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WAR Clan Inn

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Multiplayer Level » WAR Clan Inn


This map is dedicated to the WAR clan. Well this level is basically a big fortified hotel that our clan "sleeps in" and defends from enemy attacks. Enjoy! This map is pretty fun, however a bit "boxy" in some areas. It contains quite a few secrets too.


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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1.3 MiB


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Darth Slaw
Posted: 2003-11-29 4:20 p.m.   Report Abuse
OK, just hold on, because I typed a much longer review than I expected, and my fingers are tired.

This level is more boxy than described. There is an outdoor area with hills, etc that is pretty well carved out--looks almost real. Good landscape items were common. The flag outside was petrified, though. The interior bears a resemblance to Caesar's Palace (architechturally, if it's even a word), posted long ago. It does look like a hotel, but it gets monotonous to look at the same exact design on every floor. It should have at least put in some paintings or more furniture, etc. as each and every room had the same compostion: a bed, a tv, and a bathroom.

There were some bugs, too. Stitching errors existed, though only minor--didn't really notice unless you were looking for them. One bug that REALLY STUCK OUT was the fact that the water-tube-elevator became a hall of mirrors, outside and inside. Became incredibly difficult to navigate unless you could see a door. And speaking of doors, it doesn't look loke someone used basic door-implementation techniques, as the doors went out of sectors (for all of you who don't know what that means, the doors went out of the level's play area).

The level design outside was decent, but inside, it plain stunk. The only way off a floor was the water tube, which only led to other floors or the roof (excluding the main floor, which held the front door as well). The only other way to the roof was an elevator apparently designed to let terrorists sneak into the top floor :) . The windows should have been breakable to provide another route out of the building. We also have a pool outside that is large but serves no purpose. Also outside is a giant garage door that leads to WAR HQ, which can be downloaded at a web site that is printed on the screen.

Overall, I give this level a 5, because this level was ok, but needed much improvement.

[edit] WOW! 20 minutes typing and still first comment!
Posted: 2003-11-29 5:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
OK... Nice... Fun... Didn't find a secret... Oh wait, found one! Nothing inside...
And your website, or is it does not seem to respond, or is inexistable. My Proxomitron on Opera says:
Host Name Lookup Failed

The Proxomitron couldn't find the site named...
Check that the name is correct. If so, the site may have changed or may no longer exist.

I won't mind walking into your HQ and grabbing a cigar...

Darth Slaw
Posted: 2003-11-29 7:50 p.m.   Report Abuse
Ok, little revision in need. I didn't edit so I'd still have the first comment, and because someone else commented after me.
Remember when I said that the water tube thingie was a hall of mirrors? Well, either the mod I loaded (UWP4:PD) or the fact that my PC's graphics got messed up before I started playing apparently made that occur. I don't know. Anyway, it isn't messed up for me anymore (I was just playing it w/Goldeneye on, and it was fine). Also, I found a secret area (which Edward brought up, I think) and was almost completely dismembered, due to the fact that I've remapped my ctrls to JO and am still getting used to that config. I must have missed it because when I played it the 1st time, it was a hall of mirrors and I didn't see the water tube go down further.
Now that I fixed the error in my review, I'm going to explore the level a bit more.
Oh, and my rating boosts to a 6 since that big bug I "found" didn't really exist.

Well, I looked in the UWP4 gob, and, sure enough, the sabergreen0.mat and ...1.mat files were made transparent. One of these was used for the wall textures in the water tube, and, since there was no adjoin on those surfaces, there was the mirror effect. The Goldeneye mod apparently doesn't modify these files, therefore not causing the effect to occur.
And I found that hangar room that I couldn't find before.

['nother edit]
UUUrrrggh! Okay, this just occured to me. Any mods that make lightsaber blades invisible by the use of transparent textures will cause this problem. Be aware of this when you load your mod(s).

[yet another edit]
HAHAHAHA!!!! I just have to share this! There is a switch outside the building in the shadows that I only saw w/Force Seeing on, and it calls for a "SWAT Team" consisting of about 10 stormies and grans, 2 mailocs, and a drugon in that pool that "has no use." I activated the button 3 times, didn't realize there was the nation's armed forces-worth of bad guys around the corner, ran around the corner, practically got incinerated, jumped in the pool 4 cover, heard growling, saw a swarm of drugons closing in, jumped out of the pool, and charged the 30-40 stromies with an energy mace (PWP2) for about 3 seconds before I died. That was probably the most active JK playing I've ever done in my life! The mailocs were too busy staring at the wall to see me.

Posted: 2003-11-30 2:37 p.m.   Report Abuse
Very nice. Like they said, put more vairty (sorry if misspelled) into the rooms. Also the watertube is a good idea, I wish to see that in more levels. It is VERY laggy, especially when you go into pool or go into the watertube. Maybe it would be better if you added the ability to fire from the turrets on the roof, and make them pointing down where the entrance is. Change the floor color inside. Making it look like a rug would be nice. Also the exterior of the building, why the grassy color on it? IF its not for hiding the Inn, maybe make it look like a building. The SWAT Team was a great idea but sawn the mailocs closer to ground like over a little overe the pool, that way you don't need to jump up right below the mailocs to get attention.

Very good level and hope to see more.

My rating: 7.5/10
Posted: 2003-11-30 4:15 p.m.   Report Abuse
hey guys..the lightsaber mat glitch with mods was listed in the readme...i didnt even hear of stitching until the day after i posted this level....theres not much i couldve done with the rooms cause it really put a hammer on my 3do usage....i couldve put pics on the walls to spice it up a bit that was a good suggestion....about the website on the door....yes the website was moved to a different site.... ....forgot about that....about the secret rooms....ill hint you to their locations....theres on elevator in the most detailed room in the...theres a hidden hallway near the rail detonator....there are 4 hidden turrets near the entrance....there is a hidden exit at the bottom of the the hangar room there is a hidden room with camera consoles and theres a hidden elevator....thats it i tihnk....thanks guys for takin the time to play/critique this level

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