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Jango Fett Skin SE

The Massassi Temple » Levels/Mods » Jedi Knight Mod » Jango Fett Skin SE


This is the Second Edition of the Jango Fett skin I made last year. Many people requested that there were more skins so here they are! Firstly, Jango has been updated to look even better (the last version if you look at the textures he had little multicoloured pixels on him. That's because when I first did it I created new images the size of JK one's and my brother came up and said it's better to just do it over the top. I was almost finished when he said that, so I just copied and pasted them over the top but they were on 24 bit colours so all the pixels appeared and I didn't know how to get rid of them). The other skins are a Blue Mandalorian and a Red Mandalorian, I will release a new pack with more but I can't think of any colours, can you guys gimmie a hand any suggestions are fine (except PINK!) I hope you like this version!

P.S. I know a lot of you guys think JK is dated but I just want to keep it alive as long as possible!


screenshot 1 screenshot 2

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188.7 KiB


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Posted by
SM NightReaper
Posted: 2003-11-07 10:47 p.m.   Report Abuse
worst Jango Fett Skin iv seen yet i give u a 4 just for attempting
Posted: 2003-11-08 12:59 a.m.   Report Abuse
Its not the "worst"

I've seen worse then this, this is actually pretty good for a first try, But, although the front texture is decent. I have seen much better.

Try making it more realistic, maybe a bit shinier, and finding better textures. Maybe making a new model for it.

The helmet textures were too solid. other then that, and the legs, Good job.

(Not rating this because I haven't played it)
Posted: 2003-11-08 4:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
Meh, I suppose it's ok for a JK model, but I have some suggestions for your next one:

- More details, and don't use solid colors

Dents, dings, scratches, burn marks, sniney reflective spots, all these you'd find on Jango's armor no doubt... he's a bounty hunter who's had his share of close calls. Put more detail into your next model... even little things add up.
Posted: 2003-11-08 5:29 a.m.   Report Abuse
I like the first shot! Reminds me of Charlie's Angles!
Posted: 2003-11-08 6:46 a.m.   Report Abuse
Well since my JK isnt working i had to try this out at my friends. They arent too bad. OH! SM NightReaper, i havent seen one thing on massassi by you so maybe u shouldnt be such a jerk when posting. I give it a 7/10
Posted: 2003-11-08 8:52 a.m.   Report Abuse
Looks like the .mats were done in Paint, thats problem number one. Photoshop or the newest version of Paintshop are practically necessities for decent skins by todays standards.
Posted: 2003-11-08 1:41 p.m.   Report Abuse
Um. Nice attempt, but, like the other guys said, try making it more detailed and not so much of a "Fett model painted completely red". Also, to the dude a few comments above who said it was quote "cool because it reminded him of charlies angels", Congratulations. You succeeded in destroying all hope I had placed in mankind.
Posted: 2004-11-16 8:14 p.m.   Report Abuse
This is a realy cool skin pack.
if you arn't looking for total realism (an come on if you play jk you aren't) these skins rock. we need more solid colors in skins, instead of the crappy textures everybody and his brother does.
these are some of the best skins ever and i wish everybody made skins like this.

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