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Yenn Korron Series: Chapter 2

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Single Player Level » Yenn Korron Series: Chapter 2


This is the second chapter in Pagewizard's Yenn Korron Series, entitled "Infiltration at Halma Spaceport".


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

Level Info:

File Size:
5.9 MiB


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Posted by
AnKura KyouOso
Posted: 2004-06-28 2:35 a.m.   Report Abuse
Pretty good level has a good lay out and textures....u really have to run around in this level...although the sword/knife was very cool...can't wait to see more
Posted: 2004-06-28 6:42 a.m.   Report Abuse
O.o You actually released it! Great work.
Posted: 2004-06-30 1:13 a.m.   Report Abuse
VERY impresive level. The architecture and overall design were unbelievable and I could definately tell you put your heart and soul into making this level. There were alot of things that hadn't been "cleaned up" like surfaces still set to "geo 4" when they shouldn't have been and skys that hadn't been flagged. However, other than those things it was amazing. The wrench was a bit too difficult to find. That was a problem. The new gun was VERY sweet. This was a great level and after playing through it I truly am amazed ANYONE could have pulled off something like this. (Oh, and I hate you for making MY project look like trash.) ;)
Darth Vedder
Posted: 2004-07-10 8:23 a.m.   Report Abuse
Very nice level, good thing you finally released it!
Posted: 2005-05-28 11:04 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well, I only just got around to playing it today, but I must say I am very impressed.

The summer's arrived, so I figured I'd get my JK/MotS fix and play a good 'ol SP level that I'd never got the chance to try before. Being a fellow editor of these games, I was looking for some inspiration and was curious to see how this level would be carried out, plus it just sounded fun. :)

The end result was very pleasing. A good, long level, with very non-linear gameplay, and a beautiful spaceport layout. I must've had a good 30-40 minutes of fun with this one, although a fair chunk of that was spent looking for the first wrench (I agree with Axis it was a bit hard to find, but very rewarding upon discovery). The enemies were unique but not terribly challenging. I also think the end was a bit anti-climactic since the level was finished with relative ease upon clearing out the bad guys. A final boss battle would have been better, and some of the cutscenes seemed a bit rushed.

Don't get me wrong though. This level was highly enjoyable from start to finish, with some great gameplay and a fairly good storyline. I hope to see some more levels out of Pagewizard - I have a newfound respect for his editing skills.


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