, just leave secondary fire alone...

As for weapon functions, yes, place these on seperate hotkeys. Drop for instance. Perhaps add a tertiary fire which is pistolwhip for some, or a third function for others.

Your dodge, is more like leap. It covers way too much distance. The animations also don't exactly link up. Perhaps something more like UT's dodge?

I'm getting tired and can't think of much more right now.
Posted: 2004-07-25 4:53 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod was very fun! The only two things i thought were annoying, were the spars from the guns that sent enimies, or yourself flying, and that i couldnt change my lightsaber color at all, it was always blue. Im not sure if that was mentioned, or if its just my computer, but i wanted a diffrent color besides blue. Besides the saber color I thought that the lightsaber was the best looking Jedi Knight moded saber I have ever seen. Keep up the good work and this should be very fun.
Mort Rouge
Posted: 2004-07-26 8:07 a.m.   Report Abuse
Nice mod! It rocks!

I found something...

The pistol is very unbalanced cause if you rapiditly press first and second fire it will fire about three shots in one. Not good.

And I think it's very strange that you can carry around those amount of guns, can you make so that you can't carry all of them in another version?

Also, the heavy support. Why don't make a new model where you instead use your repeater but with a longer barrel and bigger magazine... I mean that it's just a modified repeater. You should also take some time before it's fully set up...

The conc is really unbalanced with that amount of weapons... Why do't make it so that you need to pick up packs for them? Like, you can have 2 packs, so you can choose for example a blaster and a laser or a repeater and a conc?

Can you add proning? You could add it to the dive button, when running forward, you prone instead. Pressing backwards would of course make you throw yourself backwards but you can't just stand up like that.

EDIT2: Force absorb. Why not add a shield around you like with force protection (Tough better looking...) and add a sound effect?

Great mod, I give it a 9, tough it's unfinished. Final version will be a 10. Keep up the good work!

EDIT: I like the Thermal Detenator explosion, jsut like in KotOR!
Posted: 2004-08-02 7:58 p.m.   Report Abuse
This mod seems to have a lot of interest already, maybe you should contact some other posters and ask them to help you fix the bugs and glitches in this. Oh, and for the last poster, Mort Rouge, there's already a mod somewhat like that, Galactic Civil War :D one of the best mods ever made.
Posted: 2004-08-07 6:56 p.m.   Report Abuse
Man, I cant beleive that people are still making JK1 mods!! I mean WOW. Thats dedication!

btw good job!
Bus Driver
Posted: 2004-08-11 6:32 p.m.   Report Abuse
And I say to myself, I need exact change.
Darth Slaw
Posted: 2004-08-19 12:22 p.m.   Report Abuse
Very nice. Much improvement over the first one. Weapons are nice, and the thermal explosions, though unlike real td explosions, were very cool
[edit]Nevermind the omitted comment that was once here -- it isn't the concussion rifle anymore :rolleyes:[/edit]
Projectiles are good, but they are created a tad too far back -- behind the barrel of the guns.
Speaking of the guns, weapon 5 is neat. I think you should have kept the desintigration/incineration bit though.
Bug with weapon 2 -- rapidly tap Fire2 and you have rapid firing; I'd think you wouldn't want this.

Keep working on this mod! You get an 8.

From a 10 second rampage with the saber, it looked really good (I was playing against the RBots and ran out of ammo :o ).
But I found some more bugs (they exist in MP; might be SP as well -- didn't check).
1. When you die, then respawn, your old pov template is still there, as well as a newly created one (seems to be fixed by jumping into a pit).
2. Changing from weapon 6 to 7 via "Next Weapon" hotkey crashes JK.
Posted: 2005-08-07 1:42 p.m.   Report Abuse
this is great, but i still need fix with st rifle, that mega kick by blaster bolt is sick! i cant play with it, even with cheats! someone help please!

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