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The Bunker

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » The Bunker


Deep underground there is a bunker. In this bunker is a weapon store room, a cafeteria, a whole fleet on a mission to go to the planets core, a temple, 5 or 6 different hidden cameras, a teleport room, a gun training room, a garrison, the main monk of the temples room.

NB:You can't get to the planets core, and that's thats why you teleport away from it.

Special thanks to _yo_starwars4 and _WBR_CL_VulcaN for beta testing my level and also for _yo_starwars4 for giving me level ideas.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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366.9 KiB


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Posted: 2003-12-13 12:45 p.m.   Report Abuse
Just a bunch of boxes with different things in each. Try to add more detail to your archi.
Posted: 2003-12-13 12:49 p.m.   Report Abuse
I agree, although im having a bit of deja vu about the gundam skin... did you make it or rip it?
Posted: 2003-12-13 1:01 p.m.   Report Abuse
Gundam skin was made by SavageX
Posted: 2003-12-13 9:10 p.m.   Report Abuse
Alright guys anyways im now making a new level which i think will be much better that one was just to start to learn JED
Posted: 2003-12-13 9:13 p.m.   Report Abuse
I know guys its crap lol but hell first time and yes ober it is from savage x just cause im a fan of gundam
Posted: 2003-12-13 9:39 p.m.   Report Abuse
BTW Maverick i didnt rip it its a mod which just changes skins yah fool
Posted: 2003-12-13 11:59 p.m.   Report Abuse
Its ok for your first time. You need alot of improvement in alot of areas however. First off the map made no sence. Plain and simple. It doesn't look feel or in any other way resemble a bunker. It's just a bunch of inturesingly combined boxes. Some other things you might want to consider on your next map:

1.) Shy away from LEC textures, the tend to make a level look worse than it actually is.

2.) Flag your skies do skies normally look like they have a boundry?

3.) Try and make actual doorways. The paths you have in this level are too small and having to jump into a small hole in the heat of combat is near impossible.

4.) Avoid using conflicting color pallates. In one of the ss's and in some places in your level the pallates clash and create that beautiful shade of pink we all know and love.

5.) Overusing 3do's isn't always a good thing. I think you overused your 3do's due to the mass number of ships and the lack of space to put them in your bunker. Try and make the number of ships flying out of the bunker propotional to the amount of ships that could actually fit in the base.

Overall it's pretty good for your first level. I think really all you need to do is think your levels out more and get a little more comfortable with JED and you'll be making great stuff in no time. I gave you a 3/10 due to the various problems it had. You definatly show potential keep it up! =)
Posted: 2003-12-14 12:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
100% agree with Swedish. lol.
Posted: 2003-12-14 5:14 a.m.   Report Abuse
BOX! B, O, X! Jump in a Box!
The only thing that kept me in there was me trying to find every room in this level. I couldn't find the dining room and so I kept going until I found it...
Posted: 2003-12-14 8:44 a.m.   Report Abuse
Its in the ship ontop on the temple u go jump on it and u get to a room from there u go down to a bunch of teleporters and in one of them is the dinning room
Posted: 2003-12-14 8:48 a.m.   Report Abuse
BTW thank u swedish i kind of noticed my rooms didnt really make it look like a bunker but oh well and yah im going to make better doors on my next level but my jed wont make more than one door most the time that works so im going to do it a little different but u will see ;)but thanks guys im deffinitly going to work on my new level and its not going to be like this piece of $#1*
Posted: 2003-12-14 12:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
Posted: 2003-12-16 4:05 a.m.   Report Abuse
It was a good idea at first, but I have to agree with swedish and I have a few things to add:

1. When taking screenshots, use a mod like SBX that dosen't show any weapons in first person view, then make screen size 10 to take the picture.

2. There is a lot of HOM, and the weapon placement was horrible.. All those repeaters for god knows what reason. Plus, make the core of the planet kill you, but not with a pit cog :P Because that wouldn't work very well without editing.

3. about the ships thing.. you can make the ships already in the hangar and make them fly towards the core, not just make a ton of ships representing flight.

4. SMALLER ROOMS. I've tested so many maps for people, and if they are new, the rooms are always too big. Remember the scale, about 1 JKU is about.. 10 feet methinks?
Posted: 2003-12-18 3:08 p.m.   Report Abuse
Yes i know my new level is going to be better btw my weapon placement wasnt ment for fighting every where and also if u looked right under those repeaters is a perfect place to practice ducking and shooting and finnaly i didnt know how to move the ships on their own

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