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16bit Wind Temple

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » 16bit Wind Temple


This level features 16 bit textures, traps, cameras, Artificial intelligence, and more. This is my first level.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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267.9 KiB


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Posted: 2004-06-23 3:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Your architecture is pretty decent for your 1st map. It's a shame you really can't tell, due to the lack of lighting. A little lighting here and there go a long way. There's no point in using such nice 16bit texties if yer gunna leave 'em fully lit. Just something for you to keep in mind for your next map.
Posted: 2004-06-27 10:53 a.m.   Report Abuse
this lvl has many secrets u must find. u can go anywhere in the lvl u just have to find the secret hidden rooms.
Posted: 2004-06-27 10:57 a.m.   Report Abuse
For a first attempt, I applaud you. The colours in this level were very vibrant and the textures artfully chosen.

The general layout was conducive to some strategic gaming, however powerup placement struck me as a little bit in the category of a "grab-bag".

Here are my suggestions for future projects of yours:

1. Was the floor made out of sand? If so (and it might have been stone, I couldn't tell), you can set surface flags to make it sound like earth, which in this case will do well as sand.

2. The water mat didn't really strike me as very alive. There's a LEC cog 00_conveyor that you can use to make the mat seem to gently drift.

3. Make sure you can access all the areas. I didn't know how to get back up the the main area when I fell down that first pit, and the switch didn't seem to do anything. Also, there were a lot of powerups on the roof, but how do you get there? I guess mods with jetpacks might allow you, but I'm unsure as to whether anyone would use them on this sort of map.

All in all, I give your JK debut a 9/10. It wasn't the level to end all levels, your second one can be that ;], but it was a very decent level in its own right. Consider it a job well done.

For those of you who want a new, fresh, and short JK multiplayer level, the Wind Temple is for you.

o crap messed up entry sry. this was submitted by lord_grimath or something lol
Lord Joker
Posted: 2004-07-30 5:33 p.m.   Report Abuse
Alas this might be the last Dark forces 2 level! it is a sad thing

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