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Remnant Temple

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Outcast Single-Player Level » Remnant Temple


Before Desann went on his force rampage at yavin he had a small backup plan. He created an Imperial base on a next to a large sith temple on a distant unmarked planet that was used thousands of years ago. It is rumored that it is still up and running and after he was destroyed that several of his Reborn and other troops fled to this base. Many have also heard that there is a secret inside the temple that could be used for evil purposes if it fell into the wrong hands. A rebel fighter passing through after a mission found the base in a canyon and reported it. Now Kyle has been sent down there to see if they are using the temple to train troops or even start a new resistance. Apparently Desann protected the temple from easy entry though. Kyle must go into the base and get the key to the temple, then go into the temple to see what they're using it for.

This first mission is Part A. Getting the key is quite a challenge and there are quite a few bad guys. It can be beaten on any game level because it has been tested on every game level. Part B is the actual temple part and it is going to be even more fun. Have a good time!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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File Size:
1.4 MiB
Prince Xizor


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Prince Xizor
Posted: 2004-06-12 8:19 a.m.   Report Abuse
I might add that there is a huge secret area in one part of the level. It is also very hard to figure out how to get in it. Ill give you a hint though. You have to use force push. Please write here if youve found it.

Also any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Posted: 2004-06-12 10:46 p.m.   Report Abuse
Nice level. i haven't finished it yet, mainly coz i'm not damn good enough to take on SIX or so reborn at once.
i like the architecture and the layout of the level. very nice.
i found a small bug. in one section (where you get the keycard that's sitting on the box near the electrical zapper thing) if you look through a grate in the wall, you can see through the other walls.
i also think that throwing umpteen reborn at you at once is alittle much. sure it's a challenge, but it's frikkin hard.
not level for n00bs.
i also thought some of the design of the canyon walls at the start could've been a bit better, rather than just having texture change, a bit of 3D work on that would look much better. you really only notice in the intro sequence, but just a point of note for me.
overall i thought it was pretty good though (from how far i've gotten).
gave it an 8.
Prince Xizor
Posted: 2004-06-14 4:26 a.m.   Report Abuse
Yea i do like good challenges in my levels. A tip: I usually tackle them on hard saber style. If you get good with the angles and such you can clean them up nicely. Also go into the situation in force speed. It slows em all down. But thanks for the comments and I hope you play my next one.
Posted: 2004-06-25 4:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
This level was great! I like fighting multiple reborns at once, but i HATE fighting a rebornboss and a shadowtrooper at the same time.One ALWAYS chokes me while the other saberthrows. It's good to see that even though JA is out, people are still making levels for outcast! Great level Prince!
Posted: 2006-07-26 12:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
This was a cool level. It had some good combat sequences and very nice mapping. It was flawless, and my only problem was that sometimes it took a little running around the same area.

I gave it a 9. A must play.
Posted: 2009-01-16 8:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
OMG DUDE! this level is awesome, i love the challenge.. so epic, but i do agree with whats-his-face over there about the hills outside, they could look a little more like... well.. hills.. -_- but thats not important! :D

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