The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Multiplayer Level » Rats
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » MotS Multiplayer Level » Rats
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3D Preview developed by Stephan Reiter
This is very well done, and the textures are all scaled impressively for a miniplayer level. My one qualm is mipmapping. You can turn it up in the level header editor screen in JED, and it'll reduce or eliminate the blurriness you see in the mats when you get really far away, which is all the time in a big, open level like this. Also, and this is just a design issue, and it's your call as the editor, I thought it would've been kinda cool to turn on the television. :S
Anyway, I rated this 8/10.
Keep up the good work!
lol nice job